5am afterparty sunday morning 25.7.2010 Helsinki 05 am - 13pm with YOUSEF (Cream, Cocoon UK), MILLA

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Posts: 769

#1 • • Edited [reiv:]

After almost 4 month break, [reiv:] "5am" returning for these last 3 saturday mornings and 5 sunday morning afterhours aka late morning afterparties in co operation with Neo, Flyest & Renegade with "something different" in line ups:

25.7.2010 sunday morning 05-12 "S.O.S." afterparty
31.7.2010 saturday morning 05-12 official "Klubitus 10V" afterparty
8.8.2010 sunday morning 05-13 official GMF afterparty
14.8.2010 saturday morning 05-12
15.8.2010 sunday morning 05-13
22.8.2010 sunday morning 05-13 Neo afterparty
28.8.2010 saturday morning 05-12 Taiteiden Yö afterparty / PG 2nd anniversary afterparty
29.8.2010 sunday morning 05-13 Grande Finale! / PG 2nd anniversary afterparty

For those about to party, we salute you! It's all about house this summer...
Tech house, electro house, progressive house, deep house, minimal house


5am summer sound line up 25.7. - 29.8:

Yousef - special UK guest (Cream, Cocoon, London)
xxxxx - special foreign guest (xx)
Orkidea - exclusive
Eliot Ness - exclusive
Milla Lehto - exclusive
Muffler - exclusive / tech house
Juden of Emperatron - exclusive / tech house
Proteus - exclusive / psychedelic
Dj Taste - exclusive / house
Dj Unik (Pussy eau de club)
Kaiu & Sakura (LU)
Tatu (Drag Attack)
xxx (Hki)

Posts: 3,137

#2 • • Edited serotonot Paul Easy
After Hours -klubilla ei sitten ole tämän klubin kanssa mitään tekemistä, vaikka sellaista ajatusta yritetään ilmeisesti mainostuksessa hieman takaa hakea :)

Posts: 769

#3 • • [reiv:]
this sunday morning:

very special guest:
YOUSEF (Cream, Cocoon UK)

Posts: 769

#4 • • [reiv:]

05:00 Eliot Ness
07:30 Yousef (UK)
10:00 Milla Lehto
13:00 end

Posts: 769

#5 • • [reiv:]
Yousef palaa englantiin aiemmin kuin oli sovittu joten hänen toiveestaan soittoaikaa muutetaan niin että hän aloittaa jo viideltä.

Eli jatkojen uudet aikataulut // new timetable for afterhours:

05:00 Yousef (UK)
07:00 Eliot Ness
09:00 approx. Milla Lehto