MILLENNIUM "fenix" 12.5.2010 @ Turku

51 posts, 3 pages, 27,952 views


Posts: 2,727

#1 • • Edited SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe
The myth is revealed.
The legend rises again.

Wed 12.05.’010 18.00-04.00.
BÖRS NIGHT CLUB, Eerikinkatu 10 TURKU | Age limit 18.

10 hours | 15 Dj’s | 3 arenas | 1999 party animals - and you!

Tickets from door 10€.
Advance tickets 10€ (+ shipping and handling fees) from Tiketti. | 0600-1-1616 (1,50€/min+lnc) | Open Mon-Sat 09-21.

• DARUDE (DRD Music / HMC) :: [www]
• K-SYSTEM (Push Up!) :: [www]
• PROTEUS (Säde) :: [www]
• ELIOT NESS ([reiv:], Renegade, Neo, HTC)
• COSMO (Millennium)
• FRANKIE WELLS (Millennium) :: [www]
• WEGEZ & NIC’SILVER (Millennium) :: [www]
• BODYLOTION (XXXlicious, The Sensual Hour)
• QUAKEY (Millennium) :: [www]
• AXEL KNIGHT (Millennium) :: [www]
• CARO² (Fiilis)
• TOMTOM (Millennium)
• AMON-RA (Millennium)
• ARIES (Millennium)

MAIN ARENA [Börs Night Club & Irish Night Pub]:
01.30-03.30 DARUDE & K-SYSTEM (The first Dj-set together!)
23.30-01.30 PROTEUS & ELIOT NESS
21.00-22.00 WEGEZ & NIC’SILVER

• LJ AMON-RA (Millennium)
• LJ OINAS (Millennium)
• VJ KIM (Millennium)

LOUNGE [ShamRockCafe]:
01.30-03.30 BODYLOTION
00.00-01.30 QUAKEY
22.30-00.00 AXEL KNIGHT
21.00-22.30 CARO²

TERRACE [Börsin Puisto]:
18.00-21.00 hosted by TOMTOM, AMON-RA and ARIES.


Dresscode: We’re on fire!


Advance tickets:


Event photography: SESSIONS2.


MILLENNIUM fenix @ Facebook:

MILLENNIUM @ Facebook:


Facebookin MILLENNIUM ”fenix” -ryhmässä olevien
varmistuneiden osallistujien kesken arvotaan
pe 30.04.’010 VIP-paketti, joka sisältää:

- 2 hlön hotellihuone (Sokos Hotel Hamburger Börs)
- 2 hlön sisäänpääsy MILLENNIUM "fenix" -tapahtumaan


- Erikoishinnoin varauskoodilla ”MILLENNIUM” seuraavasti:

Sokos Hotel City Börs
- Yhden hengen huone 59€/huone/vrk
- Kahden hengen huone 69€/huone/vrk
- Lisähenkilö (max 2 hlö) kahden hengen huoneessa
(vuodetuoli tai lisävuode) 10€/hlö/vrk

Sokos Hotel Hamburger Börs
- Yhden hengen huone 69€/huone/vrk (standard)
- Kahden hengen huone 79€/huone/vrk (standard)
- Lisähenkilö (max 2 hlö) kahden hengen huoneessa
(vuodetuoli tai lisävuode) 10€/hlö/vrk

- Yhden hengen huone 59€/huone/vrk (economy)
- Kahden hengen huone 69€/huone/vrk (economy)
- Lisähenkilö (max 2 hlö) kahden hengen huoneessa
(vuodetuoli tai lisävuode) 10€/hlö/vrk

Varaukset suoraan Turun Sokos Hotellien myyntipalveluun:
- Puh. 02-337 3800 ma-pe 08.30-16.30
- Sähköposti: [email protected]
- Huom! Ei Internet-varausmahdollisuutta


DARUDE (DRD Music) |

Multi-platinum award winning producer and international artist Darude, has to date sold over 5 million records worldwide and is recognised by many as one of the most influential artists to emerge from the dance scene in the past decade.

Hailing from a small village called Hinnerjoki in Finland the patriotic Finn now resides with his family in his second home Atlanta (America), a move that compliments his ever growing popularity in the US. A seasoned professional in his own right, through travelling the globe he has been fortunate to experience many cultures and see some of the worlds most beautiful and awe-inspiring destinations; believing this education of life has been a catalyst for much of his recent music.

Although famed for the global smash 'Sandstorm', which became the world's best selling 12" vinyl of 2000, Ville Virtanen aka Darude has had a long and successful career as both a live performer and club DJ, banking an average of 140,000 air miles per year. Alongside 10 years working as a producer and engineer with nothing but achievement to look back on.

Having released numerous chart topping hits, three artist albums and through his remix work he has brought singles such as ATB feat. York - 'The Fields of Love and The Thrillseekers - 'Synaesthesia to a mainstream audience, gaining him undiminished support from industry leaders such as Radio 1's Pete Tong, Judge Jules, Ferry Corsten and Paul Oakenfold.

Whether in his studio in America or Finland, recent times have seen him cement further his reputation as one of the most innovative and exciting figures in modern dance music. With his distinctive styles of progressive and uplifting trance, his music continues to get talked about by both music fans and critics alike with recent support coming from DJ Magazine and Billboard magazine to name but two.

Constantly ahead of the game, Darude was one of the first DJs to embrace MP3's when he released 'Sandstorm' in late 1999, and also released several tracks to data zip drives in early 2000.

Although having set the benchmark for a generation of producers with 'Sandstorm', the ever modest professional is a strong supporter of new talent and music. So much so that he recently took the decision to set up his own imprint to push not just his own music, but also that of artists whom he believes in. With a long list of achievements already to his name, Darude could be forgiven for resting on his lot, but instead 2010 will see him busy as ever by encompassing a staggering amount of new projects, including a mix album project (in planning), several new singles and remixes, as well as his new record label and a world tour.

K-SYSTEM (Push Up!) |

Kimmo Kauppinen (30), a Finland based professional DJ / producer who started to release tracks under his K-SYSTEM alias in 1999. He’s been DJ’ing and producing since the age of 13, developing and working on his own style and material along the way. K-SYSTEM was recently voted as the “Producer of the year 2008” by Finnish DJ’s, and is widely known for his many hit productions, including ”Samba 69”, “Guardian Angel”, “Sound Of Arena”, “L.O.V.E”, “Supadupasound”, “Set u Free” and many more.

In 2009 K-SYSTEM released his “10th anniversary compilation” in Finland, and it entered straight to #4 on Finnish Top-40 Album sales chart. Album included a new track called “Devil without the horns” and new JS16 remix of his 2001 break thru track “Supadupasound”. Both tracks were released as a single in 2009, and they received top positions on Finnish Dance Charts. At the moment “Supadupasound 2009” is on Finland’s biggest national radio “Ylex’s” play list after being there already for 16 weeks!!!

K-SYSTEM has also collaborated with Finnish top DJ Alex Kunnari, signed to Blackhole recordings which is run by the world famous DJ Tiesto. Together they have made serious damage for the dance floors around the world with the top tunes like “Lifter”, “Unstable” and “Last Sunrise”.

Currently he’s working with his unique sound of mixing elements from house, electro and trance, and his new album is scheduled for spring 2010.

Never give up.
Never surrender.


Posts: 4,064

#2 • • jeesboks p u p u

sen pienen hetken kaikki on täydellistä... *sydän*


Posts: 834

#5 • • drifter RoadMonkey | K1
Mulle sviitti ja sampanja kylmäks, tääl ollaan! *enkeli*

If its dry, smoke it.
If its wet, drink it.
If it moves, screw it.
If it doesnt move, load it into the truck.


Posts: 2,727

#6 • • SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe

Replying to MILLENNIUM "fenix" 12.5.2010 @ Turku:

drifter, 27.3.2010 16:22:
Mulle sviitti ja sampanja kylmäks, tääl ollaan! *enkeli*

Mä tiedän, et soot aina halunnu kaiken kylmänä, mut et sviittikin..? Järjestelykysymys - Eiköhän sekin onnistu *nauru*

There are 45 days remaining.

Never give up.
Never surrender.


Posts: 834

#7 • • drifter RoadMonkey | K1

Replying to MILLENNIUM "fenix" 12.5.2010 @ Turku:

SA-TomTom, 28.3.2010 14:51:
Mä tiedän, et soot aina halunnu kaiken kylmänä, mut et sviittikin..? Järjestelykysymys - Eiköhän sekin onnistu *nauru*

Kyl se siitä lämpee ku hieroo oikeista paikoista...ja ainoa paikka joka on oikeesti tarpeen olla lämmin on sauna :D

If its dry, smoke it.
If its wet, drink it.
If it moves, screw it.
If it doesnt move, load it into the truck.

Dj WerneX

Posts: 394

#11 • • Dj WerneX
Hola vaan =) paikalle kyllä vois tullakkin... kattoo nyt vaan näin aluks et onko mitään muita menoja....

Posts: 2,727

#13 • • SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe

Tämä on se päivä, mitä monet ovat toivoneet, osa jopa pelännyt :D

Tulemme tarjoamaan kevään aikana melkoisen annoksen ihokarvoja nostattavia nostalgisia muistoja valokuvien muodossa!

Varsinkaan vanhempia kuvia (joista osa on kuvattu filmikameroilla + skannattu), ei ole jälkikäsitelty, joten mukana on reilusti myös epätarkkoja ja sumeita otoksia. Kuvanlaatu ei tässä liene kuitenkaan ykköspointti, vaan fiilikset menneiltä vuosilta ;)

Lisätty 315 valokuvaa vuosilta 2000-2003:
31.05.’000 MILLENNIUM invisible @ Matrix, Turku
01.09.’001 MILLENNIUM wishmaster @ Club Feenix, Turku
05.12.’001 MILLENNIUM meets GODSkitchen @ Club Feenix, Turku
02.02.’002 MILLENNIUM afterworld @ Club Feenix, Turku
02.03.’002 MILLENNIUM prototype @ Club Feenix, Turku
06.04.’002 MILLENNIUM UNITES @ Club Feenix, Turku
06.12.’003 ABSOLUTE MILLENNIUM @ Club Feenix, Turku

Kokonaiset kuvakansiot voi ladata näppärästi itselleen ZIP-tiedostoina.

Kuvia voi myös kommentoida sekä pisteyttää tähdillä.

Työstössä on tällä hetkellä kuvia tapahtumista vuosilta 1999-2009:
- Millennium Love Parade 1999 ja 2000 -bussimatkat
- Millennium @ Love Parade 2006
- Millennium @ Sun Dance Music Festival 2004
- Millennium (Turku, Helsinki…)
- Club Millennium (Silja Europa, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Kotka, Porvoo …)
- Millennium Summerclub (Espoo, Lappeenranta…)
- Supercool ja Club Elite (Premi, Uniq, Rose Garden - Helsinki)

+ vino pino flyereitä, julisteita ym.

Never give up.
Never surrender.

Frankie Wells

Posts: 28

#17 • • Frankie Wells
Hilpeitä kuvia vanhoista kemuista *hih*.
Kiva katsella tässä tulevia bileitä kovin jo odotellessa *jiihaa*

Aurinkokin paistaa ja kaikki on niin Ihq *plur*

Posts: 2,727

#18 • • SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe

Muistelukierros jatkuu!

Lisätty 285 valokuvaa tapahtumista:
01.06.'001 MILLENNIUM sunbeam warm-up @ Basement, Turku
02.06.'001 MILLENNIUM sunbeam @ Club Feenix, Turku
03.06.'001 MILLENNIUM sunbeam after-party @ Gallery, Turku
21.04.'006 MILLENNIUM connected warm-up @ Uniq, Helsinki
22.04.'006 MILLENNIUM connected @ Kaivohuone, Helsinki
23.04.'006 MILLENNIUM connected after-party @ Uniq, Helsinki
09.07.'006 MILLENNIUM Loveparade 2006 warm-up @ Lux, Helsinki

Lisätty 67 valokuvaa kansioon:

Never give up.
Never surrender.


Posts: 2,727

#19 • • SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe

Lisätty 376 valokuvaa vuosilta 2001-2008:
29.06.'001 MILLENNIUM balance warm-up @ Basement, Turku
30.06.'001 MILLENNIUM balance @ Club Feenix, Turku
01.07.'001 MILLENNIUM balance FOAM-after-party @ Gallery, Turku
02.11.'001 MILLENNIUM soulreaper warm-up @ Säätämö, Turku
03.11.'001 MILLENNIUM soulreaper @ Club Feenix, Turku
04.11.'001 MILLENNIUM soulreaper after-party @ Säätämö, Turku
31.05.'002 MILLENNIUM mystique warm-up @ Säätämö, Turku
01.06.'002 MILLENNIUM mystique @ Club Feenix, Turku
02.06.'002 MILLENNIUM mystique after-party @ Säätämö, Turku
20.02.'004 MILLENNIUM conquest warm-up @ Kino, Turku
21.02.'004 MILLENNIUM conquest @ Caribia & 994-hall
22.02.'004 MILLENNIUM conquest after-party @ Klubi, Turku
11.04.'008 MILLENNIUM presents Sasha F 31st Birthday! @ Diva, Lahti
06.12.'008 MILLENNIUM 10th anniversary @ Åbo Diskotek, Turku
07.12.'008 MILLENNIUM 10th anniversary after-party @ Åbo Diskotek, Turku

+ lisätty 15 kuvaa kansioon:
03.12.'003 ABSOLUTE MILLENNIUM @ Club Feenix, Turku

Ja lisää kuvia tulossa yhä roppakaupalla! ;)

Never give up.
Never surrender.


Posts: 2,727

#20 • • SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe
…kevään suurimpaan klubitapahtumaan Turussa!

Kuten kaikki varmasti ovat huomanneet, on tuhkaa pölissyt viime aikoina reippaanpuoleisesti - Pahoittelemme Fenix-lintumme räväkkää sisääntuloa! ;)

Facebookin MILLENNIUM ”fenix” -ryhmässä olevien
varmistuneiden osallistujien kesken arvotaan
pe 30.04.’010 VIP-paketti, joka sisältää:

- 2 hlön hotellihuone (Sokos Hotel Hamburger Börs)
- 2 hlön sisäänpääsy MILLENNIUM "fenix" –tapahtumaan

Ennakkolippulaisille on oma jouhevampi sisäänkäynti Börsin Puiston kautta!

Yksityiskohtaiset tiedot ohjelmasta, esiintyjistä, aikatauluista, hotellitarjouksista…

Kuvagalleria sisältää tällä hetkellä yli 1000 valokuvaa Millennium-tapahtumista vuosilta 2000-2008! Kuvia voi myös pisteyttää sekä kommentoida.


Never give up.
Never surrender.