STRÖM 29.5.2011 @ Turku

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Posts: 5

#1 • • Strom
sunnuntai 29.5.2011, 19 - 01, K18, ilmainen @ Laituri / Turku

John Major (rubiX)
Defa (Club Overdrive)
Jarier (Resident)
Lunardust (Resident)

This is the second Ström evening and our distinguished DJ guests this time are John Major and Defa, both familiar faces in Turku.

John Major (rubiX)

We are proud to present John Major, one of the residents of the stylish techno club rubiX. John Major has been playing records since 2001. This was the result of one and a half decade of listening to electronic music. However, the real inspiration of deejaying was born, through a few years of clubbing and partying, being on the other side of the decks. Initially Johns' style was trance with some progressive sounds, but nowadays his sets also encompass deep, progressive, tech, house and minimal sounds, stylishly mixed. John has played in several clubs in Finland.

Defa (Club Overdrive)

Defa, Rami Saarinen in real life, has been around for a long time in the electronic scene in Turku. He is probably known by most as one of the figures behind the club Pinky.

Jarier (Resident)

Jarier began deejaying in 2003 when he bought his first pair of Technics and he has been collecting and playing vinyl ever since. Jarier's current style mainly consists of all types of techno. However, there is a small trancehead deep inside Jarier's mind, who drives Jarier to play minimal trance and neo-trance every now and then.

Lunardust (Resident)

Dj Lunardust, real name is Mikael Kakkori, began playing records in his bedroom in 2001. This after being inspired by dj-mixes made by the big time Dutch trance djs of that time. In 2005 Mikael moved to Turku, Finland. Being brought up in Stockholm, Mikael came into contact with many different styles of electronic music, especially Swedish techno. This legacy followed Mikael to Turku, where he established himself as DJ Lunardust. After appearances at events hosted by organizers such Diiva UG, Luna, Turunskene and X-Rust, DJ Lunardust has stepped forward into the electronic scene in Turku.

Posts: 5

#2 • • Strom
19:00 - 20:30 Defa

20:30 - 22:00 John Major

22:00 - The End Jarier & Lunardust

Posts: 1,495

#3 • • KeijoK Member of L.I Groovecommunity | 1845 Celebrity Ale
Kiitos pojat! Musiikit ja hyvä sunnuntaifiilis kohdallaan! Eikä siinnä Koffin Porterissakaan ollut valittamissa. *pepsodent*

On myönnetty se että nämä mekanoidit ovat syntyneet valmiiseen maailmaan joka on katettu voittopositioilla


Posts: 1,845

#4 • • ipe X-Rust / Holvi
what he said ^


I am 100% certain that Elwira and Miss Jarea are just two sides of the same person and this whole thread is just a really good promotion/publicity trick. And this is a fact.
- jUSSi


Posts: 110

#5 • • Leonides
Harmi kun en päässytkään paikalle, raskas työviikko vei voimat. Ensi kerralla sit! :)
Pete Input

Posts: 454

#7 • • Pete Input Asiantuntija
Musat oli ihan jees ja olut maistui hyvälle.

Input Sessions