Post your nigerialaiskirje!

55 posts, 3 pages, 14,893 views

#21 • • ken-guru Guest
Mulle ei tule kuin tylsiä rolex-mainoksia nykyään :-( SpamAssassin on kyllä loisto keksintö; nykyään viikossa tulee spämmiä läpi ehkä 3kpl.


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$164.99 - $324.99

#22 • • akir0 Guest

Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 23:58:51 -0200
From: Charged <[email protected]>
Subject: partner
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#23 • • Tapi T Guest

I am Mr DIKE AHMED, Bank Manager of a reputable bank in Johannesburg,Gauteng Province, and Republic of South Africa. I have an urgent and very confidential business proposition for you.On feb 27, 2002,a British Oil Consultant/contractor with the South African Mining Corporation, (Name deliberately with held) made a numbered time (Fixed)Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at US$50,000,000.00 (Fifty Million Dollars) in my branch. Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply.

After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract employers, the South African Mining Corporation, that the depositor died from an automobile accident. On further investigation, I found out that he died without making a WILL, and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless.I therefore made further investigation and discovered that the depositor did not declare any kin or relations in all his official documents,US$50,000,000.00 is still sitting in my Bank and the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each year. No one will ever come forward to claim it. According to Laws of Republic of South Africa,at the expiration of 5(five) years, the money will revert to the ownership of the South African Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand in as THE NEXT OF KIN to the depositor so that the fruits of this old man's labour will not get into th
e hands of some corrupt government

This is simple, I will like you to provide immediately your full names and address so that the attorney will prepare the Necessary documents and affidavits that will put you in place as the next of kin.We shall employ the services of an attorney for drafting and notarisation of the WILL and to obtain the necessary documents and letter of probate/administration in your favour for the transfer. A bank account in any part of the world that you will provide will then facilitate the transfer of this money to you as the beneficiary/next of kin.The money will be paid into your account for us to share in the ratio of 65%for me and 35% for you.There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction will be done by the attorney and my position as the Branch Manager guarantees the successful execution of this transaction. If you are interested, please reply immediately via the private email address .Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant do
cuments that will help you underst
and the transaction.

Please send me your confidential telephone and fax numbers for easy communication.Also,Please observe utmost confidentiality, and be rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us because I shall require your assistance to invest my share in your country.

Awaiting your urgent reply via my email address.


ALTERNATIVE EMAIL:[email protected]
Tel:27 73 823 9880
#24 • • Taedium Guest

Krp: Nettihuijarit värväävät ihmisiä rahanpesijöiksi

Poliisi tutkii tapauksia, joissa ihmisiä on värvätty välittämään internet-petoksilla hankittuja rahoja oman pankkitilinsä kautta ulkomaille. Keskusrikospoliisin mukaan tutkinnassa on muutamia tapauksia.

Kansainväliset rikollisryhmät häivyttävät internet-petoksilla hankittujen rahojen alkuperää kierrättämällä niitä välikäsien eli muulien avulla maasta toiseen.

Krp:n mukaan muuleja on värvätty sähköpostilla ja työnvälityssivustolla internetissä. Ulkomaisina yrityksinä esiintyneet värvääjät ovat hakeneet ihmisiä hyvin palkattuihin päällikkötasoisiin tehtäviin, esimerkiksi "bargain managereiksi".

Krp:n mukaan suomalainen välittäjä saattaa syyllistyä ainakin tuottamukselliseen rahanpesuun.


Mitähän siitä tulis jos menis tohon mukaan, sais jonku viissssataamiljaaaardia tililleen, ei pistäis niitä eteenpäin (eli ei pesis) ja muuttais niiden rahojen kanssa Tsiki Tsiki saarille?

Suomeen (Eurooppaan) ei vissii kandeis jäädä. Saattais olla ulkomaansedät oven takana kyselemässä niitä rahoja.
#25 • • anton Guest

Hm... sais jonku viissssataamiljaaaardia tililleen, ei pistäis niitä eteenpäin (eli ei pesis) ja muuttais niiden rahojen kanssa Tsiki Tsiki saarille?

Toimiva jollei massit tulleet alunperin Tsiki tsiki saarilta?

Mut seuraavanlainen napsahti (suoraan roskapostilokeroon) tänään:

Dear Client,

This message has been sent automatically by the Visa Security Program to this
e-mail address specified
during your credit card online transaction. For safety reasons your credit card
details are not shown in
this message.

Your level of credit card authorization has been automatically modified during
your last online
transaction of GBP 245.72 to increase your account security. The charge for this
service is GBP 29.00.
Please confirm or cancel this operation through Visa Online Administration
Panel. It is strongly
recommended for you to increase your account security, as we could not identify
the user during the last
transaction. For further details on the transaction please see the attachment.

If you believe this has been the case of unauthorized use of your credit card
please report this
immediately to Verified by Visa and protect your Visa card online with a
personal password. Visa provides
reassurance that only you can use your Visa card online.

Verified By VISA

Learn more about the benefits of Verified by Visa

-NiinQ mun Visa ja tää sähköpostilokero ois missään tekemisissä keskenään. Ja kaikki virallinen lienee napsahtaa vielä tänä päivänä postiluukusta.. :right:
#26 • • mark hamilton Guest
Joo nää tulee nykyään kuvina
#27 • • Taedium Guest

Aidon kaltaisen näköinen sivusto. Ohjaappa tuo maili osoitteineen Visalle ja kysäse...

Ne varmaa tykkää kans jahtaa niitä jotka kusettaa rahaa niiden nimissä.

Se on niitten harrastus.

Ja huvi.

Ja hauskanpito.
#28 • • anton Guest

Aidon kaltaisen näköinen sivusto. Ohjaappa tuo maili osoitteineen Visalle ja kysäse...

Ne varmaa tykkää kans jahtaa niitä jotka kusettaa rahaa niiden nimissä.

Se on niitten harrastus.

Ja huvi.

Ja hauskanpito.

Kävi mielessä. Itse meiliin en uskaltanut vastata. Siin oli joku liitetiedosto .zipattuna. Eli aktivoituu tod.näk. vastattaessa ja
vie mun vähätkin pennoset sähköisessä muodossa..

Ps. Seuraavanlainen ilmo löytyy oikean Visan sivustolta:

Luottokunta varoittaa sähköpostihuijauksista
Viime aikoina on jälleen ollut liikkeellä harhauttavia sähköpostiviestejä, joissa yritetään saada vastaanottaja antamaan luottokorttitietonsa. Tällaisia huijaussähköposteja kutsutaan nimellä "phishing" ja niille tunnusomaista on jäljitellä todellisten yritysten ja tunnetujen tuotemerkkien yhteystietoja ja niiden nimissä urkkia ihmisten henkilökohtaisia tietoja, esim. henkilötietoja, luottokorttinumeroita ja korttien tunnuslukuja.

Mikäli saat sähköpostiviestin, jossa pyydetään lähettämään esim. Visa-kortin numero ja/tai tunnusluku sähköpostilla tai viestissä ohjataan internetsivuille tietojen luovuttamista varten, älä missään nimessä anna mitään tietojasi tai vastaa viestiin.

Huijausviestit liittyvät usein esim. jonkin luvatun voiton lunastamiseen, uskotellun tilauksen/oston peruuttamiseen korttitiedot antamalla tai turvallisuusasioihin. Liikkeellä on ollut myös viesti, jossa harhautetaan viittaamalla viestin liittyvän Visan turvallisuusjärjestelmiin ja pyydetään antamaan kortin tiedot kansainvälisen Visan verkkosivuksi naamioidulla sivustolla.

Mikäli olet saanut epäilyttävän viestin Visa-korttitietoihin liittyen, voit ottaa yhteyttä Luottokunnan Help Line -palveluun (09) 696 4696.

Luottokunnalla, kauppiailla, viranomaisilla tai kansainvälisellä Visalla ei koskaan ole tarvetta kysyä esim. kortin salaista tunnuslukua, ns. PIN-koodia, sillä se on tarkoitettu vain kortinhaltijan henkilökohtaiseen käyttöä varten.
__ sellasta!
#29 • • Taedium Guest
Eli mitä nyt pitää tehdä?

Soita nyt hetimiten: (09) 696 4696

Sulkevat ton sivuston.

Ah, muuten... Siis se on ZIP muodossa, ei ExE? ...aja virusskanneri läpi ainakin... Mut itse kyl uteliaisuudesta katsoisin ton läpi. Ehkä koneella, josta on verkko kytketty päältä... varmuuden vuoksi...
#30 • • djkopernikus Guest

Dear Friend,
I am ALIF NAABA the Manager in charge of Auditing section Bank of Africa(B.O.A)Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso in West Africa. Forgive my indignation if this message comes to you as a surprise. AS IT MAY INTEREST YOU TO KNOW, I GOT YOUR IMPRESSIVE INFORMATION THROUGH THE INTERNET SEARCH HERE IN OUAGADOUGOU BURKINA-FASO. I FASTED AND PRAYED FOR THREE DAYS BEFORE I CONTACT YOU TO BE MY PARTNER.

I have decided to contact you on a project that will be very beneficial to both of us. During our auditing in this Bank,I came across some amount of money belonging to a deceased foreigner DR. GEORGE W. BRUMLEY who died with his FAMILY 2003 in a plane crash.The fund has been dormant in his account with this Bank without any claim of the fund in our custody from his relation before my discovery to this development. He was the said amount is U.S $15.5.00(FIFTEEN
I want you to know that I never master minded the death of the deceased fellow. Their death was occured Naturally. Please View this website:
KNOW PROBLEM FOR THE SUCESSFUL TRANSFER ON THIS FUND INTO YOUR ACCOUNT. All the whole arrangement to put claim over this fund as the Bonafide next of kin to the deceased has been put in place and directives will be relayed to you as soon as you indicate your interest and willingness to assist me and also benefit your self to this great business opportunity. In this country as a civil servant(A Banker),

we are not allowed to operate a foreign account. This is the actual reason why it will require a second party or fellow who will forward claims as the next of kin to the Bank and also present a foreign account where he will need the money to be re-transferred into on his request. Our Banking law stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after six years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund.The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin. I dont want this money to go into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill. Be assured this transaction is 100% risk free.

On conclusion of this Project, you will be entitled to 40% of the total sum as gratification,while 60% will be for me.Please you have been adviced to keep "top secret" as I am still in service and intend to retire from service after I conclude this deal with you. I will fly down to your country for subsequent sharing of the fund according to percentages previously indicated and further investment will be discussed. On your acceptance to be my partner, please email for a brief discussion before we proceed. Please keep this proposal secret, even if you dont want to assist me. I look forward to receive your urgent reply.
Yours faithfully,
#31 • • akir0 Guest
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 05:17:06 +0200 (EET)
From: Peter Johnson <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Regarding your website:


We would like to add your website to our Science Web Directory -

In order to add a title, a description and select the appropriate category for your site please fill and submit this form:

Thank you.

Peter Johnson.
#32 • • akir0 Guest
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 11:39:07 +0000
From: Chang Sherri <[email protected]>
To: Valdes Yoanny <[email protected]>
Subject: Bigger Size Bigger Pleasure

Hello chap

I don't care why your one-eyed monster is so small, but 79% of women do.
They are pretty sure that bigger ramrod will make their desire
stronger. You have the chance to change your life.

Here you can get the thing.

It will help you for sure.
The remedy can be sent worldwide.
If you wont be satisfied - we will return all you money.
No bullshit.
#33 • • eGrind Guest

Dear Friend,
I am the manager bill and exchange of the foreign remittance bank of African , ouagadougou burkina faso, My dear I am trusting this deal to you buy faith and hope that you will handle it without know problem.
In my department file, I discovered an abandoned sum of ( $16.2million U.S dollar) in an account that belongs to one
of our foreign customer who died along with his wife and the only daughter in November 2, 1997 in a plane crash.
Since I got information about his death, I have been watching out for his next of kin to come over and claim this money because, the bank cannot release it
to any person unless somebody apply for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as it is indicated in our banking guidelines and laws, unfortunately,
I discovered that the only next of kin died alongside with him a plane crash being his only daughter left nobody or relation for claim.
It is therefore upon this discovery that I have decided to make this business proposal to you as a foreigner and for you to stand as the next of kin or a relation to deceased person for and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for the claim and
I don't want this money to go into the banks treasury as unclaimed bill , the banking law and guideline ARTICLE A section ABD/O11 of 1991,stipulates that if such is found in our bank after (10) years remain unclaimed the money will be
transferred into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund.
The request of a foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer is a foreigner, a Burkinabe and a Burkinabe cannot
stand as a next of kin to a foreigner.

I arrange that 30% of this money will be for you're as foreigner partner in respect to the
provision of a foreign account, 10% will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business, handled by you, and 60% will be for me. Thereafter, I will visit
your country for disbursement according to the percentage as indicated. Therefore, to enable the immediate transfer of this money to your private account, you have to apply first to the bank as relation or next of kin to the deceased.
Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or e-mail the text of the application, I will not fail
to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and do not entertain any fear as all required arrangement has been made for the transfer.

You should contact me immediately you receive my letter through
my email.
Trusting to hear from you.
Yours faithfully

Allekirjoittaneen vastaus:

"Oh snap, does this mean that I'm becoming rich?"

Edit:Jaahas, vastaus tuli (:

Dear Don, thanks for your respond.I am requesting for your assistance in getting this fund transfer into your bank account .So if you are sure you can help me out in this transaction,kindly fill in the space below with all your details where you want this fund to be transfer into so that i will quickly submit your application to the remittance department here on your behalf as the next of kin to this fund.
Moreover,the moment your application is submitted to the remittance department, the bank will get in touch with you and you on your side has to forward all mails you receive from the bank to me to help you out to avoid any mistake on this transaction. Nevertheless, i have in my possession all the necessary document to back you up when it comes to document presentation and you stand a better advantage been a foreigner.So i assure you that success is ours in this transaction.May God bless you and the members of your family.
Mr Tom

BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER.......................................
BANK ADDRESS...........................................
TEL PHONE NUMBER................................
MARITAL STATUES........................................
Edit: Perkele oli tyhmä temppu lähettää tuonne vastauksia vitsillä, nyt tulee kaiken mailman "kirjeitä" sieltä "pankista", kyselyitä ynnä muita.
#34 • • jUSSi Guest
Dear Sir/Madam,
compliments of the day. i got your email address from the south African on
line network without wasting your time let me go straight to the point.

In my department we discovered sum of $20million Us
dollars(Twenty-million Us dollars) in an account that belongs to
one of our foreign customers Late Mr. Morris Thompson Age 61 an American who
unfortunately lost his life in the plane crash of Alaska Airlines
Flight261 which crashed on January- 31- 2000, including his wife and only
daughter. Since we got information about his death,we have been expecting
his next of kin or relatives to come over and claim his money because we
cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation
to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines.

Unfortunately I learned that his supposed next of kin being his only
daughter died along with him in the plane crash leaving nobody with the
knowledge of this fund behind for the claim.It is therefore upon this
discovery that I and two other officials in this department now decided to
make business with you and release the money to you as the next of kin
or beneficiary of the funds for safety keeping and subsequent disbursement
since nobody is coming for it and we don't want this money to go back into
Government treasury asunclaimed bill. The banking law and guidelines here
stipulates that such money remained after five years the money will be
transferred into banking treasury as unclaimed funds.

We agreed that 35% of this money will be for you as foreign partner,
while the balance will be for my colleagues and I. I will visit your country
for the disbursement according to the percentages indicated above once this
money gets into your account. Please be honest to me. Note this transaction
is confidential and risk free. As soon as you receive this email you should
contact me through my e-mail address.
Please note that all necessary arrangement for the smooth release of
these funds to you as has been finalized.

EMAIL:[email protected]
#35 • • Taedium Guest
Miksei kukaa koppaa jostain tommosesta ns. vastaust, joka olis sillee, että voin kyllä auttaa, mutta tarvitsen siihen vain pienen käsirahan, eli vaikka 5000e, ja jos voit tulla täällä käymään, niin... Ja lupaa sille scammerille 20 000e voiton siitä sijoituksesta. :D
#36 • • Zapa Guest
Huikea idea: joku käsikirjoittaja koostaa kaikki nämä scam-kirjeet yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi ja tekee siitä leffan käsikirjoituksen. Mahtavia juonenkäänteitä ja yllätyksellisiä tapahtumia, ie. HITTIKAMAA!
#37 • • djkopernikus Guest

I am EMERSON KARIM, managing director to the Branch Manager of Bank Of Africa
(BOA)Ouagadougou Burkina Faso I want to inquire from you if you can handle
this transaction for mutual benefits/life opportunity for you and me.

The transaction is about seeking your consent to present you as the next of
kin/ beneficiary of the US$12 million dollars belonging to MR.SAYED HASSAN AWALI FROM JORDAN who is a customer to the
bank where i work.He died in a Kenya plane crash2003. with his family during their vacation journey

The Fund is currently in a suspense account awaiting claim, the bank made a
public notice that they are ready to release this fund to any of his relatives abroad. In that regard, i decided to seek your consent for this prospective

Have it at the back of your mind, that the transaction does not involve any
risk and does not need much engagement from you, since i am familiar with
this kind of transaction being an insider. Necessary modalities will be worked out to enable us carry out the fund claim under a legitimate arrangement.

I have resolved to offer you 45% of the total fund, 10% for sundry expenses
that maybe incurred during the process of executing this transaction and 65%
percent for me.I will give you more details about the transaction when I receive your
affirmative response,For More clarification information contact me through my private e-mail addresS([email protected])

Thanks and Almighty bless.
#38 • • djkopernikus Guest

Dear Sir,


We want to transfer to overseas the sum of
($39,500.000.00USD) Thirty Nine Million Five Hundred
Thousand UnitedStates Dollars) from a Prime Bank
in Africa.

I would like to ask you to quietly look for a reliable
and honest person who will be capable and fit to
provide either an existingbank account
or to set up a new Bank a/c immediately to receive
this money, even an empty a/c can serve as far as it
can receive money.

I am Mr Saldik Keita an accountant and personal
confidant to Dr. Ravindra F. Shah who died together
with his wife Dr.Mrs. Manjula Parikh-Shah in a
plane crash onthe 1st Oct. 2003 on their way to attend
wedding in Boston.

Dr. Ravindra F. Shah, is an American, a physician
andindustrialist, he died without having any
beneficiary to his assets including his account here
in Burkina Faso which he opened in the year 2000 as
his personal savings for the purpose of expansion and
developement of his company before his untimely
death in 2003.

The amount involved is (USD 39,500,000.00)Thirty Nine
Million Five Hundred Thousand USD, no other person
knows about this account. I am contacting you for us
to transfer this funds to your account as the
beneficiary, I want to first transfer $9,500.000.00
(Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand USD) from
this money into a safe account abroad, after which we
will transfer the remaining (30M)but I don't know any
foreigner. I am only contacting you as a foreigner
because this money can not be approved to alocal
person here, without valid international foreign
passport, but can only be approved to any foreigner
with valid international passport or drivers license
andforeign a/c because the money is in US Dollars and
the former owner of the a/c Mr.Ravindra F. Shah is a
foreigner too, and as such the money can only be
approved into a foreign a/c.

I need your full co-operation to make this work fine
because the management is ready to approve this
payment to any foreigner who has correct information
of this account, which I will give to you, upon your
positive response and once I am convinced that you are
capable and will meet up with the inheritance

At the conclusion of this business, you will be given
35% of the total amount,60% will be for me, while 5%
will be for expenses both parties might have incurred
during the process of transferring.

You should observe utmost CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECRECY
in this transaction, and rest assured that this
transaction would be most profitable for both of
us because I will require your assistance to invest my
share in your country.

I look forward to your prompt response.


Mr Saldik Keita
#39 • • eGrind Guest

Huikea idea: joku käsikirjoittaja koostaa kaikki nämä scam-kirjeet yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi ja tekee siitä leffan käsikirjoituksen. Mahtavia juonenkäänteitä ja yllätyksellisiä tapahtumia, ie. HITTIKAMAA!

Hahahahah paras idea elokuvalle IKINÄ.
#40 • • djkopernikus Guest
Dear Friend,


I am writting to seek your coperation over this business proposal.

First I must solicit your confidence in this transaction, this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and top secret. Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day.

l have decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction, Let me start by introducing myself properly to you. I am DR SABO RABO a manager with the Bank Of Africa( BOA), Ouagadougou Burkina faso,Africa.

I came to know you in my Private Search for a Reliable and Reputable Person to handle this Confidential Transaction, which involves the transfer of Huge sum of Money to a Foreign Account requiring Maximum Confidence.

In my department, We discovered an abandoned sum of$7million USD(SEVEN MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS.)only , in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers who died along with his entire family in a plane crash that took place in Kenya,East Africa, the bank now expects a next of kin as beneficiary. Valuable efforts are being made by the Bank to get in touch with any of the Brumleys remaining family or relatives but all to no success. the Late DR. GEORGE BRUMLEY,a citizen of Atlanta,United States of America is a known Philantropist in,West Africa and the whole African continent

Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because it cannot be released unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this businness proposal to you and release the money to you via your foreign bank account as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and It is because of the perceived possibility of not being able to locate any of Late Brumleys s next kin (He died with his entire family members)

The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclamed after three years, the money will be transfered into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund.The request for your assistance and maximum co-operation as a foreign citizen to stand as the next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the deceased customer was a foreigner and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.

The sharing of the fund are thus: 30% for you the account owner,60% for i and my trusted colleagues and the remainning 10% for expenses for both parties. If this proposal is acceptable by you, do not make undue advantage of the trust we have bestowed in you.

Best regards, DR SABO RABO (Manager).


You should contact me immediately as soon as you receive this letter on my direct line TEL.+22678819685
.Trusting to hear from you immediately.

Please , visit the website below for more informations about the Plane Crash and the tragic death of the deceased and his entire family, Late DR.GEORGE BRUMLEY.