ADDICTION: Addicted to Trance - SIIRRETTY! -

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#1 • • Edited Addiction Guest

ADDICTION: Addicted to Trance
~Grand opening~

Addiction is a new club night that has been formed to create quality events with a "better bang for a buck"-ideology. Even though the first evening is called "addicted to trance" will be a cut through of some of the genres that will be portrayed during the upcoming nights. We will bring you a nice night starting with quality prog/tech house and ending with the groovy "turkutrance"-sounds from Jussi Soro.

So what are you waiting for?
Its time to get Addicted to Trance.


Jussi Soro (Choon!),
Zwek (Sunrise),
Wegez & Nic'Silver (Dimension),
Dago (Addiction)

When: Saturday 13.09.2008, 21-04
Where: Be Happy, Merivalkama 2, Espoo
Agelimit: K-18
Damage: 5e (Includes cloakroom)
Lights: Goosta (Harharyhmä)
Who: Addiction

-Are you addicted?-

#2 • • Addiction Guest
Järjestäjistä riippumattomista syistä tapahtuman päivämäärä siirtyy myöhemmälle. Olemme pahoillamme ja ilmoitamme mahdollisimman pian uudesta päivämäärästä.