FURY - Cyberclub 7.2.2009 @ Helsinki Club

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#1 • • Club Fury Guest


Bio in English:

At just 21 years of age Kirk Whetton aka 'Iridium' has made a remarkable impact in hard dance over the last few years with releases spanning across several major brands including Addiction Digital, Oblivion, Technikal Recordings, Tidy Trax, High Drive and Impact Recordings. Having gained constant support from DJ's like Technikal, Phil Reynolds, MDA & Spherical, Nick Sentience and Carl Nicholson his music has already toured the globe and has seen itself present at major partys everywhere. His material constantly hits high selling numbers on major download portals across the internet and vinyl record stores in the UK. Now totally confident in his production abilities, thinking outside of the box is now name of the game. Pushing boundaries and testing limits but holding on tightly to his sound.

13 years of age marked the beginning of his production path. After seeing and hearing the wonders of creating music from his uncle, Kirk was inspired to try his own hand at the newly found hobby. It was "Music 2000", the popular Playstation game that sparked everything off. As time passed and more tracks were made, Kirk grew more confident in his abilities and moved onto bigger software packages to allow for his natural flow of production. In 2003 FL Studio became his sequencer of choice, sticking by it with every release learning everything possible about it, he now uses it as his mainstream tool. Uplifting hard trance is his game and powerful, melodic and euphoric pumping sounds are at the core of this young musical wizard. His own digital outlet High Drive Recordings releases a track everymonth with them constantly entering the top10 at the online portal - www.trackitdown.net

Not content on just production, Kirk plays out on a regular basis around the UK. His production style is reflected in his DJ sets which are mostly made entirely out of his own music. This makes his performances totally unique and gives him the upper hand over many DJ's. He is calm, collected, charming and absolutely batters UK dance floors with his own destructive anthems. Whilst hard trance remains his first love, Iridium engineers and produces a variety of hard dance ranging from funky warmup workouts, warping German hard trance and fully fledged hoover brimmed smashers. His main influences stretch back to 1999-2000 when producers such as BK, Nick Sentience, Nick Rowland, Ingo and Andy Farley were all carving their sounds into the scene, some of them far sooner than that infact. In more recent years his influences include Paul Maddox, Colin Barratt & Guyver

The nature of the beast





CONDO LOUNGE Hosted by KRISS G with:
Sasha F, Fierce, Canyin, Samuel Fielding and others

Tapahtuma informaatio/Event Information:

Avoinna/Open:22.00 - 03.30
Ikäraja/Agelimit: 18
Liput/Tickets: 8 e (Street Beat, Aikatalo, Helsinki. www.streetbeat.ac)
Liput ovelta/Tickets from door (if available): 10 e
Tapahtumapaikka/Venue:Helsinki Club, Yliopistonkatu 8, Helsinki, Finland

Dekoraatio/Decorations: Fury crew
Extra Ääni & Valo/Extra Sound & Lights:Jamboree
Visuaalit/Visuals: VJ Move

Järjestämme tuttuun tapaan tapahtumaan liittyvän kilpailun, josta voit voittaa loistavia palkintoja! Palaamme kilpailuun hieman lähempänä tapahtumaa.

FURY speciaali vieraana Proteuksen Dark Side showssa. Päivämäärä ilmoitetaan pian!
Dark Side Bassoradiossa joka toinen keskiviikko 22.00 - 00.00!

Tule sellaisena kuin olet. Teemana on Cyber, joten toivomme sinun panostavan pukeutumiseesi. Pukeutuminen bileisiin on aina ollut suuri osa kulttuuria.
" Rave on! "

www.clubfury.org www.helsnkiclub.fi www.djproteus.com www.finrg.com

You have now unleashed the f*cking FURY!!