No sweat! at Erottaja on the Friday 17.12.2004 from 22-03!
price: 0e age: 22->
Tomba (Eira bass)
TAFKAK (The Artist Formerly Known As Kvantti) (X-rust)
Music from 80's electronic disco with a bit of oldies italo-disco to old chicago house served from the original pressings and not from those 10e crappy represses by the guys who know.
You've been served!
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Edit: Dj Fresh Bling Bling 50 000 000 has been replaced.
price: 0e age: 22->
Tomba (Eira bass)
TAFKAK (The Artist Formerly Known As Kvantti) (X-rust)
Music from 80's electronic disco with a bit of oldies italo-disco to old chicago house served from the original pressings and not from those 10e crappy represses by the guys who know.
You've been served!
support your favourite sites:
Edit: Dj Fresh Bling Bling 50 000 000 has been replaced.