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// madwave //

Posts: 133

#1 • • Edited // madwave // Support your local madness dealer!


After an absolutely stunning NYE event, MADWAVE is now back at VOLUME for an exclusive 4 event series! To answer the evergrowing demand Tampere has for a quality clubbing, we have prepared for you something special, something very Madwave!

During next 4 months Madwave will treat you and your friends with (we dare to say, yes) the best electronic club night in town, both music and atmosphere wise. We have carefully thought about the line up, musical progress and sound policy of these nights. Guest appearances were picked with great love, and based on true talent, in order to bring to you some of the most forward-thinking and entertaining DJs current scene has to offer...

On Friday 11th February MADWAVE is gonna to fall in love with AMSTERDAM. We have secured the special guest appearance by no less than PAUL SPARKES of Floorplay fame, the resident DJ of legendary NL club and one of the most popular DJs in Holland!

We would love to celebrate Valentine's day a bit early this year, so welcome to VOLUME on 11th February! Let us be your Valentine!

Date :: Friday 11th February 2011
Time :: 22:00 - 04:00
Place :: Club VOLUME, Otavalankatu 9, Tampere
Age :: 18 or over ( ID required )
Entry :: 7 euros ( from door only )

DJs ::

The Headliner ::

PAUL SPARKES ( Floorplay , Amsterdam NL )
- One of the most popular DJs in Holland, playing for all major brands in the country, including Escape, Dance Valley and ADE. Regularly spins along names like Sasha, Sander Kleinenberg and Danny Howells to name a precious few. Trotting the globe from Dubai to Miami, Ibiza to Israel, Germany to Sweden, Russia to UK, Bosnia to USA. Undisputed king of all things progressive, known to deliver both monstrous peak time crowd shaking sets and deep groovy mood-setters. At his Madwave debute, Paul is gonna be all about peak time, not to be missed!

The Resident ::

SERGEI SHKUROFF ( Madwave, Armada, Spinnin )
- You probably know your resident rascal by now already, don't you? In case you don't, google him, and you will see him and his music associated with such names and brands as Ministry of Sound, Amnesia Ibiza, Tiesto, Axwell, Sander van Doorn, Spinnin records, Cream and Laserpoint.
In case you are aware of all that jazz, all you need to know that on 11th February Sergei will play two different sets, one full of Balearic sun and Mediterranean wind, and another filled with these sweaty trance roots he first became known for. Interesting, isn't it?

Welcome to Madwave!
// madwave //

Posts: 133

#3 • • // madwave // Support your local madness dealer!
Interview with Paul Sparkes :::

Madwave: Hello Paul! How are things in Amsterdam nowadays?
Paul Sparkes: Very good. It's sunny today which is nice. I have my own Floorplay night at Club NL soon, we have James West from Florida flying in to headline it so it should be rocking. Things are busy here, I have residencies all over the city and the scene is strong.

M: You have made your debute appearance in Finland last summer, how did you like it here? Now you are back to Tampere, what expectations do u have`?
P: Its was good last time, I think I played at Liquid club. Looking forward to playing at Madwave, I think it will be suited to my sound. Finnish people drink alot of vodka and know how to party, last time I was chilling after my set and people kept bringing my drinks before I even had time to finish the last one!

M: It is your debute at Madwave, what do you know about the club in advance?
P: I think Madwave is a good organisation and it is serious about bringing in good quality DJs who express themselves. I am looking forward to playing in Tempere again.

M: We know you have been a key figure in Dutch dance culture for some time now, playing with likes of Sasha, Sander Kleinenberg and Danny Howells. Please tell us, what is your most memorable gig so far and why?
P: The first time we brought Danny to come and play for us here was amazing. 2010 was a real break-though year for me in terms of high profile gigs and playing the top clubs. Now its more about reaching our goals internationally. The two US tours were amazing last year and I played three times in Tel Aviv which was also great.

M: You have made a bunch of impressive releases on various record labels including Silver Planet and Flashover, what is your favourite own track and are there any fresh ones in the pipe in near future?
P: Loads of new stuff in the pipeline for release. My new one is called Stay Away and its getting good reactions from DJs on promo. There is also a track called Cuba that is also very strong and we are expecting to sign that soon. Winter is the time for producing as summer is more for playing festivals etc. There is so much good new stuff that will come out in Spring.

M: Please describe your set and your music style? What people at Madwave shall wait for on 11th february?
P: Tech house, starting deep and grooving, building up through the BPMs to reach a peak

M: What is your current top 5 ?

Tom Budden 'Dragon's Blood'
Umek 'Legitimate Priest' (C Smith rmx)
Jemmy & The Aztec 'Annexe' (Padapelle)
Robert Babicz 'Dark Flower' (rmx)
Tensnake 'Coma Cat'
// madwave //

Posts: 133

#4 • • // madwave // Support your local madness dealer!
Timetable ::

22:00 - 00:00 - Sergei Shkuroff ( house set )
00:00 - 02:00 - Paul Sparkes ( NL )
02:00 - 03:30 - Sergei Shkuroff ( trance set )

Posts: 583

#6 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Meikäläinen tosiaan lupautuu soittamaan perjantaina sekä kaksituntisen kesäistä housenautintoa heimorytmeillä maustettuna, että lopussa vielä sitä kunnon trancea, melodista, nostattavaa ja rullaavaa. Paulin kanssa on myös tullut juteltua tänään, ja hän kovasti odottaa Tampere-fiilistä parhaimillaan! :)

Perjantaina rokataan ( ja dokataan :) ) !

Support your local madness dealer!


Posts: 583

#8 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Tampere kutsuu tänä yönä! Sellaista soundia on tarttunut levylaukkuun mukaan, että hurjaa venäläisvaikutteista tanssahtelua on mahdollisesti havaittavissa dekkien takanakin yön aikana! :)
Tervetuloa mestoille!
Tänään soitetaan housea, technoa, progea ja tietty myös kunnon trancea!

Support your local madness dealer!


Posts: 457

#9 • • André Madwave, Force
Kiitokset kaikille paikalle päässeille, oli taas ilo nähdä paljon hymyileviä ihmisiä. Sparkesin setti osui ja upposi minuun ( ja mitä ilmeisemmin ainakin Sergeihin, se siis tanssi!!! *whaat* ) ihan kympillä. Erityis kiitokset Traballe valojen ohjailusta, sekä lisäkiitokset Ciryalle ja Whizille tapahtuman taltioinnista.

Oli myös hauska huomata, että illan viimeinen hidas sai muutamat parit tanssimaan jopa sylikkäin. Kyseessä oli siis Paul Kalkbrenner - Gebrunn Gebrunn leffasta Berlin Calling.

Madwave palaa VOLUMEen jälleen reilun neljän viikon kuluttua, näemme siis silloin...


Posts: 673

#10 • • diskoeno
Aikas kiukulla on pantu menemään jos Kalkkis oli "viimeinen hidas".