CLOUD 9 /// PURE DNB /// DJ DIE (UK) /// MUTATED FORMS (UK) /// DJ HASTE (UK) 10.7.2010 @ Helsinki

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Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#1 • • Cloud 9 Cloud 9








Needing no introduction, Bristol’s DJ Die is one of the drum & bass world’s shining stars. With a history stretching back to 1992 that boasts numerous classic tracks and remixes, winning the Mercury Award as part of Roni Size Reprazent, signing to XL Recordings for the Breakbeat Era project and consistent tours of the globe showcasing the Full Cycle sound from Bristol to Brazil, from pubs and clubs to Glastonbury Festival.

Having moved to Bristol from Devon in 1985, Die’s immersion into the world of music began when he was introduced to the cities warehouse parties in the late 80’s and the house, hip hop, rare groove, funk and soul being spun by DJ Krust and other member of the infamous Fresh Four Crew. “There was a movement starting around the time - there was the Wild Bunch thing, the graffiti thing, the carnival and sound system thing happening up in Bristol." Die got his first taste of musical production that same year having hooked up with Jody Wisternoff, now of Way Out West fame. Together they formed Tru-Funk and produced 4AM, a house tune released on Smith and Mighty’s imprint Three Stripe Records. This was followed with two hardcore EPs under the name Sub-Love and numerous DJ appearances at the early Universe raves.

A chance meeting with Roni Size on Bristol’s Gloucester Road in the early 90s led to what would be a long-term musical relationship beginning with their first collaboration, ‘Agility’ released on Bryan Gee and Jumpin’ Jack Frost’s V Recordings in 1993. Soon after Die and Roni (AKA Scorpio) forged the seminal classic ‘Music Box’ which would ultimately lead to the birth of Full Cycle Recordings. This label would become the home for Krust, Roni, Suv and Die for many years to come. Die’s ongoing contributions to Full Cycle included such tracks as ‘Live & Direct’, ‘Reincarnation’, ‘Clear Skyz’, ‘Jitta Bug’ and ‘Drop Bear’. On top of this came further releases for V Recordings including ‘Special Treat’, ‘Slide Away’ and ‘Autumn’ as well as tracks for their respective sister labels Dope Dragon and Chronic under various pseudonyms including Swabe, Mono Man, D.N.A (with Bill Riley) and 3 Way (with Roni and Krust) . This catalogue of quality productions has lead to DJ bookings around the globe including the UK, Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Brazil, usually together with the voice of Full Cycle, Dynamite MC...



Making music began as a hobby for the trio of producers / djs known as Mutated Forms hailing from Estonia. Original members Alexander (Zub) and Artiom (G-ruff) (3rd member Alex H – joined the crew in 2004) started experimenting with different genres of electronic music using any and all software they could find. It was at the beginning of 2004 when MF's tunes first began appearing on various drum and bass CD-compilations. During the course of 2004 they released an album on Prosvet Records, a Russian label, called ‘MF Project – No Limits'. The album was mostly jump up tunes but also consisted of liquid funk and a few experimental tracks and was well received by the drum and bass audience and critics, gaining the MF team further recognition. Then in 2005 they released again on an experimental label called Exegene Records. In recognition of their up-coming talent, UK drum and bass pioneer and label boss of the mighty Formation Records, Dj SS began keeping a close eye on their music and progress.

It was their track “My Feeling” that finally got released on the Formation powered imprint World Of Drum'n'Bass Records catapulting the trios music further towards the mainstream of drum and bass music. Not content at reaching this goal, quickly followed a release on Formations sister label New Identity, proving their value as international drum and bass artists. Their studio productions are individually unique, never reliant of formulaic trends, each being notably different from the last, but all in all sprinkled with that distinct Mutated Forms magic. With these dance floor friendly sounds, and wobbly liquidness, it is no wonder the likes of dnb heavyweight DJ's such as Fabio, Hype, SS, Grooverider, Sappo are currently supporting their tracks on the circuit.

Their popular ultimate dance floor sound as producers mirrors their live performance as djs, balancing versatile and dynamic sets capable of pushing the boundaries of techy, through to jump up sound with lick of funk. Whatever gets the dance floor moving!

Now firmly entrenched and supported by the Grid camp, the Mutated Forms trio are fast becoming hot property on the international drum and bass circuit. keep your ears out for Mutated Forms with their forthcoming releases on Grid Records.

Mutated Forms are fast becoming hot property on the international drum and bass circuit. You can catch them on dance floors across the globe and in their regions Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Slovakia, Finland, and Lithuania where they are best known for their live skills so far. Expect big things from this talented trio in 2009.

P.S. Check Nu Forms weekly show on Progressive FM 100.9, every friday from 20 to 22 GMT live or tune in




Posts: 3,594

#2 • • tomii kallion herttua
Hmm... DJ Die. Oli viimeksi ihan jees, joskin jäi mun mielestä aika pahasti Mufflerin setin "jalkoihin", niin kovasti Muffler liekitti silloin. :D Mut, kuulostaa tosi kovalta line-upilta, eiköhän joudu tulee mestoille.

reivaan kunnes kuolen


Posts: 401

#3 • • Lime_
Toivottavasti mutated forms soittaa vanhempaa tuotantoaan, joka on ihan törkeän hyvää. Liput ostetaan kaverin kanssa ennakkoon jos sitä vanhaa taattua mättöä on luvassa. Se uusi setti kuulostaa todella heikolta.. toivottavasti sitä ei kuulla yhtään illan aikana.
#4 • • -Equalizer- Guest
kerta kiellon päälle..d

Posts: 5,381

#6 • • Timce
Die oli törkeen hyvä viime kerralla. Mistä tulikin mieleen, mikä mahtoi olla se Dien soittama mash-upppi, jonka soitti viimeisenä setissään? Kyselin sitä jo silloin viimeksikin, mutta eipä tullut asiaan selvyyttä.

-Cook the man some fucking eggs-

-Jake the Muss


Posts: 401

#7 • • Lime_
Toivottavasti mutated forms ryhdistäytyy, sillä tampereen keikka oli kyllä paha pettymys..

Posts: 50

#8 • • swizhi
vitun tajutonta settiääää apuaaaaaaaa! burma ja sen jälkeen tullu sankari oli kyl illan ihaninta antia. jump-up taivas.

Posts: 401

#9 • • Lime_
Burma kyllä pisti bileet pystyyn jälleen kerran. Kunnon tykitystä. Dj Haste oli vähintäänkin yhtä kova kun tampereella edellisenä päivänä. Loppua kohden alkoi vaan biisien taso vähän laskea. Vaikea sanoa kumpi oli parempi, mutta molemmat pirun kovia.

Mutated forms oli ehkä aavistuksen parempi kuin edellisenä päivänä, mutta silti hyvien biisien määrän voisi laskea yhden käden sormilla. Ainut biisi jonka tunnistin nimeltä oli Stonefaced murderer. Jäi puuttumaan kaikki omat suosikit heiltä (hitback, mafia, ill, computers, booze monster), kun setti koostui suurelta osin siitä uudesta mutated forms soundista joka ei henk.koht. nappaa yhtään. Loppupuolella oli kyllä muutamia ihan tiukkojakin (ehkä aavistuksen pendulum henkisiä) biisejä pari kappaletta. Hyvin hävisi bilefiilis tanssilattialta.. ihan sama kävi tampereella, kun haste vaihtui puikoista. Ei näyttänyt porukalle maistuvan heti.

Dj Die ei ilmeisesti saapunut ollenkaan? joku siitä ohi mennen ainakin puhuin jotain. En tiedä kuka siellä mutated formsin kaverin jälkeen alkoi soittamaan, mutta hyvin keskinkertaista settiä. Ihan ok biisejäkin, mutta ei kuitenkaan kunnon tykistystä jota siihen aikaan olisi kaivannut edellisen esiintyjän chilli dnb:n jälkeen.

Joskus kolmen jälkeen kotiapäin ajelemaan, kun kaveri oli niin kännissä ettei meinannu pysyä hereillä tai pystyssä kunnolla.

Pakko kyllä myöntää, että playground toimii paikkana aivan loistavasti ja selvinpäinkin on kiva tulla fiilistelemään. Joskus vielä päästävä kokeilemaan mitä se on kännissä.

Posts: 5

#10 • • TUOMAS
Burma dekkien takana = eargasm

Tuliko burman jälkeen dj haste? aitoo menoo silläki.

Posts: 297

#11 • • Edited Burma
Oli kyl hyvät meiningit! Kiitos jengille supportista! :))
tuli vedettyä setin alkupää hiukka vanhempaa saundia, josta sitten aika jyrkällä curvella uusimpiin dubeihin!
Uudet biisit kuultavissa esim. tuolta, pankaa vaikka bookmarkki, koitan pitää sitä ajantasalla.

Playground kicks ass bigtime! junkkasaundille hands down tällä hetkellä THE place!!

Ja joo, Haste oli todella kova, muita en sitten kerinny näkemäänkään, kun skidi kuumeflunssa verotti niin palon, että veto oli oman setin jälkeen kokonaan poissa.

Dj Dien myöhästyminen lentokoneesta ei loppupeleissä sitten haitannutkaan, vaikka se aina veemäistä onkin, mutta noiden ulkkareiden kanssa sitä tapahtuu harmittavan usein.
