Funky Music (House)

6 posts, 1 page, 1,411 views

#2 • • Dal-tech Guest
Revised version.
#3 • • Funkatronik Guest
No offense, but assuming that you are serious, that was quite horrible. Out of tune and sounds like it's made with general midi.
#4 • • Dal-tech Guest

No offense, but assuming that you are serious, that was quite horrible. Out of tune and sounds like it's made with general midi.

I'm playing MIDI files (edited) through gear. The sound has to do with the cheap soft synths I'm using, also an analog synth which is easily out of tune.
#5 • • eGrind Guest
You need to get better gear then, I'd say. The lead sounds awful. Try harder, or start something new.
#6 • • Dal-tech Guest
I'm working on newer material. This was just a cover song with not very hip synths.