purchasing/selling mp3

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#1 • • briananeurysm Guest
Hi guys,

i have a question to you concerning the sale of Mp3 files. iTunes etc is gaining a bunch of popularity in the commercial market, but i'm curious how many djs, especially you guys, buy mp3s to dj them from CD later?

I personally dont buy them, because i prefer vinyl, but some releases that are really hard to find, i would at least like to have a good quality mp3, so i can dj that thing.

i'm sure this has been discussed many times before, but i'm not talking about preference, but more about ACTUALLY doing it. How many people here actually buy mp3s and dj them later?

I'm asking, because i've been approached about selling Iron Box releases as mp3s. not purely of course, but as an addition to selling vinyl.
#2 • • JussiS Guest

Lately I've been buying half of my stuff as mp3's, usually because they can be found from the label's website about week to month before they come to Street Beat. Sadly the quality of mp3's (or actually wma's) isn't always that good, many of them are quite badly ripped straight from vinyl. And few times the verification of wma-files hasn't work.

The problem is that in Finland it isn't legal to play these mp3's on a gig. Teosto has a payment (
), that is 0,20e / minute that allows you to play them, but 80 mins of music would make it 16e / cd (which is way too much, because I've been paying for the songs in advance, and the price of blank CD-R:s includes also the money that goes to Teosto.
#3 • • R2 Guest
I'm waiting the Finnish laws to step up-to-date.. Before that, I'm sticking with the conventional CD and vinyl.

Besides, can one play An audio-cd made from mp3s or wma s..? There are no mp3-compatible cd-players everywhere.
#4 • • jUSSi Guest

Besides, can one play An audio-cd made from mp3s or wma s..? There are no mp3-compatible cd-players everywhere.

You can simply convert the mp3's or wma's to wave-format and burn normal audio cd's.
#5 • • JussiS Guest

Besides, can one play An audio-cd made from mp3s or wma s..? There are no mp3-compatible cd-players everywhere.

Actually there are. At least Pioneer's DMP-555 and also Final Scratch can play them. Never seen one, though. (But I've once dj'd with a MD-player :))
#6 • • R2 Guest
I do know you can convert them, some softwares make audio cd s out of mp3-files, but still the source is "illegal"-mp3-format..

And there are cd players that do play mp3- or wma-files, I know, but like it was said, where have you seen one? What I mean is that can you be sure that when you go on a gig, there'll be a player that plays your mp3s?
Because there are NOT THAT MANY around that can, I won't expand my collection with mp3s..

PS. excuse my English, if U missunderstod... :hah: