[reiv:] presents MAURO PICOTTO (Italy) 29.10.2010 @ Siirtyy pois Tivolista. Uusi tapahtumapaikka The

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Posts: 769

#1 • • Edited [reiv:]

[reiv:] is proud to present one of the few true superstar dj's in the world,
the one and the only "Lizard man":



* Multimillion selling electronic music artist
* One of the most respected DJ/artist in the world for the last 20 years
* Musician, ex member of Cappella, originator or 80’s Raf
* most succesful dj/producer from Italy
* 7 solo albums out
* Several UK top #30 hits. Highest position in UK chart #5, #13 & #15
* Topped few times Italy #1
* First DJ to perform live on BBC Television's Top of the Pops.
* Run award winning “Meganite” at Priviledge/Space Ibiza (now 8th year)
* Has voted the best Ibiza DJ and similar other winnings too many to mention
* DJ mag TOP100 highest techno dj
* Producer of legendary 49rs, among zillion others
* Remixes for Freddie Mercury, Jimmy Somerville, Pet Shop Boys and U2
* A living legend.


Mauro Picotto @ Meganite Ibiza

Mauro Picotto @ Sensation Black

[reiv:] 6th anniversary with MAURO PICOTTO

The Circus | Narinkkatori 1-3 Helsinki
Open 21-04 | Ticket from www.tiketti

Afterparty at Neo
Vuorikatu 2 from 05:00-11:30


Mauro Picotto is an Italian DJ who began his career in 1984, at the age of eighteen, at a club in Piedmont called Top Sound. Following his studies he devoted himself full time to his passion as a DJ and in 1988 he became a finalist in the Italian DMC. In 1989 he won the Walky Cup Competition, broadcast on TV, which enshrined him as the best Italian DJ.

The same year he devoted much of his time to the production of his first album as R.A.F., and he soon became one of the leading producers at Media Records, of which he would eventually become a partner.

In the meantime he began to produce himself, releasing massive tracks including Bakerloo Symphony, Iguana and Komodo to name a few, though his fame is mainly due to Lizard, a track that turned into a musical style, receiving awards and accolades from all territories, pushing Mauro to the Olympus of the Top 10 most popular DJs in the world.

In 2001 he began his metamorphosis, leaving Media records and creating Bakerloo and the label Alchemy. His productions would vary in genres from dance to trance, the most sophisticated techno to an evolution of all that is homemade music.

In 2003 Mauro Picotto created Meganite - Electronic Music Lifestyle - a successful club party linked to the best DJs of the moment. For the Meganite events he has had on his side top artists known today as Chris Liebing, Marco Carola and Adam Beyer, all playing alongside Mauro as Meganite resident DJs. Since the very beginning, the selection of artists chosen for Meganite has been of the highest quality for an evening mainly based on innovative electronic music, a cocktail of pure energy and emotion.

Mauro Picotto has released over 600 productions and numerous remixes, and to date he has sold over six million copies worldwide. He has played in best clubs with the most famous Djs, as well as having participated in all the major events, from Love Parade to Creamfields, MTV Festival, Winter Olympics in Turin, Ultra, Time Warp and Awakenings.

In 2010 Mauro released his new album, which anticipates his impeccable and unique style for dance music lovers.

Mauro is resident in Italy, and in addition to collecting air miles, he lives between Spain and England where he has family. You can follow him daily on Facebook (Meganite & Mauro Picotto) and on Twitter (MauroPicottoDJ).

Posts: 361

#2 • • ohgreat Efialtes (Distortion)
Viimekeikka Planet of Loveil iski ainaki itelle sen verta, ja mitä oon nyt miehen uusinta matskuu kuunnellu ni voin kyl ehdottomasti sanoo tulevani tänne. Hyvä bookkaus kiitos [reiv:]! *plur*
Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#3 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]
hitto ku näit hyvii bileit on näin paljo täs syksyn/alkutalven aikana. :D ei riitä aika eikä rahat kaikkiin. :(

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.


Posts: 3,594

#5 • • tomii kallion herttua
Ei niin minkäänlaista hajua mikä on Picotton nykytila, mutta silti: ehdottomasti harkintaan. *joo*

reivaan kunnes kuolen

dj upi

Posts: 1,835

#7 • • dj upi
Bermudas Call

Posts: 73

#8 • • Bermudas Call
No jopas!! Ei tällasen kurkon vierailua voi kyllä väliin jättää :)

Posts: 5,560

#9 • • m1kk3 no-life
Väliin jää nämäkin pakottavista syistä. Ja vittu että vituttaa.

Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 769

#11 • • [reiv:]
Hei kaikki!

Tapahtuma siirtyy pois Tivolista The Circukseen.

Posts: 769

#12 • • [reiv:]


21:00 Mr A & Eliot Ness
00:00 Mauro Picotto
02:15 Orkidea


05:00 Taste
06:45 Eliot Ness
08:30 Cib
10:00 Upi
herra tassu

Posts: 282

#13 • • herra tassu
pakko kysyä että mikä on tuo mörinä-pörinä biisi tossa radiomainoksessa??

Posts: 3,891

#14 • • ValaX
Hyvännäköinen kattaus olis kyllä. Perkele kun ei pääse:(
Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#15 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]
hitto ku ois tehny mieli lähtee, etenkin jos nää olis ollu siel tivolis, mut huomenna hautajaiset ni ei oikeen kykene. :(

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.


Posts: 898

#16 • • eugina YleX tt-i *sydän*
paljoks hinta on ovelta?! ei oo osunu silmää missään *ding*

*nuotti* I can see the light of hope in your eyes *nuotti*


Posts: 771

#19 • • Edited orkidea
Innolla odotan illan juhlia. Omasta levylaukusta löytyy tällä kertaa pelkästään teknompaa matskua ala Umek, Marco Bailey, Spektre, Modeselektor, Funk D'Void, Christian Smith... Picotto oli viime vierailulla Kaapelilla timanttisen kova ja kun Ana & Eliot on messissä niin odotukset illasta on musiikillisesti korkealla. Tänään [:reivataan]!

Posts: 2,098

#20 • • SamHard
Onko järjestäjillä sen verran kusta päässä ettei osaa säätää volumea oikein?
Haluatteko että jokainen
kuuntelija saa kuuluvaurion! ?

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