DANCETERIA presents MADE IN FINLAND PT.2 11.03.2011 11.3.2011 @ Helsinki

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Posts: 2,098

#1 • • Edited mr.a


*MR.A (






**PÄIVÄ: FRIDAY 11.03.2011
**AIKA: 22-04
**LIPUT: 8€ BEFORE 23, 12€ AFTER
**IKÄ: 20

Posts: 2,098

#2 • • mr.a

Upi (Sonic Reservoir) got into deep dance music and started playing records when he was 13. This year Upi placed second in Movida Corona dj competetition in Finland. Upi has played around Finland's finest clubs as a resident & guest DJ and thrown a couple of sets in Asia.

"I played drums, piano & the Finnish national instrument kantele for many years before finding the art of deejaying and I hope you can still hear some vibes from those times in my sets.

I always plan a few set list kinda scenarios for the night. When I get there I'll combine the scenarios depending on the atmosphere. The result is usually something between modern & techy deep house and minimal with some disco vibes wrapped around it. It smells like Berlin and hopefully has the heat of Southern Europe."
dj upi

Posts: 1,835

#3 • • dj upi
Jee! Sormet syyhyää jo :)

Posts: 2,098

#8 • • mr.a

DJ Kaasi, a house music specialist from Oulu, Finland has seen it all. Being into electronic music for over a decade, he has experienced the rises and falls of Northern Finland's techno music culture, constructed the PA-sets to some of the first underground events of the area and ten years later hosted the events which have gained the reputation as the best parties in Northern Finland.

As a event promoter Kaasi's career goes back to the middle of the nineties. He has made his way from the dusty warehouses to be a member of the respected :Kaktus crew and the resident DJ of the Sunburn events at Dyyni, Kalajoki. After several unforgettable nights, Dyyni has been named "the Ibiza of Finland" by several Finnish leading disc jockeys. Even today the summer events organized by Kaasi gather people all around Northern Finland to witness the unique feeling.

Due to his colorful background, Kaasi has an open mind to all sorts of electronic music. Mainly based on house rhythms, his sets vary from chilly and floating progressive house to funky driving beats boosted with mad breakbeat bombs. Still counting on vinyl, Kaasi has one of the most admired record collections in the north and he's not afraid to use it: hearing old rarities and long-lost house classics on his technically flawless sets is not an exception. After touring through all the clubs and biggest events of Northern Finland, headlining the events in Russia, hosting the main arena on the legendary Time Tunnel event in 2004, 2007 and 2008, it's no wonder: even today Kaasi is hailed as one of the most successful northern DJs of all time.


Sami Saari aloitti 2002 trance tuottajana mutta vaihtoi tyylinsä houseen viime vuosikymmenen puolessa välissä. Vuosien varrella julkaisuja/remixejä on kertynyt mm. CR2:lla, Dirty Soulilla, Nervous Recordsilla, Sneakerz Muzikilla, New State Musicilla sekä Tone Diarylla. Kesällä 2010 Sami aloitti vihdoin DJ keikkailun ja syksy meni Wicked Wednesdays -iltojen residenttinä. Samin setit ovat tech house painotteisia joskin ranskalaiset vaikutteet ovat toisinaan myös kuultavissa. Tällä hetkellä artisteista eniten kolahtaa mm. Luca M, Pirupa, Bass Kleph ja Jay Lumen. Lafkoista ahkerassa pyörityksessa on Pornostar, Starlight, Hotfingers, Stealth sekä tietysti oma Wicked Recordings levymerkki.

Enemmän infoa at:

Posts: 2,098

#9 • • mr.a

Soittoajat illalla:

22-23.30 Heikki L
23.30-00.45 Kaasi
0.45-02 Sami Saari
02-end Mr.A

Test Lounge
22-00.30 Anselmi
00.30-02 Upi
02-end Anselmi

See you all in the Danceteriafloors!

Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#11 • • Edited Jokke L [GoodMusic]
täällä tänään. *tanssittel*


Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.


Posts: 4,039

#12 • • Jago un-trained monkee
puolikuntosena pitää jättää väliin. Seuraavalla kerralla tamppaan kahta kauheemmin

Sound is the origin of all form, with matter shaping itself in response to the vibration of the universe

dj upi

Posts: 1,835

#13 • • Edited dj upi
Suuret kiitokset kaikille tanssilattiaa täyttäneille! Laitetaan videota tulemaan ASAP! Näytitte komeilta ja kauniilta :)

Kiitokset myös järjestävälle taholle!

P.S. Käyttöliittymissä on tulevaisuus! :D

EDIT: Jotain randomia:
Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#14 • • Edited Jokke L [GoodMusic]
Danceteria neitsyys meni ja ei kyllä yhtään haittaa, oli sen verran siistii. *hih*
Kaikilta tuli oikein maistuvaa soundia, mut erityisesti mieleen jäi upi ja kaasi, ihan parhautta. <3
Kiitokset kaikille soittajille.
imo, dtm on suomen paras yökerho. ;)

ps. mikäköhän oli se mr.a setin viimenen biisi? tai siis encore. "I'm waiting, I'm waiting for you.."

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.

dj upi

Posts: 1,835

#15 • • dj upi

Replying to DANCETERIA presents MADE IN FINLAND PT.2 11.03.2011 11.3.2011 @ Helsinki:

Danceteria neitsyys meni ja ei kyllä yhtään haittaa, oli sen verran siistii. *hih*
Kaikilta tuli oikein maistuvaa soundia, mut erityisesti mieleen jäi upi ja kaasi, ihan parhautta. <3
Kiitokset kaikille soittajille.
imo, dtm on suomen paras yökerho. ;)

ps. mikäköhän oli se mr.a setin viimenen biisi? "I'm waiting, I'm waiting for you.."


Oma setti venähti sen verran, että en tuota kerenny kuulemaan, mut tuli tää mieleen:


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