Meillä & maailmalla tapahtuu

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#401 • • ShapeShifter Guest

31.10.2007 11:11

NHL-joukkue Montreal Canadiensin kapteeni Saku Koivu on nostettu Quebecin provinssin kielipoliitiseksi pelinappulaksi Kanadassa. Asiasta kertoo Uusi Suomi -vekkolehti.

Tunnettu lakimies Guy Bertrand totesi kanadalaisen CBC:n tv-uutislähetyksessä, että Koivun englannin kielen käyttö julkisuudessa rikkoo kansalaisoikeuksia. Quebecin provinssissa kansalaisilla on oikeus saada palvelunsa ranskaksi.

Koivu on pelannut kaudesta 1995-96 lähtien Montrealissa, mutta välttelee ranskan kielen käyttöä julkisuudessa. Montreal on Quebecin provinssin suurin kaupunki.

#402 • • Zapa Guest
Huhhuh mitä menoa Venezuelassa :( 4 kuoli, useita loukkantui Carl Coxin keikalla Caracasissa viikonloppuna. Youtube-videota en suosittele heikkohermoisille.

Horrific footage of the aftermath to a shooting at a Carl Cox gig in Caracas has surfaced on the web today, with reports indicating that 4 people were murdered and 9 injured. There's been no official news reports following the shooting, but forum messageboards around the world are abuzz after footage was posted on YouTube by the night's VJ.

Cox was headlining the event, called Red Noise, at La Rinconada Terrace in Caracas, Venezuela. The VJ reports that Cox was only 10 minutes into his set when an unknown man opened fire, the gun making a noise that sounded to him "like firecrackers". He reports seeing 3 bodies on the floor immediately following the shooting.

Carl Cox:

I am deeply shocked and still stunned by the events of this Saturday [3rd November]. My condolences go out to victims that were caught up in this horrific act that took place at this gig. I am informed that it was gang related and feel so sad that anybody would act in such a manner when the event was full of 7000 people having fun! I will try my best to continue on the tour accross South America however deeply shocked and shaken I am.

#403 • • yehaT Guest
Tuleeko Renny ohjaamaan kokoillan dokumenttielokuvan? Bowling for Jokela, miten tuo kääntyisi suomeksi?
#405 • • insertxox Guest

8 kuollut uutisten mukaan

Ladytron-Destroy Everything You Touch.......

Ei olisi koskaa uskonnut, että näillä leveyspiireillä tälläistä tapahtuu.
Tai miksi ei?
Pojalla oli ihan asiaa noissa kirjoituksissa, mutta ei niitä voi muuttaa tuola tavalla.

Osan ottoni uhrien läheisille.
#407 • • _U Guest

"Teinityttö joutui selliin yli 20 miehen kanssa - raiskattiin lukuisasti"

Joo, toi pisti jo melkein vihaksi. Siis kuinka v*tun ajattelematonta voi olla jossain maassa ja kulttuurissa tuollainen meininki? Onhan se nyt aivan selvää, että vankilat ja sellit täyttyvät yms bullshittiä, mutta ei nyt silti teinityttöä tungeta samaan ylitäytettyyn selliin...

#408 • • _U Guest
Rinnat paljaana UIMAHALLIIN!
8.1.2008 23:12

Feministit saivat tahtonsa läpi Ruotsissa.

TOPLESS Naiset saavat uida samanlaisessa asussa kuin miehetkin Ruotsissa. Kuvan tanskalaiskaunottaret pulikoivat Kööpenhaminassa yläosattomissa jo joulukuussa. (KELD NAVNTOFT / SCANPIX DENMARK / LEHTIKUVA)

Uimahalli Ruotsin Sundvallissa on päättänyt sallia naisten uida yläosattomissa.

Tämä tarkoittaa iloista välierävoittoa "Bara bröst"-feministiverkoston suurelle tasa-arvokeskustelulle, joka on ollut vireillä niin Ruotsissa kuin Tanskassakin.

Naisaktivistien mielestä heidän tulisi saada uida rinnat paljaina - saavathan miehetkin. Sääntömuutos olisi "askel kohti tasa-arvoisempaa yhteiskuntaa".

Verkosto on tehnyt jo pidemmän aikaa täsmäiskuja kävelemällä katseista välittämättä uimahallien allasosastoille pelkissä bikinialaosissa.

Reaktio on harvoin ollut yksinomaan positiivinen.

- Olemme tottuneet alastomiin ihmisiin, liberaalin linjan ottaneen Sundvallin uimahallin johtaja Per-Erik Ulander perustelee Sundsvalls Dagbladille.

Uimahalli on sitoutunut olemaan häätämättä oma-aloitteisesti puolialastomia naisia ulos, mutta jos paljaat rinnat alkavat häiritä muita asiakkaita, halli katsoo tehtäväkseen kiristää sääntöjä.

Uimahalleista useita kanteluja

Naisverkosto on myös tehnyt kanteluja niistä uimahalleista, jotka ovat häätäneet paljasrintaiset uimarit pukuhuoneisiin.

Ruotsin tasa-arvoasioista vastaava viranomainen katsoi kuitenkin taannoin päätöksessään, etteivät säännöt riko lakia tai loukkaa sukupuolten välistä tasa-arvoa.

"Bara bröst"-verkosto tulee jatkamaan iskujaan.

- Meidän toimintamme myötä kysymys on noussut pöydälle ja olemme saaneet keskustelua aikaan seksismistä, naisen vartalosta ja tasa-arvoisemmasta yhteiskunnasta, liikkeen jäsen Astrid Hellroth iloitsee ruotsalaislehti Expressenissä.

#410 • • _U Guest
Life on Mars? Amazing photos from Nasa probe reveal mystery figure on Red Planet

Eiköhän toi nyt kuitenkin ole optinen illuusio. Tossa isommassa kuvassa oikeassa alareunassa oleva kivi näyttää aivan kävelevältä ankalta. No, hauskahan sitä on katsella tuollaisia kuvia ja kuvitella vaikka mitä. Sama pätee ufokuviin yms. Hauskoja, mut ei niin vakavaa. Jos (kun) tuolla jossain jonkintasoista elämää on, eiköhän se selviä joskus. Tai sitten ei. Aika turhaa tuijotella universumiin, jos emme osaa pitää huolta omasta planeetastammekaan. :)
#411 • • tumpsi Guest

about yhtä korkeella tutkivan journalismin aallonharjalla ku kotisuomen kaleva.
#413 • • djkopernikus Guest
Xbox fan pummelled toddler daughter to death after she knocked over his console

A man obsessed with video games killed his 17-month-old daughter when she knocked over his
Xbox console after a six-hour playing session.

Enraged Tyrone Spellman pummelled Alayiah Turman to death, cracking her skull several times,
while her pregnant mother slept in another room.

American Spellman, 27, who had been playing the game "Ghost Recon" told detectives: "The only
reason I snapped 'cause I thought she broke my brother's $600 Xbox and I don't have any money
to pay him back."

And prosecutor James Berardinelli said the sickening attack was carried out "with a wickedness
of disposition, a hardness of heart and extreme indifference" to the impact such a battering would have.

"That little baby's head cracked like a walnut," he added.

But Spellman's defence lawyers told a court in Philadephia that he only confessed to protect
the mother, Mia Turman, from becoming a suspect.

But jurors rejected this claim and yesterday convicted him of third-degree murder and child

He now faces up to 47 years in prison.

Spellman, also known as Anwar Salahuddin, was arrested in September 2006 after an autopsy
indicated that the toddler's skull had been shattered by blows to the head.

Throughout the trial, defense attorney Bobby Hoof maintained that his client was innocent and
tried to cast suspicion on Miss Turman, who had a history of neglecting the child.

Spellman fled the house after the beating, and the mother, Miss Turman, had no reason to go
in the bedroom where the baby was found, prosecutors said.

"He (Spellman) spent six to seven hours a day in there playing Xbox," Assistant District Attorney
James Berardinelli said.

Spellman,of Philadelphia, confessed to police the next day, but defense lawyer Bobby Hoof noted
that his statement came after 24 hours in custody.

An autopsy showed that Alayiah had suffered a broken arm about two weeks before she died -
an injury that city social workers did not see on two visits to the house in late August, when
they found the baby well.

The city took custody of the couple's second daughter, born after Alayiah's death.
#414 • • djkopernikus Guest
Dubain Da Vinci-pilvenpiirtäjälle tulee pyörivät kerrokset

Dubain futuristiseen kaupunkiin aletaan rakentamaan uutta innovaatiota, kun
alue saa korkean rakennuksen varustettuna aivan uudenlaisella tekniikalla.
Ainutlaatuisesti, jokainen kerros tulee pyörimään riippumattomasti yhden
täyden kierroksen joka 90. minuutti.

Koko rakennus varustetaan turbiineilla ja aurinkopaneeleilla. Myös viisi
muuta lähiympäristön tornia saavat virtansa sähköstä. Turbiinit sijoitetaan
jokaiseen pyörivään kerrokseen, ja ne tuottavat 1 200 000 kilowattituntia
energiaa kun kerrokset pyörivät. Aurinkopaneelit sijoitetaan katolle.
Da Vincin rakentaminen pyritään saamaan päätökseen ensi vuonna.

Linkki sisältää myös videon :
#415 • • milo Guest

Dubain Da Vinci-pilvenpiirtäjälle tulee pyörivät kerrokset

Tuohan on jo kolmas vastaava pilvenpiirtäjä rakenteilla Dubaissa.

Dubai on kyllä aikamoinen arkkitehtuurin kaatopaikka; ellei kopioida olemassa olevia tai kuvitteellisia rakennuksia, keksitään jotain mahdollisimman outoa ja erilaista. Suurinosa pilvenpiirtäjistä näyttää ihan siltä kuin suunnittelija olisi tuotu aikakoneella 80-luvulta, eikä ehdotetut 300 metrisillä jaloilla seisova pilvi tai puolittain aavikolle upotetun Kuolemantähden näköinen kokouskeskus paranna kaupungin mainetta.

Tosin Burj Dubai, vaikka ei niin kaunis olekaan, lähestyy 700 metrin rajapyykkiä ja Al Burjkin, tämän hetkisten tietojen mukaan lopullinen korkeus 1050 m, on saamassa jo perustuksia.
#416 • • djkopernikus Guest
Kenneth Bayes's request to Comcast was routine. He was moving his family from Fairfax to a new townhouse in Haymarket and wanted to transfer his bundled television, Internet and phone services.

A specialist for customers moving to new homes took the order and said all systems were go and everything would be up and running the day after his move in April.

After five weeks, 20 calls, a day off work and three visits that ended without any idea why Bayes couldn't get service, Comcast found the solution to this head-scratcher of a problem: The company hadn't run cable lines to Bayes's house.

Comcast, the nation's largest cable operator, has enjoyed explosive growth in recent years as households clamor for broadband Internet and high-definition television that will allow them to exchange family videos over the Web, talk via instant message and order movies on demand.

Even with the housing downturn, Comcast's revenue last year rose 24 percent, to $30.9 billion, and it had 24.7 million cable subscribers.

That growth has come at a price for customers, public interest groups say. As the company races to add subscribers, many of whom pay more than $100 a month to use phone, Internet, wireless and video services, Comcast has not focused on funding and fixing problems with its customer service, the critics say.

"They bit off more than they could chew, and the victims of their overweening ambition is us," said Bob Garfield, a radio host and creator of Web site, one of several sites created in recent years as an outlet for customer complaints of all kinds.

Comcast said it is has poured "billions of dollars" into improving its network, customer service and sales operations. Spokeswoman Jenni Moyer declined to say how much the company has spent on such improvements, but in the Washington region, Comcast has put $290 million into laying down more fiber between neighborhoods and its technology centers. The company has also created a customer-service call center in Largo that will eventually have 500 employees.

Yet Comcast officials acknowledge that the company is struggling to keep up with its own growth.

"We are a victim of our own success, to a degree," said Rick Germano, senior vice president of customer operations. That expansion has been lucrative: Chief executive Brian L. Roberts took home $20.8 million last year, and the company is putting the finishing touches on a $435 million office skyscraper in downtown Philadelphia.

Many cable, telephone and Internet service companies have struggled to keep pace with customer service as they have gone through a recent period of rapid growth. Washington area residents last year complained to the Better Business Bureau about their cable, Internet and phone more than about other services, including home contractors, auto repair shops and car dealers.

In the Washington area, Comcast serves 1.1 million customers and competes against Verizon Communications in suburban markets for all three services, although Verizon has yet to roll out its fiber network for District residents. Comcast also competes with smaller cable providers such as Cox Communications, which provides video and Internet services in the region.

In a recent national survey on customer satisfaction conducted by the University of Michigan, Comcast was tied for last among cable, satellite and television providers and was last in fixed-line telephone service.

Verizon scored barely above Comcast in satisfying phone and Internet customers, according to the survey.

Moyer said the solution to a service problem was sometimes difficult to determine -- a faulty Internet connection could be caused by anything from weather-worn cable lines to outdated community nodes that act as the central access point for dozens of homes in the neighborhood, she said.

That was the company's response to Charles Gati's complaint of persistent connection and quality problems with the television, Internet and phone "triple play" service he's had for the past two years. The Johns Hopkins University professor often works from his Dupont Circle townhouse and relies on the Internet for research and writing papers.

Since he signed up for the services, he's had eight visits by technicians. His neighbors have complained about similar problems, he said, and one technician said the neighborhood node hasn't been upgraded in years and is overburdened by the number of new customers in the area, who are doing far more on the network than they did when Comcast was providing only cable television.

"Don't advertise something you can't deliver. That's the heart of the problem here," said Gati, who said he was switching carriers.

Public advocacy groups such as Free Press have argued in filings with the Federal Communications Commission that Comcast should spend more money to upgrade its technology by expanding its neighborhood shared capacity -- the part of its networks used by more than one household. On the shared network, too much use at a given time can slow or degrade service.

The company said it suffers from congestion and slower Internet service when too many people in the same neighborhood are using the Web. Or when one user directly transfers large Internet files such as video clips to other users. Comcast has delayed the exchange of large files to alleviate congestion, a practice that has sparked additional criticism that the company is acting as a gatekeeper of Internet content.

The company wouldn't specify how much investment has been put into upgrading technology on the shared neighborhood network. Tony G. Werner, the chief technology officer, said the company doubled capacity at 10,000 of its 115,000 nodes in the past year through a technique called splitting nodes.

Yet Comcast will need to ramp up such improvements if it wants to stay ahead of the technological demands that are bound to strain its networks in the future, said Phil Doriot, a program director for the consulting firm CFI Group. Internet bandwidth has doubled every two years and is expected to continue to increase as video becomes more common on the Web.

"That puts more snow on the snowball that's already heading downhill," Doriot said.

Bayes, a membership specialist for the National Rifle Association, said his problem began before the first service agent came to his home. The new-home specialist should have been able to tell Bayes there was no service to his new home from the first call, he said. None of the many other service representatives caught that error for weeks.

Comcast installed a line from the neighborhood hub to his home almost six weeks after his first call.

"We went above and beyond for him," Moyer said.

But that wasn't enough for Bayes. Last week, he switched providers.
#418 • • djkopernikus Guest
1000 lb Texas woman kills nephew; authorities puzzle over how to jail her

EDINBURG, Texas (AP) -- Prosecutors are trying to decide how to jail and bring to court a nearly half-ton, bedridden woman accused of killing her 2-year-old nephew.

A grand jury on Thursday indicted Mayra Lizbeth Rosales, 27, on one count of first-degree murder and on one count of injury to a child in the death of Eliseo Gonzalez Jr. She previously had been charged with capital murder.

Rosales weighs nearly 1,000 pounds and cannot fit through a door to leave her home, leaving prosecutors wondering how to bring her to court. As of Thursday evening, she was not in custody.

Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino said holding her at the county jail for her trial would be impossible because she needs extensive medical care.

"She would die," said Trevino in Thursday's online edition of The Monitor in McAllen.

The grand jury indicted Rosales after an autopsy confirmed investigators' suspicions that the child died March 18 because he had been struck. Investigators believe the toddler was struck at least twice, crushing his head.

Authorities recommended Rosales' bond be set at $150,000.

The boy's mother Jaime Rosales, was charged earlier with injury to a child because she allegedly left her son alone with his aunt. Her bond has been set at $100.000.
#419 • • eGrind Guest
Tapat, hui, siis tapahtui kauhajoella. Vittu tollasta jaksa kukaan..
#420 • • eGrind Guest
Uus pressa tuli siis amerikanmaalle.