Maybe I started off on the wrong foot, so we'll start over... Considering the above here, are there any producers around?
12 posts, 1 page, 2,224 views
The topic I started was only to find out if others are interested in tutorials about audio production, usage of synths, sound modelling and sequencing such as with Cubase.
Maybe I started off on the wrong foot, so we'll start over... Considering the above here, are there any producers around?
However, we already have many topics here discussing all the things you mentioned, but all of them are in finnish.. Wonder why ;) If you like to start one in english, that's fine by me, as long as there is no advertising involved.
Tranceaddict is a finnish website? Never knew.
So Whuf, does the word hypocrite mean anything to you? You just sent me a pm in which you suggest that I take blowjobs to do productions for others. Here you are being nice. What's up with that?
I accept your appology.
For the last time:
1) audiotech-forum is for audio equipment and technology discussion ONLY . Any offtopic personal debate should be handled by pm/email.
2) Dan, please edit this topics name to something more suitable.
I will not repeat myself for the third time.