I am publishing my style and ways of producing...

12 posts, 1 page, 2,224 views

#1 • • Edited Mad Dan Guest
I'm trying to contribute to the scene by sharing my experience with others. You have no such section here. DanDont.com is my personal website, no content that competes with Platinum. The topic I started was only to find out if others are interested in tutorials about audio production, usage of synths, sound modelling and sequencing such as with Cubase.

Maybe I started off on the wrong foot, so we'll start over... Considering the above here, are there any producers around?
#2 • • OSC8 Guest

The topic I started was only to find out if others are interested in tutorials about audio production, usage of synths, sound modelling and sequencing such as with Cubase.

Maybe I started off on the wrong foot, so we'll start over... Considering the above here, are there any producers around?

Yes there are, plenty of them actually, some of them even quite famous internationally.

However, we already have many topics here discussing all the things you mentioned, but all of them are in finnish.. Wonder why ;) If you like to start one in english, that's fine by me, as long as there is no advertising involved.

Oh, and please change the topic name to something more suitable (for example: producing tips & tricks in English). If you have any more questions please PM/email the moderators or Admin..
#3 • • whuf. Guest

However, we already have many topics here discussing all the things you mentioned, but all of them are in finnish.. Wonder why ;) If you like to start one in english, that's fine by me, as long as there is no advertising involved.

I've always thought of this forum as a bit of a controversial thing because everything else but the posts here are in English! :hah:
I think the main idea of this whole page is to join the Finnish scene in some way.. talking shit on a forum.. errr maybe not the best way to do it.. but blaah thats just fine too ;)
Interaction is cool..

Welcome to the site Dan. I'm sure you'll find atleast something of intrest in here. Other good alternatives are www.trance.nu and www.tranceaddict.com as they are fully in english, but i dont mind some english threads in here too :happyroll:
#4 • • Mad Dan Guest
Tranceaddict is a finnish website? Never knew. I remember them posting illegal sets for download. One of the artists I used to produce was among them and that upset me a great deal.

Nowadays I can only stand and watch when my latest releases are available on mp3, even before the official release.

I understand that there is already a lot of information out there and I don't want to claim that I am unique. However, I have over 12 years of releasing experience, I've worked with many artists and I've had quite some successes. I have noticed that many artists on my level keep their secrets to themselves. Maybe they are afraid that others will surpass them, I don't know.
In any case, I have decided to publish my way of working. I have started by publishing 2 tutorials on EQ and basic production on my board. It's a forum, because that is the easiest way to publish text and discuss it.

I intend to publish on all subjects within the field of producing, and I might consider to start writing a weekly or monthly column on some sites here and there.

Check my discography if you want to see what styles I have been involved in.

If any questions, you know where to find me...[/url]
#5 • • whuf. Guest

Tranceaddict is a finnish website? Never knew.

Hehe :D
Nooo. Its not a Finnish site. Just very similar to Platinum.ac with all its content etc. I had the impression you knew very little of forums and were intrested in them in general.. not just Finnish sites :excellent:

Anyways a nice idea that forum of yours. Tho I've always felt that if i post up some of my working methods people just think of it as stupid nonsense and keep on doing it their way. Well theres really nothing wrong with that cos i think there should be different styles and types of music which tend to take their own approaches productionwise. If everyone would just mimic each other some nice stuff would've never surfaced. Anyways its just frustrating in my opinion, but cool you have the patience of doing that :)
#6 • • Mad Dan Guest
So Whuf, does the word hypocrite mean anything to you? You just sent me a pm in which you suggest that I take blowjobs to do productions for others. Here you are being nice. What's up with that?
#7 • • whuf. Guest

So Whuf, does the word hypocrite mean anything to you? You just sent me a pm in which you suggest that I take blowjobs to do productions for others. Here you are being nice. What's up with that?

I think you quite missunderstud me.
And you already send a reply to my pm.. whats the need of this message? And i even gave you my email which you could mail to..

You shouldnt take everything so literally.. i wasnt serious you know :laugh:
And to be precise i said "bj"... you made your own assumptions from that

#8 • • Mad Dan Guest
I accept your appology.
#9 • • whuf. Guest

I accept your appology.

Haha :hah:
ok thnx

This is just the sort of stuff that should be handled by pm or email. This is a forum and we are now filling it with shit that doesnt belong here.
No offence..
#10 • • OSC8 Guest
This thread is starting to go waaay over somewhere where it shouldnt. So far what i have seen is personal debate with a slight touch of self promotion / site promotion..

For the last time:

1) audiotech-forum is for audio equipment and technology discussion ONLY . Any offtopic personal debate should be handled by pm/email.

2) Dan, please edit this topics name to something more suitable.

I will not repeat myself for the third time.
#11 • • Mad Dan Guest

For the last time:

1) audiotech-forum is for audio equipment and technology discussion ONLY . Any offtopic personal debate should be handled by pm/email.

2) Dan, please edit this topics name to something more suitable.

I will not repeat myself for the third time.

Oh no... another powerfreak forum. Too many of those out there already. What's the big deal anyway? First you close my thread because I'm spamming and now you threaten me again. I have some lamer PMing me over blowjobs and complaints about my topics title.

What the hell do you people want? If you want proper content, then stop this nonsense.

Anyhow, it'll be a long time before you see me here again.

Communism would have served you well.

edit | I forgot, I also received a PM about my topic's title. BUH!
#12 • • OSC8 Guest
Ok that's it. Having read your first post and this topic (including the brand new name of the topic) a few times over, i have come to the conclusion that you are here only to promote yourself and nothing else. I havent seen you writing any production tips etc here, nor seen any sign of you even considering to do so in the future. Plenty of links to your discography section or whateva..

If you want to promote yourself, it should be done on Dj's & Artists section (only one topic/artist), not here.

This thread will now be closed. I will PM you later with further instructions on how platinum+ board works, namely, the primary rules in english. You clearly do not seem to understand, that after being under communist rule for so many years in the past (we had this DrEvil type of commie ruler named Kekkonen), we finnish people are used to iron-hand leadership.

In the meantime, DO NOT set up new threads with titles such as "i'm not spamming" etc. not-so-bright.. If you will, you will eventually get banned from this board.