Futuristics presents: Cathedral of Trance 6.4.2011 @ Tampere

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Posts: 257

#1 • • Edited Futuristics

Futuristics presents: Cathedral of Trance @ Senssi, Tampere 6.4.2011

6.4.2011 @ Senssi, Tampere // 22:00-04:00 // 8e (+ cloakroom payment)

We welcome you to enter the Cathedral of Trance. The venue will be transformed in to a completely new reality by combining strong driving trance music with 3-dimensional decorations, "out of this world"-fluoro paintings and hypnotic visual projections. Prepare your senses for ground shaking and... earth quaking experience.

Futuristics Stage:
Poliisi (Clinic, Germany)
Vertical (Parvati Records, Finland)
Azar (Syn4ps3, Triopsy, Finland)
DrS (Plauge, Finland)

Tampereenpalmu.fi Lounge:
Hosted by Tremont (Futuristics, Finland)
Tim&Tom (www.timntommusic.com)
Noble Jr

Visuals: Ajaja & Jlöf

Futuristics Team & TBO

Senssi, Pirkankatu 8, 33210 Tampere



Need a place to stay? Special prices in Dream Hostel for people attending to this party:

* 2 people room 60€/night/room
* 4 people room 88€/night/room
* 4 people common room/bed 25€/night/person
* 10 people common room/bed 22,50€/night/person
* 10 people womens common room ensuite/bed 25€/night/person
* 16 people common room/bed 19,50€/night/person

+ LATE CHECK-OUT 12 p.m. :)

Reserve with
e-mail: [email protected]
calling/sms: 045 2360517
Remember to mention the reservation code “FUTURISTICS alennus”
when reserving a room.

Posts: 186

#2 • • tr3montt
Kovat bileet tulossa*joo*

Posts: 257

#3 • • Futuristics
Futuristics Stage Timetable:
22:00 DrS
23:30 Azar
01:00 Poliisi
02:30 Vertical
03:30 end

Posts: 1,097

#4 • • Auacusha Koneradio
Harvemmin olen katedraaleissa käynyt mutta tämä vaikuttaa niin omanlaiselta messulta että joutunee tukemaan *hymy*

Ootko hieman ryynejä vedellyt kenties kun aivot tuntuu vähän flippaavan?
(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 1,097

#7 • • Auacusha Koneradio
Sanattomaks pistää... Kiitos taas kerran futut *sydän*

Ootko hieman ryynejä vedellyt kenties kun aivot tuntuu vähän flippaavan?
(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 6

#9 • • ajaja
Futuristit kiittävät kaikkia jotka jeesasivat sekä tietenkin vieraita! Mahti bileet ja lisää tulossa, stay tuned!


No point in mentioning these bats, I tought. The poor bastard'll see them soon enough.