CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki

53 posts, 3 pages, 11,994 views

Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#21 • • Cloud 9 Cloud 9
Lil Toni, Jussi Soro, Laite and Toni PRB its a real shame how childish you can really be. You've all been in this game for a lot longer than me. Your the ones who should be leading by example. Things in this business are sorted out in a manly manor. All of your words have been really childish and unprofessional. I kind of understand Toni PRB because he has a whole band on his case because of me. For him i apologize that this payment has taken so long. And for Lil Toni I understand, because I canceled a gig from Redrum 4 days before it was suposed to happen and took 1500 euros from him, but that was a little childish because we have already spoke about that and agreed that i will return it to him as soon as i can. For the rest of you.... grow up

Posts: 2,994

#22 • • laite MastahWankah

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

Cloud 9, 10.6.2010 13:42:
Lil Toni, Jussi Soro, Laite and Toni PRB its a real shame how childish you can really be.

Yup, you're right and apologies for the image (which I'll remove after posting this). I should not have anything to say in this thread as I haven't had any business or personal relationship with you. EOD for me in this thread :)
Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#23 • • Cloud 9 Cloud 9

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

laite, 10.6.2010 13:55:
Cloud 9, 10.6.2010 13:42:
Lil Toni, Jussi Soro, Laite and Toni PRB its a real shame how childish you can really be.


Yup, you're right and apologies for the image (which I'll remove after posting this). I should not have anything to say in this thread as I haven't had any business or personal relationship with you. EOD for me in this thread :)

respect man.
toni prb

Posts: 6

#24 • • Edited toni prb
u shouldnt owe me money, then it wouldn be like this

Posts: 2,527

#25 • • Edited DJ Rx FINRG Recordings

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

sts, 10.6.2010 11:29:
Cloud 9, 10.6.2010 11:12:
Jussi Soro ::: KING OF TRANCE *sars* 200 euros...... for what......

Laite ::: BEST DNB DJ IVE EVER SEEN *ding*

Lil Toni ::: MONOPOLY *jeesus*

RX ::: Im confused,, your bill was payed a long time ago. If not then write me a personal message. Thanks


If you book somebody to work for you they want compensation, and you have to pay what they ask. I think Jussi can also send you a invoice and after thet send it to Intrum Justitia OY if you prefer to pay 3x as much to them.

Tony is far from a "monopoly" or what you call it, but stealing money from a club owner is the easiest way to burn all the bridges in this small country. You as a foreigner should really check what you are doing since the word travels here faster than in UK. But then again you have allready blown it.

Oh yeah dissing the artists in public is always something really smart to do.

Dear Thomas,

First of all you gave me an e-mail address that does not even exist and I had to call commerce register to find your REAL e-mail address. I sended your company a bill twice e-mail and twice via snail mail which were not payed, then I turned to Aktiv Capital collection agency and they tried to bill bill you twice unsuccesfully. Oddly your company name was pulled down from the commerce register the same date my bill due date, I have a bad feeling this was not a coincidence? The only thing that kept me suing your sorry ass i court was the 170 euro court unaccepted bill of exchange fee, which happens to be more than the money you own to me because I gave you a 50% discount from my fee because the night didn´t go down well.

I´m sure you remember under what condition I did not ask the money from you the night I played for you, you can call me at +358 400 965 114 and I´ll drop you all the aktiv capital and companys bills for you to take care of. I can also by all means publish the papers online, your call.

Due to graphic nature of this post viewer discretion is advised.

Jussi Soro

Posts: 6,385

#26 • • Edited Jussi Soro choon!

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

First of all, I was not going to say anything more about this, but as I'm told to grow up and kept childish, I just can't remain absolutely silent:

Cloud 9, 10.6.2010 13:42:
Lil Toni, Jussi Soro, Laite and Toni PRB its a real shame how childish you can really be. You've all been in this game for a lot longer than me. Your the ones who should be leading by example.

Speaking only for myself, yeah, I do think I should lead by example. I'm in the happy position of being able to pretty much choose whom I work with in the industry, so that means that I don't have to tolerate people pushing me around just to get gigs. I hope that by my example all the dj's that are being fucked by fucked-up promoters will stand against it.

You've owed me money for two years, and haven't even tried to pay me. Every time I see you, you promise to take care of it in no time, but to be honest, I really think you will not.

Things in this business are sorted out in a manly manor. All of your words have been really childish and unprofessional.

As far as I know, the manly manor is to pay people what you owe them. I've been paying artists from my own pocket a good amount of money, so I know what it means. Don't you think I've done debt? I still have paid every dime of money to my artists by the time the party is over, no matter if it meant taking a walk to ATM in the middle of night because the turnout wasn't good that night. I've sold stuff to make payments to companies renting equipment. I think that is being called manly and professional, can you say that you've lived up to that?

Why every time the artist is being called childish and bitchy if they demand what rightfully belongs to them? Why does artist have to pay for the bad turnout as it is always 100% promoters fault?

Stop the bullshit, and live up to your manly manors.
Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#27 • • Cloud 9 Cloud 9
Sorry Rx. I thought the bill was payed. The gig was booked when i was working for Helsinki Tuotannot. I did send the bill on to them to pay a year ago. I will take care of the bill straight away.. please send it to my email. [email protected]

all the best
Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#28 • • Edited Cloud 9 Cloud 9

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

Jussi Soro, 10.6.2010 14:38:
First of all, I was not going to say anything more about this, but as I'm told to grow up and kept childish, I just can't remain absolutely silent:

Cloud 9, 10.6.2010 13:42:
Lil Toni, Jussi Soro, Laite and Toni PRB its a real shame how childish you can really be. You've all been in this game for a lot longer than me. Your the ones who should be leading by example.

Speaking only for myself, yeah, I do think I should lead by example. I'm in the happy position of being able to pretty much choose whom I work with in the industry, so that means that I don't have to tolerate people pushing me around just to get gigs. I hope that by my example all the dj's that are being fucked by fucked-up promoters will stand against it.

You've owed me money for two years, and haven't even tried to pay me. Every time I see you, you promise to take care of it in no time, but to be honest, I really think you will not.

Things in this business are sorted out in a manly manor. All of your words have been really childish and unprofessional.

As far as I know, the manly manor is to pay people what you owe them. I've been paying artists from my own pocket a good amount of money, so I know what it means. Don't you think I've done debt? I still have paid every dime of money to my artists by the time the party is over, no matter if it meant taking a walk to ATM in the middle of night because the turnout wasn't good that night. I've sold stuff to make payments to companies renting equipment. I think that is being called manly and professional, can you say that you've lived up to that?

Why every time the artist is being called childish and bitchy if they demand what rightfully belongs to them? Why does artist have to pay for the bad turnout as it is always 100% promoters fault?

Stop the bullshit, and live up to your manly manors.

Jussi Ive seen you once..... I promised you 200 euros because of a gig that was canceled by the company i worked for in 2008 when i moved to helsinki. That company left me in a lot of debt, and you understood. You said to me pay me when you can... After that I havent seen you mate. And I was going to pay you when I can... But you know what Jussi, you have never played any gigs for my events and you never will be.. Forget what i promised you, i was just trying to be kind to you. Now after you try and make me look stupid on a forum, do you really see any point of me paying you.... wake up mate

Posts: 2

#29 • • matkamies Gangsta
I can only say that by conducting business the manner you seem to have done (from people's comments) would NOT be tolerated in any community. As i don't know you personally I don't have anything against you as a person, all i know about you is your reputation. Anyways, there are certain rules which apply to every promoter. I can summarize the most fundamental ones.

Firstly, pay in time. Unless you want to make enemies, do pay in time, even if you have to pay in credit. Secondly, artist get the money FIRST, then the VENUE, then the rest of the stakeholders. Only after each liability has been accounted for can the promoter get some money (aka. profit) IF the business has made any profit. Even if it didn't make profit, you still have to account for the liabilities, even if it means lending money. Basic business 101.

Now, if people don't feel like following the rules of the business, then all of the animosity received has been rightfully earned. Lying, for instance, is quite frowned upon by almost everyone. And people who do not pay their debts in due time are often considered as liars or otherwise unreliable characters. What is the due time then? I don't think there's any set date, but 2 weeks would be a quite good timeline. Otherwise it would be polite to discuss with the artist about the paying schedules and then stick to the schedules. The artist is the one who brings the people in and entertains them. The artist is your friend - as long as you treat him/her as one.

In any case, i'm not accusing you of anything, i'm just letting you know that these are normal procedures in here and should be understood and obeyed. Maybe you have, i don't know, you can decide for yourself.
dj upi

Posts: 1,835

#30 • • Edited dj upi
En ota kantaa nyt tohon Thomaksen juttuun koska en tiedä kaikkea faktaa mitä siihen liittyy. Jos nyt kuitenkin ruvetaan avautumaan siitä et laskut on myöhässä ni tuntuu kyllä että tässä kaupungissa on enemmänkin sääntö kuin poikkeus se että laskut maksetaan myöhässä ja saa kyllä aika tarkkaa kirjaa pitää siitä että kaikki tulee tilille. Muutoin jäis unholaan. En mä normaaleissakaan bisneksissä joudu lähettämään kolmea mailia ja muutamaa tekstaria kuukauden päästä eräpäivästä et "mis mun massit?"

Tän busineksen luonteen tuntien olen monet liksojen eräpäivät antanut valua sormien välistä koska mun takia promoottorin ei tarvii myydä jääkaappiaan jos se voi maksaa seuraavalla viikolla. (Paitsi tietenkin jos mun pitäis sen takia myydä se jääkaappi. :D)

Toinen juttu on sit se mitä kukaan ei uskalla ääneen sanoa: Jos pistää perintäkirjettä tietyille tahoille menemään niin se kyllä todennäköisesti tarkoittaa sitä et keikkaa ei jatkossa enää tipu. Suht uutena nimenä en tod. haluis joutua siihen asemaan. Plussana vielä et harvoin on kirjallista diiliä millä todentaa yhtään mitään jos homma menee vakavaks.

Nyt siis pieni shout-outti monille promoottoreille ja venueille: Skarpatkaas jooko vähän? Tää ei ole kenellekään henk. koht osoitettu juttu. Mulla ei vaan ole kesäduunia ja selviän pari kuukautta nyt säästöjen ja KEIKKALIKSOJEN avulla koulun alkuun asti. Thomasilta saan toivottavasti rahaa perjantaina, muutamalta muulta lähiaikoina (wink wink). Tällä shoutilla en halua hyppiä kenenkään nenille vaan ainoastaan hakea sitä pientä juttua joka helpottaa elämää kumman paljon; ajallaan olemista.

Todettakoon vielä et varmasti kaikki tämänkin topicin alla kirjoittaneet soittaa musaa nimenomaan just sen musan ja bileiden takia, ei rahan. Vaikka asia onkin näin, ei työstään pitävää lääkäriäkään jätetä palkatta. Miks sit DJ olis jotenkin eri asemassa?

EDIT: Anteeksi niiltä promoottoreilta ja paikoilta joissa homma toimii. Teitäkin kyllä onneksi on.
Lil Tony

Posts: 775

#31 • • Lil Tony Cosmic City Survivor

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

This year I have given Toni over 6000 euros from my ticket money. As you didnt know, he takes 50% off every promoters ticket money. Witch is quite alot. But thats not your problem. And the one time a party fails, I took 1500 euros, which i wrote a invoice for, and I will return to his accountant. I have no idea why Toni chooses to talk about our business on a public forum. I started this conversation to apologize for moving venues, not to diss anyone.

Mitä sä Thomas hölötät? Jos sul ois edes toimiva numero niin vois soitella eikä tarvii täällä vatvoa asioista, ei kuulut tapaoihin mutta tässä tapauksessa on varmaan ihan hyvä että ihmiset tietää missä mennään. Pilaat meidän maineen noilla sun viime hetken töppäyksillä, niistä pitää ottaa vastuu

Olet antanut 6000e sun lippurahoista? Miteen niin sun? Jos sä oot 50/50 diilillä tekemässä bileitä niinkuin kaikki muutkin ne 50 % on meidän ei sun. Sä ruinasit 3 vuotta että saat tehdä bileet meillä joka oli iso virhe kaikista varoituksista huolimatta.

Kysyin monta kertaa että ootko varma että sun kannattaa lähte playgroundista jossa sulla oli parempi diili, haukuit playgroundin täysin lyttyyn että mikään ei toimi jne. Mitä sä nyt itket jälkeenpäin jos sun yhdet bileet meni huonosti.

pitäisikö mun antaa sulle 100 % lipputuloista. Mitäs järkeä siinä olisi? jos nyt ruvetaan jauhamaan yleisesti raha asioista täällä netissä niin voin ihan kertoa miten homma toimii. Me olemme itse lipputuloilla Redrumissa emme omista ravintolaa. Me maksetaan lipputuloista esim Funktion onen 80.000e lainan lyhennykset, tiedotukset, laitteet, niiden huollot, ravintolatoimen johtajan kuukausi liksan, tiedottajan, valomiehen, äänimiehen jos tarpellinen, valojen/PA. huollot, lipunmyyjät, Mekaanikon, markkinoinnin (Julsiteet, radiomainokset, tiedotuksen), Saitin ylläpidon jnejne.

Mitäköhän tosta jää kulujen jälkeen talolle jos esim sun bileissä oli 100 maksanutta, niin ei mitään.

Opettele käyttämään lasku konetta. ja soita mulle kun saat puhelimen.

Jazz Is a Teacher

kuilu ja kummitus

Posts: 3,815

#33 • • kuilu ja kummitus

Wikipedia: Internetissä leviää todellisen informaation ohella runsaasti epämääräistä ja valheellista tietoa. --- Joillakin ihmisillä tämä saattaa johtaa esim. toden ja epätoden rajan hämärtymiseen.

Lil Tony

Posts: 775

#34 • • Lil Tony Cosmic City Survivor

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

Cloud 9, 10.6.2010 16:23:
Lil Tony, 10.6.2010 16:17:

I have no idea why Toni chooses to talk about our business on a public forum. I started this conversation to apologize for moving venues, not to diss anyone.


Read your first post.

We talked already on the phone about this. So lets stop it here or we need to buy more chips to Kuilu...

Jazz Is a Teacher

Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#35 • • Cloud 9 Cloud 9

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

Lil Tony, 10.6.2010 17:16:
Cloud 9, 10.6.2010 16:23:
Lil Tony, 10.6.2010 16:17:

I have no idea why Toni chooses to talk about our business on a public forum. I started this conversation to apologize for moving venues, not to diss anyone.



Read your first post.

We talked already on the phone about this. So lets stop it here or we need to buy more chips to Kuilu...

1, 2, 3, ended.........

I pay all my debts to you, and to everyone els. Learn from these mistakes. Make sure next time i start promoting, I have money to back my words and bookings. So in other words im going out to get a job. :)

Posts: 297

#36 • • Burma
Kerrankin mulla on vahva tunne, että olen samaa mieltä kuilun kanssa jostakin.
Hurja meno!
kuilu ja kummitus

Posts: 3,815

#38 • • Edited kuilu ja kummitus
Sellast seiskaa, eli tarttee naposteltavaa, et jaksaa seurata. =D Eli spot on, Toni!

edit: tosin täst triidist on ilmeisesti jo poistettu viestejä, eli eos.

Wikipedia: Internetissä leviää todellisen informaation ohella runsaasti epämääräistä ja valheellista tietoa. --- Joillakin ihmisillä tämä saattaa johtaa esim. toden ja epätoden rajan hämärtymiseen.


Posts: 297

#39 • • Burma
must se tässä oli lähinnä hurjaa että huomasin olevani samaa mieltä kuilun kanssa jostakin. rima on näissä limboskaboissa alitettu jo aika alhaalta...

sosiaalipornoa on aina hauska seurata.

Posts: 4

#40 • • thomassini

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

Tapi, 10.6.2010 12:55:
Klubin kassasta viedään rahat, artistien palkat jätetään maksamatta ja kaupan päälle jauhetaan aiheesta paskaa foorumeilla?

Tällaisen toiminnan harjoittaminen ja sen tukeminen joko esiintyvän taiteilijan tai yleisön ominaisuudessa ei hyödytä ketään ja on mielestäni väärin. Toivon, että kaikki välttävät osallistumista ko. promoottorin tapahtumiin tulevaisuudessa.

Helppo tuomita internetissä. Veikaanpa että suurimmalla osalla ihmisistä jotka sekaantuvat tähän asiaan joka ei heille kuulu ei ole aavistustakaan siitä paineesta ja vastuusta mitä promoottori kantaa järjestääkseen teille ne bileet mihin tulette sitten turvallisesta kahdeksasta neljään duunista.