Lauri Leino:Thru The Lines-EP Edensonicilla (FRA) tech/house

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#1 • • Edited Lauri Leino Guest
"Thru The Lines" - EP on Edensonic Records [ES #008] release date 23.5.2005

tyylinä deeppi tech/house

Edensonic on ranskalainen deepimmän teknon ilmaisjulkaisuun keskittyvä nettilabeli, jolla on nyt takanaan kahdeksan julkaisua.

Käykäähän kuuntelemassa ja tsekkailemassa !

Edensonic wrote:

Lauri Leino aka Melina is an up-coming producer from Finland who has already released Vuo-Records label ( His music is the result about six years musically-oriented school, where he played saxophone and drums.
On this "Thru the lines" EP you can expect from Lauri six tracks of gorgeous and melodic music between house and techno. To complete the EP, another young talent from Finland, Henri Puolitaival, gives us a remix in his typical fresh and sharp sound, without forgetting the groove, he layers melodies to create a unique re-interpretation.

Download complete release and CD cover on

Music published under Creative commons licence, read it before downloading and use tracks.

More info on :
Lauri Leino Homepage (
Vuo-Records (
Metrotraks (

Edensonic Records

#2 • • snt Guest
Ja mielettömän hyvä EP onkin! \o/