CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki

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Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#1 • • Edited Cloud 9 Cloud 9
Cloud 9 Proudly introduces...


Pure DnB
Saturday 05.06.10

Line Up>

>> L.A.O.S
>> UPI & PLURIS (a.k.a. PLUP!)


DJ Aphrodite aka Gavin King, is the man behind Aphrodite Recordings. It all started way back in the summer of love '88' running an Acid House club called Aphrodite, the namesake has been with him since.

Through various chance meetings with DJs Micky Finn and Claudio Giussani, Urban Shakedown was born. Over the years Aphro's own Aphrodite Recordings and Urban Takeover, a joint lable with Micky Finn followed. The musical progession to Drum n Bass was a natural step over the years through hardcore and jungle.

Aphrodite Recordings is the base outlet for all music with the Aphro signature.

DJ Aphrodite is known for playing out a good vibe that ranges from classics to upfront and exclusive dubplates. Aphro is invited to DJ in countries all over the world.


Tickets: 8 € before midnight, 10€ after
Venue: Club Playground, IsoRoobertinkatu 10, Helsinki | K18
Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#2 • • Edited Cloud 9 Cloud 9
UPI & PLURIS (a.k.a. PLUP!) 4 hour set added to line-up!
Lil Tony

Posts: 775

#3 • • Lil Tony Cosmic City Survivor
NEITI Andersson siirsi siis bileensä Redrumista Playgroundiin. Ilmoitti hyvänä jätkänä juuri ennen YK:n avajaisia että siirtää tapahtuman Playgoundiin . Hyvää jatkoa CLOUD 9, sillat poltettu joka suuntaan...

PS. Redrumissa Elmo & Konstantin tänään WAXista.

Jazz Is a Teacher


Posts: 297

#5 • • Burma
oli kuulemma ollu huippusetti! missasin koska jouduin olemaan töissä. vähän harmittaa nyt...
Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#6 • • Edited Cloud 9 Cloud 9
Last week Saturday was a big night for drum & bass. Long time waited for. Aphrodite was a classic to see. Since the age of 14 ive been listening to his tunes, one of the reasons i first got into jungle / dnb. Big Up to all you who attended. The night was well worth it.

Deep apologize for the change of venue.. There was a small miss understanding, after our last gig on the 28th. With the Funktion 1 being taken out 30 mins before the gig and nothing being the same as it was. No sound engineer. Smaller posters than usual.. Etc etc... I got the feeling that something was not right. Yeah sure i got many understandable excuses,, but after loosing nearly 2000 euros, I really had no choice. I had to move the gig on Monday to playground without hesitation. Less risk for me and a intimate venue for good Jungle and DnB. I didn't want Aphrodite to be in a venue where i didn't feel completely confident with. No offense to anyone at Redrum.

In the end the gig turned out to be a real blast, we got a little over 300 people in and everyone was happy.

I dont want to be labeled as a user or a asshole, I just did what everyone els in my shoes would have done..

But enough about that, I got my opinion put out. Lets move on....

This Friday we have another Big legend coming to Playground.
All hail for another pioneer in the business... The one,, the only,, DJ MICKY FINN !

Also one of my personal favorite djs and good friend from Free Range Promotion in Oxford... You might remember from last september in helsinki club with the jungle drummer... MR DJ FU !

Check out the rest of the line up and details

All the best to you all. Hope to see you next Friday at Playground

Looking forward to another big night of Jungle and DNB
Lil Tony

Posts: 775

#7 • • Lil Tony Cosmic City Survivor

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

Cloud 9, 9.6.2010 01:42:
Last week Saturday was a big night for drum & bass. Long time waited for. Aphrodite was a classic to see. Since the age of 14 ive been listening to his tunes, one of the reasons i first got into jungle / dnb. Big Up to all you who attended. The night was well worth it.

Deep apologize for the change of venue.. There was a small miss understanding, after our last gig on the 28th. With the Funktion 1 being taken out 30 mins before the gig and nothing being the same as it was. No sound engineer. Smaller posters than usual.. Etc etc... I got the feeling that something was not right. Yeah sure i got many understandable excuses,, but after loosing nearly 2000 euros, I really had no choice. I had to move the gig on Monday to playground without hesitation. Less risk for me and a intimate venue for good Jungle and DnB. I didn't want Aphrodite to be in a venue where i didn't feel completely confident with. No offense to anyone at Redrum.

Keneltä sä Thomas pyydät anteeksi??

Ja kaikille tiedoksi jotka nyt sattumoisin lukee tätä urpoa trediä, että Redrumissa on Funktion One soundi täysin uusi sellainen ja se soi paremmin kuin aikaisemmin monen mielestä. Neiti Andersson ei ole tekniikasta kartalla

tää case ei ollut mikään pieni miss undestanding, vaan erittäin iso. Thomaksen bileet oli tyhjät redumissa josta sai takkiin ainut että nappasi lippukassasta rahat jota ei edes omistanut ettei menetä kasvoja, ja siellä oli funktion onen soundi joka ei ollut ihan täysin vireessä, mikki puuttui, jota poika ei osannut itse laíttaa. Mut jos järjestäjä tulee mestoille myöhässä, niin ei voi kuin katsoa peiliin. Redrumissa ei ole koskaan äänimiestä ellei sitä ole erikseen tilattu, jota tässä tapauksessa ei oltu tehty.

Mulle ilmoitettiin facebookin kautta torstaina puolen päivän aikaan että bileet siirtyy Playgroundiin, koska Thomas luuli että siitä ei enään pidetä kun hänen julisteet olivat pienemmät kuin aikaisemmin vaikka oli itse tilannut pienemmät ja olin vihainen kun ukko oli viennyt lippukassasta rahaa minkä olen kieltänyt miljoonaan otteeseen, koska ne kuuluu mennä eka meidän tilille josta maksetaan verot ja sit ne laskutetaan, ja kävijöitä oli vähemmän kuin kassasta lähti rahaa joten pohjakassaankin tuli vajetta pari sataa

Meni miten meni, kannattaa katsoa peiliin eikä syyttää aina muita. Hyvä jos bileet onnistui playgroundissa meilläkin oli hyvät bileet mistä kaikki teki rahaa ja ei stressiä.

ps. Klubitus on just oikea paikka käsitellä omia huoliaan ja puolustaa omia mogiaan mutta jos on Neiti Andersson niin ehkä tää on ainut paikka avautua enään tässä vaiheessa.

Kiitos Elmo ja Konsta jotka paikkasi erittäin asiallisesti bileet

Jazz Is a Teacher

Jussi Soro

Posts: 6,385

#8 • • Edited Jussi Soro choon!
^^ ai kun yllättävää, että sama meininki jatkuu kuin Turussakin. Ei jäänyt kenellekään ikävä.

nimim: rahoja odotellessa.

Posts: 2,527

#10 • • Edited DJ Rx FINRG Recordings
Arvon promoottori vois samalla maksaa velkansa allekirjoittaneelle samalla ku korvaa Redrumin pohjakassan, menee muuten nimittäin nenähommiksi seuraavan kerran ku nähdään

Due to graphic nature of this post viewer discretion is advised.

Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#12 • • Cloud 9 Cloud 9

dont you just love techno

Posts: 2,553

#13 • • tumpsi rekisteröitymätön
varoitin erästä (afaik) tonin työntekijää ja erästä toista tonin rafloissa esiintyvää deejiitä thomaksen bisneksistä noin vuosi sitten, missäs muuallakaan kuin feisbuukissa. silloin tämä työntekijä tiesi kertoa että en tiedä mistään mitään, en ole koskaan tehnyt skenen eteen mitään(wtf?), ja olen ääliö.

...kuinkas sitten kävikään :)

Posts: 7,969

#14 • • Edited sts Sama pyynti aitta!

Cloud 9, 10.6.2010 11:12:
Jussi Soro ::: KING OF TRANCE *sars* 200 euros...... for what......

Laite ::: BEST DNB DJ IVE EVER SEEN *ding*

Lil Toni ::: MONOPOLY *jeesus*

RX ::: Im confused,, your bill was payed a long time ago. If not then write me a personal message. Thanks

If you book somebody to work for you they want compensation, and you have to pay what they ask. I think Jussi can also send you a invoice and after thet send it to Intrum Justitia OY if you prefer to pay 3x as much to them.

Tony is far from a "monopoly" or what you call it, but stealing money from a club owner is the easiest way to burn all the bridges in this small country. You as a foreigner should really check what you are doing since the word travels here faster than in UK. But then again you have allready blown it.

Oh yeah dissing the artists in public is always something really smart to do.
Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#15 • • Cloud 9 Cloud 9

Replying to CLOUD 9 // APHRODITE (UK) // ""King Of The Jungle"" // Muffler + Many More 5.6.2010 @ Helsinki:

sts, 10.6.2010 11:29:
Cloud 9, 10.6.2010 11:12:
Jussi Soro ::: KING OF TRANCE *sars* 200 euros...... for what......

Laite ::: BEST DNB DJ IVE EVER SEEN *ding*

Lil Toni ::: MONOPOLY *jeesus*

RX ::: Im confused,, your bill was payed a long time ago. If not then write me a personal message. Thanks


If you book somebody to work for you they want compensation, and you have to pay what they ask. I think Jussi can also send you a invoice and after thet send it to Intrum Justitia OY if you prefer to pay 3x as much to them.

Tony is far from a "monopoly" or what you call it, but stealing money from a club owner is the easiest way to burn all the bridges in this small country. You as a foreigner should really check what you are doing since the word travels here faster than in UK. But then again you have allready blown it.

Oh yeah dissing the artists in public is always something really smart to do.

1. I have never booked Jussi Soro for a gig. I owe him some money because of a cancelation, that wasnt my booking. but thats not a issue.

2. Ive booked over 54 gigs, I have always paid everybody well, and most of the time more than I should. I thought that my debt to RX was taken care of. Obviously not.

3. This year I have given Toni over 6000 euros from my ticket money. As you didnt know, he takes 50% off every promoters ticket money. Witch is quite alot. But thats not your problem. And the one time a party fails, I took 1500 euros, which i wrote a invoice for, and I will return to his accountant. I have no idea why Toni chooses to talk about our business on a public forum. I started this conversation to apologize for moving venues, not to diss anyone.

4. I love it when everyone turns against me when things go bad. But when its all good, then its a completely different story. Laite Im really disapointed. We have no beef.

Posts: 1,437

#17 • • Tapi Dreamstate
Klubin kassasta viedään rahat, artistien palkat jätetään maksamatta ja kaupan päälle jauhetaan aiheesta paskaa foorumeilla?

Tällaisen toiminnan harjoittaminen ja sen tukeminen joko esiintyvän taiteilijan tai yleisön ominaisuudessa ei hyödytä ketään ja on mielestäni väärin. Toivon, että kaikki välttävät osallistumista ko. promoottorin tapahtumiin tulevaisuudessa.
Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#18 • • Cloud 9 Cloud 9

toni prb, 10.6.2010 12:52:
^^ Hey, I didnt like u inna 1st place, i dont like u know and its 100% sure that we never gonna be friends, seen. U fuckd up with a bookings and u fuckd up with money, so whos the motherfucker to blame? Thats U thomas.

Thats a real shame Toni, because I did like you. I had a lot of respect for the work you put in, and I really get on well with your whole band.. The money was hard to get hold of, but I never forget about debts, I always pay. Your band pulled in a good amount of people for a good party. It was my own fault that I had such a low ticket price. So I cant even blame your band for not earning the money. I have no idea why you would like to go and ruin any chance of you getting the rest of your money, by coming on to a forum and opening up like this. Not quite a wise move Toni. I was just about to transfer the money to you aswell.. Its good to know that you didnt like me in the first place.
Cloud 9

Posts: 213

#19 • • Cloud 9 Cloud 9
I guess guys this is life, living and learning. Yes I agree with all of you. I have made mistakes and I am really bad with money. That is also true. I have always payed people, maybe sometimes a little late. I have on the other hand put a lot of money towards this club culture in Finland. 54 gigs in nearly 3 years isnt too bad. Everything I do is from the heart. All my events have been happy events, never have there been any problems at my events. Everyone has had fun.
Yes I have made mistakes, but I have always learnt something. I dont talk crap behind anyones back, but I will answer back if someone wants to talk about me. I dont understand why you all want to cry on a open forum, and why you dont get in touch with me in person. You all have my email, and you all have my facebook inbox. Just send me a message. If I was a complete asshole im sure i wouldnt have got this far.. Yes I know I owe some people some money. I am taking care of all that. Its not easy living in Finland, I dont get support from Kela or Sossu. The only work i have and work I can do is promote events. I have a lot to learn and a long way to go. I dont want to talk bad about anyone anymore, it doesnt get me anywhere, or make me feel better. But if it makes you feel a little better inside, then please talk a little more about me. I understand completely.