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Blu-ray Clearly Leading in Next-Gen DVD Sales,1895,2104850,00.asp
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Eikös joku iso valmistaja jo julkaissut sellaisenkin levyn, joka soi molemmissa soittimissa?
Voisko joku kertoa tyhmälle että voiko blue ray tai hd-dvd tai hybridi-soittimella katsoa myös vanhoja perus dvd:eitä?
Blockbuster to favor Blu-ray high-definition discs over rival HD DVD format
Blockbuster Inc. will rent high-definition DVDs only in the Blu-ray format in 1,450 stores when it expands its high-def offerings next month, dealing a major blow to the rival HD DVD format.
The move, being announced Monday, could be the first step in resolving a format war that has kept confused consumers from rushing to buy new DVD players until they can determine which format will dominate the market.
Blockbuster has been renting both Blu-ray and HD DVD titles in 250 stores since late last year and found that consumers were choosing Blu-ray titles more than 70 percent of the time.
"The consumers are sending us a message. I can't ignore what I'm seeing," Matthew Smith, senior vice president of merchandising at Blockbuster, told The Associated Press.
Blu-ray Players Dominate 5 to 1 Over HD DVD in US
If one retailer's experiences on lagging sales wasn't enough bad news for the HD DVD camp, then the fact that Blu-ray outnumbers HD DVD players 5 to 1 probably should push them to a night of heavy drinking.
According to research group Digital Entertainment Group, there are 1.5 million Blu-ray players in the US. That's made up of 100,000 standalone players and 1.4 million PS3s. As for HD DVD, there are 150,000 Xbox 360 HD DVD players and 150,000 standalone players.
So if you look at it, the Xbox 360 is at the same time doing a great job of pushing the HD DVD format and doing a very poor job of pushing the HD DVD format.
Couple these numbers with Blockbuster's Blu-ray endorsement, and things don't look so rosy for HD DVD. That's a shame too, because we were slightly favoring HD DVD (the format, and standard) over Blu-ray. But at this point, we just want a winner-any winner-so we can get this ridiculous war over with.
Ja kohta vollotetaan ku blyrayt hajoaa käsiin :D