MIXXED discotheque // with Homegrove and Stede 3.7.2010 @

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Mixxed - Discotheque

Posts: 66

#2 • • Mixxed - Discotheque
HOT HOT HOT!!! Hellettä luvassa viikonlopuks


19:00 - 21:00 MIXXED warmup
21:30 - 23:15 STEDE
23:15 - 00:45 HOMEGROVE
00:45 - ...end TONY & NIKO

Posts: 2,102

#3 • • Homegrove Further
MM tämmösii biisei on soitossa tällä hetkellä.

1. Ian O'Donovan - Aurora Borealis (Bedrock)
2. Luis Junior - BG (Bedrock)
3. Antix - Lost and Found (Jamie Stevens Golden Return Remix) (Iboga)
4. Funk D'Void & Sian - Red Egg (Variance)
5. Cora Novoa - Icaro (Sistema Remix) (Natura Sonaris)
6. Saalim - Snowfall Tribe Yin (Feelin' Alright) (Toby Tobias Dub) (Bored Audio)
7. Dirty Doering - Loco (Vince Watson Remix) (Damage Music)
8. Vincenzo - Young Mountain (Mobilee)
9. Jim Rivers - Reject (Yousef's Circus Rework) (Silence Through Music)
10. Triangle - Five-We've Found It (King Unique Dub) (Flow Vinyl)

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 2,102

#4 • • Edited Homegrove Further
Kiitos, oli mahtavaa!

Settii tulos jakoon pikapuoliin.

Forward thinking house music