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// madwave //

Posts: 133

#1 • • Edited // madwave // Support your local madness dealer!


Among the residents of Northern Europe there is at least one common thing: we are all constantly dreaming of warm yet tender sun and clear blue waters of the South. There is also one certain selected breed of young, beautiful and extremely hedonistic people, whos picture of eternal paradise can be described in a few words: sun, sea, electronic dance music, true freedom, amasing nature and the unique magic of the local party vibe. The White Island. The pearl of Mediterranean sea. Ibiza.

Madwave can not change the climate of Finland, or bring all Finnish Ibiza lovers to the island. But we would do something else, we would bring the authentic Ibiza feeling to Finland! In the middle of still so cold March, Madwave will bring to Tampere the true Mediterranean party vibe, guaranteed by the most talked about posh beach club in Ibiza, legendary Blue Marlin and its international resident dj Prosper Rek! For the friday night 18.03.2011, Club Volume will be a part of White Island. Test the hype, come and feel it yourself!


Date :: Friday 18.03.2011
Venue :: Club VOLUME, Otavalankatu 9, Tampere
Length :: 22:00 - 04:00
Age :: 18+ ( ID required )
Entry :: 7 euros ( from door only )

DJs ::


PROSPER REK ( Blue Marlin, IBIZA )

- The main international weekly resident for legendary Ibiza beach club Blue Marlin, home of all things posh, luxury and glamour (regulars of Blue Marlin include likes of Stallone, DiCaprio and Paris Hilton). Born in London, raised in Amsterdam and living Ibiza, Prosper has soaked into himself the best of Balearic sounds, being at the moment one of the most looked after young house music specialist on the island. Prosper regularly plays at jet-set parties at Pacha VIP terrace, afterclubs of Cannes Film Festival, and the leading clubs of Monaco, Italy, France, Spain, UK and Holland. This is Prosper's debute appearance in Finland, so don't miss the chance to witness authentic Ibiza vibe at the club near you!

SERGEI SHKUROFF ( Armada, Spinnin, Madwave )

- Celebrating his 12th year of DJing in 2011, Sergei Shkuroff has been the main resident for Madwave since its very beginning in 1999. Arguably the most known Russian DJ in Finland, Sergei is also one of these very few Finnish DJs to regularly play in Ibiza, where he has been djing every summer for last 4 years, including sets for Cream at Amnesia alongside Eric Prydz and Paul van Dyk and Judgement Sundays alongside Judge Jules and Sander van Doorn. So, at least Sergei knows what the sound of Ibiza truly is, and can deliver it to the dancefloor!

DIMITRY ZOOM ( Madwave )

- Best new radio DJ 2008 by Finland RadioMedia Awards, Dimitry Zoom is the face of Madwave radio department, weekly 2 hour radio show, syndicated at the moment to the total audience of 5 million people worldwide. Expert of all things related to dirty electrified dancefloor music, Dimitry is quite demanded spinner in both Finland and his native Russia. This side of the border, he has lately warmed up such names as Richard Grey from Pacha Ibiza, and Leeroy Thornhill from The Prodigy. Expect to be danced!

Posts: 457

#2 • • Edited André Madwave, Force
Reilut neljä viikkoa ja Madwave palaa jälleen Tampereelle. Tällä kertaa menossa mukana Prosper suoraan Ibizan sydämestä...
// madwave //

Posts: 133

#3 • • // madwave // Support your local madness dealer!
Full event information is now revealed in the first post... Mark your calendars!

Posts: 457

#4 • • André Madwave, Force
Pari viikkoa ja Tampere kutsuu *jiihaa*

Aurinkokin alkaa lämmetä jo ideallemme tuoda hiukan Ibizan tunnelmaa synkkään pohjolaan. Näin iltahämärällä on hyvä hakea pientä piristystä. Suosittelen tsekkaamaan Prosperin youtube -kanavan sisältöä, sieltä saa hyvää esimakua miehen monipuolisuudesta *vink*

// madwave //

Posts: 133

#6 • • // madwave // Support your local madness dealer!
PROSPER REK ( BLUE MARLIN, IBIZA ) // Madwave intervention ::

Madwave: Hey Prosper! How did 2011 started off for you?

Prosper Rek: Hey Sergei! As I have been booked for a tour by Peroni in Capetown during Christmas and NYE I can´t say 2011 started in a bad way; beaches and sun!

Madwave: This is your first visit to Finland, what picture do you have in mind about this country and its clubbing scene?

Prosper Rek: Im looking forward to play in Finland. I have never been there, but from what i´ve heard it should be amazing! and amazingly cold..... The nightscene will be a new experience for me, i know you have some big guys from Finland, so it should be good.

Madwave: You have been a resident for a Blue Marlin Ibiza for some years now, tell us about the sound you play there and what kind of place is it?

Prosper Rek: Blue Marlin Ibiza is a beach club (with club parties at night) where you will find locals sitting next to world famous actors, football players etc. It´s a luxurous place which has grown to become one of worlds most famous beach clubs. As Ibiza is famous for it´s music, the sound being played here is a non-comercial but warm sound. Spontane parties during daytime are awesome and occur almost every day with people enjoying and appreciating new music.

Madwave: Describe Ibiza in a nutshell? What is all the magic about this place?

Prosper Rek: I´ve been coming here since i was 10 and grew into the island as it was my 2nd home. I have been working here now for 5 seasons and every year im enjoying it more and more. The nicest aspect of the island is the ability to do exactly what you want: plenty of nice beaches, beautiful people, good restaurants and quality clubbing 24/7 or not going out even once... everyting is possible.. There is an energy here which i can´t describe.. you´ll have to come for yourself to experience it!

Madwave: You have rised your profile a lot in couple of short years, with gigs at Pacha Ibiza, Cannes, Monaco, Italy and European shows. What are your best memories gig wise so far?

Prosper Rek: Hmm good question, I have been doing a lot in a short period of time, with some really nice memories. Doing gigs together with Goldfish (SA) has always been amazing, with gigs in Ibiza, Amsterdam and Capetown. Recently i had a gig in Peter Pan Club (Riccione, Italy) which has been an amazing night as well... now hopefully Finland will enter my top 10!

Madwave: This is also your debute at Madwave, what expectations do you have? What sound our clubbers will hear from you?

Prosper Rek: Playing for different crowds in different countries always is a unique thing. I will play the sound I also play in Ibiza and elsewhere, but will never forget to look up to the crowd to see if they are enjoying it like im doing... at the end we have to make the party together.

Prosper Rek // current TOP 5

1- Lazaro Casanova - Mmh Yeah
2- Uner - Mahijael
3- Nice7 - Point (Audiojack Remix)
4- Mendo - Lazy Boogaloo
5- P´taah - Your Soul On Mine (Spence Parkers Gun For Hire Mix)
// madwave //

Posts: 133

#7 • • // madwave // Support your local madness dealer!
Only 3 days left till Madwave! Welcome to Volume this Friday!

Timetable ::

22:00 - 00:00 Dimitry Zoom
00:00 - 01:30 Prosper Rek
01:30 - 03:30 Sergei Shkuroff

Posts: 583

#8 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Allekirjoittaneelta luvassa kesäistä, mutta myös aika härkäistä soundia, housesta trancempiin maisemiin, klasareilla maustettuna. Eli tanssikengät huomenna jalkaan ja Madwaveihin Volumelle! :)

Support your local madness dealer!


Posts: 457

#9 • • André Madwave, Force
Tänään koko MADWAVE ottaa suunnan kohti Mansea *aplodit*

Luvassa varmasti koko rahan edestä kuumia biisejä sekä Madwavelle ominaista kovaa menoa. Bileet alkaa tosiaan kello 22, kannattaa saapua ajoissa kuulemaan ja kokemaan kuinka Dimitry laittaa yleisön liikkeelle.

Illalla nähdään Volumessa *vink*


Posts: 213

#10 • • dimitry_zoom Madwave On Air
Luvassa on radioshown "Madwave On Air" suosittuja kappaleita. Kesäfiilis luvassa, ja sen lisäksi big room club tunes sekä oma hollywood smile :D Nähdään pian ;) You can't miss it!