
9 posts, 1 page, 1,535 views

#2 • • Dal-tech Guest
Out of all these tracks I like Stoikstronic the best. Plastic-multi has potential but the intro is wrong and too much going on. I like the skipping pattern hi-hats though. 707909straight is not bad.
#3 • • master bator Guest

Out of all these tracks I like Stoikstronic the best.

Your provocative replies on other people's tracks made me want to check out your stuff, so I listened the one you mentioned above half way through and it was quite enough for me. I didn't want to torture myself any more than that.

It souded pretty much like a pre-teen trying to make his/her first track without any musical background or other relevant know-how. Of course everybody's first tracks are generally crap, or at least not very top notch and solid quality, but... It really bothers me when people like you write bullshit like that without having any solid production to back it up.

So... Either you're a really bad troll or you just really think too much of yourself. Maybe I'll check another track too some day, but I think I'll have to get hammered before doing that.
#4 • • Dal-tech Guest
Master bator the tracks I posted are B-rated. I'm a fan of b-rated and camp but to be honest I'm not satisfied with my sound. A general rule is a good track is a track you would actually want to purchase at a store. The sound just has release caliber quality to it. I may purchase an EP of 707909straight. Part of the problem with a lot of these tracks is I was doing tracker type stuff using CD archived samples and playing MIDI gear at the same time or just doing tracker type mixes. The problem there is things tend to not sync up right and sound pretty awful. So your trying to make the most out of your limitations (samples) but are not focusing on the composition feel enough.
#5 • • Dal-tech Guest
As far as "PLATINUM FORUMS -> DEMO TRACKS ->" most of the tracks here are not that good but it's a demo so don't take it personal.
#6 • • master bator Guest

As far as "PLATINUM FORUMS -> DEMO TRACKS ->" most of the tracks here are not that good but it's a demo so don't take it personal.

This whole forum is pretty much dead nowadays and I'm really not taking anything personally. It has always bothered me when people label everyoene else's productions crap without any further analyzing. Then again, that's the way it goes everywhere in the world, but I think there's a difference when a producer is talking about another producer, compared to the scenario where a consumer talks about a producer. A producer is always expected to have some knowledge/experience/production to back it up. Well... At least some proper arguments.

And when it comes to this forum, there have been a lot of quality stuff here over the years. Numerous artists who have posted stuff here years ago have released their tracks on labels and succeeded well. Of course there's a whole lot of not-so-good stuff too, but I still think we've had a nice portion of good tracks here.
#7 • • Tonkku Guest
Hi ho silver away!
#8 • • KFM Guest
Well, there's a lot of to do if you are making these tracks shine by their quality. I didn't find any favs but tracks which have potential, a little.

You should give a big note for tweaking the sounds(okay it's b-rated, but what's the problem? I think that kind of music can still sound great.). These tracks sound like raw.
Also you should try some effects to get your music more atmosphere. Now it sounds like "sounds layered on other sounds" if you know what I mean. Make a whole picture, not just a crack.
And the sequencing. Try it and get a flow into your tracks. Challenge yourself to make a track which has a clear intro-verse-breakdown-solo part(or tweaking part. like the tracks from 80's with the guitar solo)-chorus-outro. You'll find it pretty hard after trying it or if you don't, you have talents pal!

In general, pay more attention to your music. Be organized but still creative. If you put your thoughts on paper, you can get a lot of more enthusiased about the results of your production. Feel like succeeded. Personally, I like the feeling after producing a new good track.(Good track aka track that I find good:))

I have to say one of my favourite slogans: "Practice and one day you'll master it."
#9 • • Dal-tech Guest
I'm more into the abstract and unconventional then look I can play music on a keyboard or I can create a dance track with all the predictable elements such as build up, break-down etc. When it comes to production I agree my production could be better. A lot of that has to do with signal processing though. The groove structure could be better. A lot of people who make their own music often times get exited when creating a tune but it's not something they would have bought in the first place. That's the demo junkie phenomenon.