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#1 • • Futuristics
Bass System & Futuristics PRESENTS :



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Special guests:


Making music began as a hobby for the trio of producers / djs known as Mutated Forms hailing from Estonia. Original members Alexander (Zub) and Artiom (G-ruff) (3rd member Alex H – joined the crew in 2004) started experimenting with different genres of electronic music using any and all software they could find. It was at the beginning of 2004 when MF's tunes first began appearing on various drum and bass CD-compilations. During the course of 2004 they released an album on Prosvet Records, a Russian label, called ‘MF Project – No Limits'. The album was mostly jump up tunes but also consisted of liquid funk and a few experimental tracks and was well received by the drum and bass audience and critics, gaining the MF team further recognition. Then in 2005 they released again on an experimental label called Exegene Records. In recognition of their up-coming talent, UK drum and bass pioneer and label boss of the mighty Formation Records, Dj SS began keeping a close eye on their music and progress.

It was their track “My Feeling” that finally got released on the Formation powered imprint World Of Drum'n'Bass Records catapulting the trios music further towards the mainstream of drum and bass music. Not content at reaching this goal, quickly followed a release on Formations sister label New Identity, proving their value as international drum and bass artists. Their studio productions are individually unique, never reliant of formulaic trends, each being notably different from the last, but all in all sprinkled with that distinct Mutated Forms magic. With these dance floor friendly sounds, and wobbly liquidness, it is no wonder the likes of dnb heavyweight DJ's such as Fabio, Hype, SS, Grooverider, Sappo are currently supporting their tracks on the circuit.

Their popular ultimate dance floor sound as producers mirrors their live performance as djs, balancing versatile and dynamic sets capable of pushing the boundaries of techy, through to jump up sound with lick of funk. Whatever gets the dance floor moving!

Now firmly entrenched and supported by the Grid camp, the Mutated Forms trio are fast becoming hot property on the international drum and bass circuit. keep your ears out for Mutated Forms with their forthcoming releases on Grid Records.

Mutated Forms are fast becoming hot property on the international drum and bass circuit. You can catch them on dance floors across the globe and in their regions Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Slovakia, Finland, and Lithuania where they are best known for their live skills so far. Expect big things from this talented trio in 2009.


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Bass system warm up:




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Pe 09.07.2010
@ 1Bar TRE
7€ (including cloakroom fee)


Posts: 260

#2 • • isoM

Posts: 401

#3 • • Lime_
Pitkästä aikaa syy lähteä tampereellekkin bilettämään..

Posts: 260

#7 • • Edited isoM
Tänään sit iso basso ilotulitus. jälleen kerran Futuristics crew tuunaa 1bar in menomusaan sopivammaksi. Turhat nojailuseinät ja pöytäryhmät saavat väistyä tanssilattialta ja paikan päälle kannetaan muhkea Futuristics premium PA (n.7kw) kyllä lähtee. ajoissa mestoille niin varmistat sisäänpääsysi. o/

Posts: 401

#8 • • Lime_
Tulipa käytyä lahden porukan kanssa ja olipa kyllä heikko edustus. Alkuillasta ok dubstep ja dnb soundia, mutta porukkaa oli todella heikosti paikalla ja niitä vähää tuntui kiinnostavan vielä vähemmän. Fiilikset meni todella maahan. Onneksi Haste nosti panoksia (jos se valkoinen lippalakki päässä soittanut kaveri oli edes haste?).. erittäin tiukkoja biisejä ja porukka jammaili ihan kympillä. Heti kun yksinään alkoi soittaa joku mutated formsin jäsen(?) tämän jälkeen, niin ehkä puolet tanssilattialta hävisi ja samalla hävisi kaikki hyvä musa ja tuli jotain idle dnb kamaa, jota voi jammata ainoastaan jos on kolmen promillen humala. Kävin jopa dj:lle ehdottelemassa jos soittaisi jotain hyvää mutated forms mättöä, kuten Hitback, Ill, Mafia, Computers... mutta eipä ottanut kuullakseen ja jatkoi saman sonnan soittoa. Tunnin sitä jaksoi kuunnella, kunnes hypättiin autoon ja painuttiin menemään.. jos kaverit soittaa samanlaista kuraa huomenna helsingissä, niin ei voi kun heittää kengällä.. sen verran pahasti rikkoo odotuksia.

Yleisesti ottaen jäi aika heikko kuva tampereen dnb kuvioista illan perusteella.