NERD sano poks

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#1 • • Quu Guest


Production team THE NEPTUNES have called time on their band NERD.

According to Pharrell Williams a record company dispute had forced an end to the group.

"NERD is dead. I don't agree with the management at Virgin Records so we're done," he told Radio 1. "Me and Chad (Hugo) still do what we do in the studio, Shay is still our best friend, you know, perhaps we'll do some music for our fans and leak it to the internet or something, who knows?"

Virgin Records have yet to comment, though Williams added he is not looking to make recriminations.

"I've been very quiet about it for the last two years,” he explained. “I'm not here to slander or throw dirt, I'm just not happy so therefore NERD is expired."


Onneksi sentään miehet jatkavat työtään studiossa Neptunesina.
#2 • • kytkönen Guest
joo no eiköhän pojilta tuu jotain uutta projektii pikaisesti :-) hyvä vaan ettei jääny levylafkan bitcheiks
#3 • • Roz Guest
Pharrelin pärstä näkyy joka tapauksessa joka toisessa MTV -videossa että sikäli ihan sama.