26.11. <Synsation> @ Cafe Tivoli, Rovaniemi

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#1 • • Deep Space Guest


"Another time, another place..."

date: 26.11.2004
time: 22-04
place: Cafe Tivoli, Rovaniemi
age: 18
2 stages

Arctic techno-trance subexperience in 2 stages

Main stage:

Roorekvenssi - LIVE - Oksa Records, Tku/Oulu
Poliisi - Com.pact Records, Tre...psy-trance
Albert - Deep Space, Oulu...techno

2nd stage:

Albert -...House
Orion - Drop, Roi...trance/progressive
Passive - NiteTrain, Roi...house & trance

Ennakot 6 eur @ Bar Comico. Ovelta 6 eur
An "Deep Space" Presentation


Choci on legendaarinen lontoolainen tuottaja ja underground-DJ. Hänen keikkailustaan on turha alkaa luettelemaan listaa tähän, riittänee jos sanoo että Choci on soittanut ympäri maailmaa ja on yksi Englannin acid trance/tekno -skenen arvostetuimpia pioneereita ja häntä pidetään acid teknon ja nimenomaan rankemman soundin esi isänä. Hän on tuottanut satoja levyjä, ja monet tunnetut nimet ovat aloittaneet miehen useilla levymerkeillä. Aikoinaan Choci järjesti legendaarista Tonka-klubia DJ Harveyn kanssa ja soitti usein yhdessä mm. Carl Coxin kanssa. Suomessa Chocilla on myss vankka kannattajakunta. Mm. Dj Proteus pitää Chocia yhtenä suurimmista esikuvistaan

Choci is the legendary underground dj<producer, record shop owner from London town...His dj'ing resume is far too prolific to write here,fundamentally,Choci has played and continues to play all over the world,was responsible for pioneering the english acid trance/techno and hard house scene in london....He's produced hundreds of records and his labels launched lots of well known names on the scenes.....His shop was also famous all over the world,as well as being VERY popular with all the premier dj's of London aswell as the fabulous underground jocks.....Choci has now closed his emporium and shut down his labels to concentrate on a career of Carpentry,joinery,cabinet making and property developement,which he adores....He still dj's around the world,enjoying and has set his heart on building his own house in the country......
