La Beaute` Club presents. TAITO TIKARO ( Barcelona, Ibiza)

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#1 • • Edited LaBeauteClub
La Beaute` Club presents. TAITO TIKARO(Barcelona,Ibiza)

Saturday 22nd January 2011
10pm - 04am
Venue: Helsinki Club
Adress:Yliopistonkatu 8, 00100 Helsinki, FINLAND
Tickets: 12€ from & door 17€

Taito Tikaro (Bcn, Ibz)

Dj Kefir (Radio Rec. Rus)

Mr.A (Danceteria)

Zacharias Tiempo (La Beaute)


Jordi Robles, better known as DJ Taito Tikaro, is joining the Matinée All-Star DJ team in May 2007. His productions are hybrids, fusing different styles to create a very personal sound, sliding seamlessly between Techno, Electro, Progressive House and Deep House.
He has worked with such significant labels as Armada Music, Juicy Music, Matinée Records… In his sets his 10 years of experience are clear to see and along with his personality help to create a fresh and elegant session.
Some of his latest works are: J.louis & Ferran vs. Taito Tikaro "The Bodies Connection" (Matinée Records); Murphy & Bronson " My Whisper " remixes (Mischa Daniels) (Matinée/ Armada Music); J.louis & Ferran vs. Taito Tikaro " Resist " (Matinée Records); Supersize Sensation (Rmx Taito Tikaro) (Fresco Records); Brian Cross Over my Skin (Rmx Taito Tikaro) (Vale Music, Juicy Music); Elastika present E.S.P. Rush!(Rmx Brian Cross & Taito Tikaro) (Armada music); Tikaro, J.Louis & Ferran "Unbelievable " remixes Robbie Rivera, Who da funk, Fonzerelli, Elastika & David Amo y Julio Navas (Matinée Records, Juicy Music), el conocido tema Taito Tikaro & Christian Selva " Miracle of love " (House Work), Brian Cross -SunnyRain- (Elastica Rmx) (Juicy Music)

Tikaro,J.Louis & Ferran feat Clarence -Shine on me- ( Starkillers,Robbie Rivera, Deux, Steve Pitron,Dj Dove,Dj Wady Rmx ) ( Juicy Music, Gust Records ) Ultra Nate "Automatic" (Rmx Tikaro,J.louis & Ferran) Deux -The Time is Now- (Remix Tikaro,J.louis & Ferran), Tikaro,J.louis & Ferran feat. Rebeka Brown “Real Things”, Dj Wally “Born inside” Tikaro, J.Louis and Ferran Remix and his last super hit “Today is my day” feat Clarence (Matinée Recordings) and his last super hit Addicted feat Vanesa Klein (Matinée Recordings).
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Jordi Robles, más conocido como DJ Taito Tikaro es uno de los deejays y productores imprescindibles en las salas y listas de éxitos de medio mundo. Sus producciones son hibridas, fusionando diferentes estilos para crear un sello muy personal, deslizándose por el Techno, Electro, Progressive-house y Deep House.

Ha trabajado con sellos tan importantes como Armada Music, Juicy Music, Matinée Records… En sus sets se refleja sus 10 años de experiencia y personalidad creando una sesión fresca y elegante.

Actualmente es requerido en clubs de nombre internacional como Colosseum (Londres), King Kamehameha (Frankfurt), Space Ibiza (Ibiza), Row 14 (Barcelona), Titos (Palma de Mallorca), Space of Sound (Madrid), Dreamer’s (Marbella), Winter Music Conference (Miami), Pacha La Pineda (Tarragona), entre otras; compaginando su labor como deejay residente en Matinée Group, el grupo promotor más importante del momento. En Matinée Group es asiduo en clubs como L’ Atlàntida de Sitges, DMIX, Café Olé o La Madame.

A nivel de producción, destacan algunos de sus últimos trabajos como: J.louis & Ferran vs. Taito Tikaro "The Bodies Connection" (Matinée Records); Murphy & Bronson " My Whisper " remixes (Mischa Daniels) (Matinée/ Armada Music); J.louis & Ferran vs. Taito Tikaro " Resist " (Matinée Records); Supersize Sensation (Rmx Taito Tikaro) (Fresco Records); Brian Cross Over my Skin (Rmx Taito Tikaro) (Vale Music, Juicy Music); Elastika present E.S.P. Rush!(Rmx Brian Cross & Taito Tikaro) (Armada music); Tikaro, J.Louis & Ferran "Unbelievable " remixes Robbie Rivera, Who da funk, Fonzerelli, Elastika & David Amo y Julio Navas (Matinée Records, Juicy Music), el conocido tema Taito Tikaro & Christian Selva " Miracle of love " (House Work), Brian Cross -SunnyRain- (Elastica Rmx) (Juicy Music) Tikaro,J.Louis & Ferran feat Clarence -Shine on me- ( Starkillers,Robbie Rivera, Deux, Steve Pitron,Dj Dove,Dj Wady Rmx ) ( Juicy Music, Gust Records ) Ultra Nate "Automatic" (Rmx Tikaro,J.louis & Ferran) Deux -The Time is Now- (Remix Tikaro,J.louis & Ferran), Tikaro,J.louis & Ferran -“Real Things”, Dj Wally “Born inside” Tikaro, J.Louis and Ferran Remix, Tikaro, J.Louis & Ferran Remix and “Today is my day” feat Clarence (Matinée Recordings) .y su ultimo super hit Addicted feat Vanesa Klein (Matinée Recordings).


DJ Kefir – The legendary house disc jockey and musician, father of the Russian dance scene. His career starts 20 years ago. He was the first in Russia to succeed in playing simultaneously on 3 or more turntables. No one can be like him when it comes to his techniques and his expressive performance. His stock library includes the latest exclusive releases and unique records of the past years. DJ Kefir is always stunning, cheerful, and fresh. He was also the first in Russia to use “quick mixing,” the revolutionary technique. As a musician, DJ Kefir took part in the recording tracks like "Чугунного Скорохода" (Chugunnogo Skoroxoda), "Гостей из Будущего" (Gostyei iz Budushego), "Deadушек" (Deadyshek), "Русского Размера" (Russkogo Razmera), "Чижа и Co" (Chija i So), "Бориса Гребенщикова" (Borisa Grebenshikova), and "Отпетых Мошенников" (Otpetix Moshennikov). He also led the cult program "Sprite Club". In 1998, DJ Kefir won the championship in scratch DMC-Russia ‘98. He was ranked 6th place in the best Russian DJ of the TOP 100 DJs. His contribution to the dance culture is recognized in and out of Russia. Due to his wide experience and professionalism, DJ Kefir is regularly seen in outstanding club events, fashion shows, city-scale events, and corporate celebrations. He has participated in major events such as "Вспышка"(Vspyshka), "Восточный Удар"(Vostochny Udar), "Fort Dance", "DJ Parade", "Sensation White - St. Petersburg", KAZANTIP, and "Record Club". His great disco mixes are listened all over the country, and his very own track was used as the original soundtrack of the popular film, "Питер ФМ" (Peter FM). For a long time on Radio Record, СЧАСTЛИВЫЕ ДИСК-ЖУКИ (Schastlivye Disc Jockey) and FREAK BOUTIQUE have been the legendary radio shows. Today, his program can be heard in the same FM radio station Radio Record, every Wednesday at 23:59pm, Moscow Standard Time. DJ Kefir produced "Record Deep," a collection of dance music by various composers. DJ Kefir considers himself as a happy person because he is doing what he likes, and as time passes, he finds out that hundreds and thousands of people are also liking what he is doing.

Mr.A Biography

With a few acclaimed releases and remixes under his belt, Mr. A’s name is spreading throughout the dance music world after cutting his teeth in the house music scene in his native country of Finland.

The grand daddy behind the acclaimed Danceteria Music record label and accompanying clubnights, he regularly appears at his home country’s major events and and clubs, playing alongside everyone and anyone from Howells to Sheridan and Derrick Carter to DJ T, and for the past 15 years he has spread his house music gospel across the whole of Scandinavia, U.k, Germany, Poland, Russia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Estonia and more. Alongside Heikki L he co-hosts Danceteria Radio show on Helsinki´s Bassoradio every other Saturday, on both FM and www.

Musically he loves to travel through deep house to twisted tech-house and progressive techno, at the while citing his biggest musical influences ranging from Danny Tenaglia, Desyn Masiello to Tony DeVit, to Depeche Mode, Deep Purple and Miss Grace Jones.

Posts: 33

#2 • • Otto-Ville Housemaster
Tikaro on ky yks kovimmista kevään bookkauksista suomeen! Tykkään!

Keep On Moving...


Posts: 302

#3 • • Edited tiberiuz Afecto // Rex Terrazza // Baleric Sunset
ai jumaliste! matineen porukka veti sellasta menoa saarella kesällä että huh... ja eritoten herra tikaro... menee kyllä kevään kovipiin buukkauksiin! Tuo tikaron ja muiden matinee poikien tuotanto on todella kovaa...

Posts: 28

#4 • • LaBeauteClub
Hei Tiberiuz & Otto!

Mahtava kuulla, että on saarella ollut kivaa ja meno on maistunut. Taito Tikaro tulee avaamaan uuden vuoden 2011 ja olisi tullut jo aikaisemmin! Sopivaa päivää vain on ollut löytää kun on niin kiireinen tuotannon kanssa etc.. Helsingistä he lähtevät esim. suoraan Australiaan! Voin sanoa, että aivan heti ei Taito Tikaroa uudelleen tulla Helsingissä näkemään. Muutenkin ilta on täynnä mielenkiintoisia artisteja / dj-vieraita joten kannattaa tulla ajoissa.

Let´s party when we have possible to do it ;) Hope to see you guys over the dancefloor..

Posts: 54

#5 • • petrinassi
It must be best event in HelsinkiClub after a long breake))))

Posts: 28

#7 • • LaBeauteClub
The most exciting club launch in Helsinki this year... A new union of Helsinki promoters are bringing the sexiest clubbing experience with hi-tech production, stunning visuals and live performance like you’ve never seen it. LA BEAUTE CLUB HELSINKI will bring the hottest Super Star DJs from Ibiza to Moscow, Madrid to London including Taito Tikaro (Matinée), Bobina (W.C.M,Armada), Tony English (SuperMartXé) + more. It's time to experience the real metropolitans party vibe with uplifting, pumping, Balearic infused house music in Helsinki.

Posts: 28

#8 • • LaBeauteClub
Hola Helsinki party people,

La Beauté Club is the place where the magic happens is in the air..are YOU ready!!??

See you on the dancefloor xx
dj upi

Posts: 1,835

#9 • • dj upi
How was it? En viittiny lähtee flunssia tartuttelemaan ni joutu missaamaan mut kertokaa ny jotain :P

Posts: 28

#10 • • LaBeauteClub
Dj Upi: Se on oikeaa puhetta ja kyllä sitä pääsee ulos kunhan flunssat on hoidettu alta pois. Tässä hieman yleistä. Kuva etc materiaali laitetaan Facebook sivulle kunhan saamme materiaalin haltuun.

Suuri kiitos kaikille artisteille. Suuri kiitos kaikille mahtaville chicos y chicas jotka saivat aikaan party fiiliksen. Kunhan kaikki pienetkin asiat saadaan hierottua kohdilleen on varmasti tulossa party vuosi La Beaute Club eventtien parissa. Tulossahan on mahtavia vieraita ja mahtavia muistoja iltoihin liittyen.

Rock Da House La Beaute Boys & Babes.

La Beaute presents. Bobina & Tony English
Saturday 5th Feb 2011
10pm - 04am
Venue: Helsinki Club
Adress:Yliopistonkatu 8, 00100 Helsinki, FINLAND
Tickets: 12€ from & door 17€

Bobina"Dmitry Almazov"(W.C.M.,Armada, Maelstrom rec , Moscow),

Tony English(SuperMartXe,Lovechild,PushFM, UK),

Zacharias Tiempo (La Beaute Club)