497 posts, 25 pages, 145,862 views
hah hah kuinka vastarinta hiljenikaan xD
Virkistetäänpä muistia. Tässä ote pressitiedotteesta, jonka postasin aikoja sitten:
"Apple reinvents the phone with iPhone"
"iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone," said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. "We are all born with the ultimate pointing device-our fingers-and iPhone uses them to create the most revolutionary user interface since the mouse."
Mikä mättää :D
Kerrataan vielä lisää:
Hiljaiseksi vetää kyllä :king:
Missaan vaiheessa en kyl nahnyt mitaan vaitoksia siita et ne olis hiirenki keksiny??
apple keksi graafisen kayttoliittyman :)
Aijai, mukavaa kylla lukea netista (pitkasta aikaa!) lahestulkoon pelkkaa hehkutusta iPhonesta :)
viimesin user review mita tuli vastaan, paljon kuvia myos
Kuulostaa lähinnä iPodilta jossa on puhelin.
Whaat? :D
Seuraavissa Platinum Awardseissa lupaan aanestaa tata kaikkein hammentavimmaksi replyksi :D
Jobs sanoo, että Apple on keksinyt puhelimen uudelleen -> suurin osa mäkkifaneista nielee kaiken mitä Applen markkinointikoneisto syytää ulos. Tulos : huvittavaa hehkutusta, vaikka puhelimessa ei ole mitään mullistavaa :D
Selvisikö, mitä ajoin takaa :)
Apple on 'keksinyt' puhelimen uudestaan silla tapaa et ne kuitenkin rakensi sen alusta loppuun uusiks tan paivan tarpeiden mukaan. UI on erittain groundbreaking ja monia muitakin juttuja on tehty uusiks.
Ja kukaan ei ole vaittanytkaan, et uskoisi jotain helvetin press releasen korukielta :D nehan on tuollaisia kaikilla firmoilla, aina. Tarkein kohderyhma niille on kuitenkin sijoittajat.
Ja puhelimessa on todellakin mullistavia juttuja, kuten esim se UI. Puhumattakaan OSX architecturesta..
They provide SD Flash RAM slots to add more space, but this is limited to 2 GB of expansion.
It’s also why the iPhone doesn’t need an SD card slot. It already has 2 - 4 times more Flash installed than users other phones can potentially add using SD Flash cards.
That helps explain why the iPhone can offer real Internet apps, and why Palm, Windows Mobile and Symbian are not going to catch up in functionality without entirely rewriting their mobile operating systems.
They provide SD Flash RAM slots to add more space, but this is limited to 2 GB of expansion.
Ei kai tässä firmaa olla dissattu, vaan yksinkertaisesti todettu, että apple osaa tehdä tuotteita, joista jengi on valmis maksamaan aika paljon suhteessa ominaisuuksiin. IMO hyvä suoritus sinänsä eikä sillä ole väliä onko firma nokia vai apple.
Jos tällaisessa tilanteessa jotain pitäisi dissata niin imo kuluttajia, jotka on valmiita maksamaan sitä ylihintaa :)
So what's your main problem with the iPhone?
The real elephant in the room is the fact that I just spent $600 on my iPhone and it can't do some crucial functions that even $50 handsets can. I'm talking about MMS. Video recording. Custom ringtones. Mass storage. Fully functioning Bluetooth with stereo audio streaming. Voice dialing when you're using a car kit. Sending contact info to other people. Instant friggin' messenging. Sending an SMS to more than one recipient at a time.
So are you returning this thing?
I should, but no. Don't look at me that way, let me explain. Look at other handsets from Nokia, Helio, Palm, Sony Ericsson, LG and Samsung; or anything running the vomit-inducing Windows Mobile. What they generally have over the iPhone, all these critical but technically minor functions, the iPhone could theoretically fix with a patch or two. Meanwhile, those companies in turn will never be able to make as great a UI and platform as the iPhone has the potential to be. Certainly we don't know what Apple has slated for updates, when those updates are coming, or if they'll ever come at all. (iPods and Macbooks aren't kitchen sink-ers and never will be.) So I hold it on faith, based on a trust that Apple will do what's right for us, not just what's convenient. I wouldn't make the same bet with your dollars, however, which is why I have to tell you to wait for those updates to come before you buy. But clearly, many feel the same way I do and have taken the dive; we all just have to ask ourselves what's right for us in this situation, like rational, intelligent, thinking, grown ups (or not, if you're a drooling fanboy). And we should together ask Apple to roll the software updates soon and often. Steve Willing, Apple, please fix our Jesus phone.