DJ Soma's Holiday Activities (story added 10.11.)

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#1 • • Edited djsoma Guest
Holiday Activities
> recorded on 07/2004 > running time 79:44 > mp3 213kbit (VBR) > 122 MB > click here to download > cue-file here

1. Sanjiva - The Secret of the Golden Flower
2. Makyo - Suzhou River (Underwater Dub Mix) -> sample
3. Stress Assassin - Raumwelt Signal -> sample
4. Ishq - Sol -> sample
5. Aluna - Shea -> sample
6. Prem Joshua - Lahore Connection (Toires Aquatic Mix) -> sample
7. Adam Plack feat. Deepak Chopra & Gina Gershon - Flight to Freedom
8. Jairamji - Mother Tongue -> sample
9. Gift Culture - Shagri-La -> sample
10. Tipper - Just as the Sun Went Down
11. Cibelle - Pequenos Olhos -> sample
12. BT - The Only Constant Is Change

My best mix to date, a journey around the world with peaceful and passionate mood. For a preparation we lay back, close our eyes and start practising a taoist visualization meditation, The Secret of the Golden Flower (mail me if you want instructions for this meditation or the 17-minute song in full lenght). After a first few deep breaths we begin to float and soon find ourselves on the Japanese riverside, where they are filming the movie Suzhou River. Makyo is very inspired about the view and shares his impression of this beautiful scenery. The river calls us to swim and we go in the water and begin to float on our back, going with the flow of the water. No need to swim here since the river is supporting us. Feeling very safe and confident we close our eyes and soon begin to hear Stress Assassin's eerie Raumwelt Signal, where the vast Space itself is echoed in a dub style with harmonious bells. Soon we come back to earth from this beautiful vision and land on the beach of Koh Tao in Thailand. A young beautiful girl offers us a coconut oil massage for free and we receive the gift feeling very happy. Ishq is playing some harmonics on the beach shack nearby and children are playing in the water. Everything is nice and easy. After some deeply relaxing and healing time our body and mind feels very refreshed so we thank the girl smiling and head to the waterfalls to have the surface energies cleansed with clean and mineral-rich water from the mountains. An old shaman, who had moved to Thailand all the way from North Finland's Lapland, is playing tribal drum and enjoying his time in the warmth. His drumming lifts us up to astral dimensions and in a split second we find ourselves in India, where Prem Joshua is entertaining us with his flute and playing heartfeld melodies from beyond the visible world. Toires is supporting him with strong rhythms. The otherworldly feeling continues when Deepak Chopra starts reading a beautiful love poem written by indian mystic Rabindranath Tagore and after him Gina Gershon gives her response to what was just said using Tagore's poetry again. In this loving mood we are enjoying the band Jairamji performing their delicate and colorful Mother Tongue. Soon they have succeeded to gently put us in a state of loving surrender, and we feel at peace. In this meditative state we get telepathic connection to the remote Tibet, to a magical place called Shangri-La. There's no violence or hate in this place, only acceptance and deep love and gratitude towards all that is. On the mountains of the Himalays we have a chance to witness a most beautiful sunset with the whole sky becoming coloured with read and orange and yellow. We get lost in the sunset and find ourselves on the beach somewhere in Brasil (maybe El Salvador) where young and beautiful Cibelle is singing a soothing song for our pleasure. Beside her Brian Transeau starts sharing his contribution for the healing of the world. His amazing production skills and passionate singing sends ecstatic pulses through our body reminding us that t's really love what we need more in the world. We also feel thankful that again somebody reminds us about the impermanent nature of things and situations in this universe. Everything changes all the time, every day brings something new to our lives and every day we leave something behind us. After last rattling sounds we enjoy a moment in total silence and then open our eyes with a warm glow in ourselves that keeps radiating for a long time. So nice to be on a holiday. inlove2.gif

Lisää tietoa minusta dj:nä täällä.

For bookings and personal comments: [email protected]

Ja kommentoikaa ihmeessä jotain.
#2 • • Edited djsoma Guest
Cue-tiedostoja tukevat ainakin Nero (jota itsekin käytän) ja CDRWin. Nerossa tuon cue-toiminnon saa käyttöön näin

1. Peruuta Wizard
2. Valitse "File"-valikosta "Burn Image"
3. Lataa cue-file tästä

Huomioi, että poltettavan tiedoston nimi pitää olla sama kuin mikä cue-tiedostossa on määritelty ja ne pitää löytyä samasta hakemistosta. Jos haluat muuttaa ton mp3:n ensin waviksi, niin muuta cue-tiedoston kohta [FILE "dj soma - holiday activities (07-2004).mp3" MP3] tälläiseksi [FILE "dj soma - holiday activities (07-2004).wav" WAVE]. Antoisia kuunteluhetkiä!
#3 • • olliS Guest
Todella rauhallista ja miellyttävää materiaalia. Tämä ei ole ihan mikä tahansa random chillmix, vaan mielestäni tässä on selkeä tarinakin kerrottu :heart: Kiitokset tästä, siirryn kuuntelemaan muita miksauksiasi. :)
#4 • • okiru Guest
Tänään sain vihdoin kuunneltua viimeisimmän miksauksesi ja nyt ne kaikki on kuunneltu. :) Aivan loistavaa fiilistelyy ja varsinkin tämä uusin on mitä mainioin. Tykkäsin erittäin paljon ja äänimaailma on todella piristävä ja mielenkiintoinen reissu.

Tämä on hyvä laittaa soimaan kuulokkeista ja vaipua samalla uneen :)

Kiitos ja lisää mahdollisimman nopeasti!

#5 • • giftculture Guest


This mix is overall very peaceful, meditative and light, but gets darker in the end. It's like a warm, nice day on the summer when you have nothing else to do but enjoy, from the gentle energies of the morning to the passionate heat of the night. Enjoy!

Holiday Activities recorded on 07/2004
click here to download.

9. Gift Culture - Shagri-La -> sample

Lisää tietoa minusta dj:nä täällä.

For bookings and personal comments: [email protected]

Ja kommentoikaa ihmeessä jotain.

Wow! Greetings from gift culture - just wanted to say thanks for playing my
tracks out! It always makes me happy to find them popping up in mix sets, especially in places so far from home (Dallas, TX) :^) If you don't mind me asking, where are you from, DJ Soma?
#6 • • djsoma Guest
Kiitos OlliS ja okiru kivoista kommenteista. Uusi miksaus on tuloillaan, kunhan ensin saan uudet Denonin DNS 1000:t ja Ecler Neo-5 mikserin ja pääsen treenaamaan kotonakin.

To giftculture: For now I live with three girls in a two-floor wooden house in Kerava, which is about 25 minutes from the center of Helsinki by train. Thanks for bringing those twisted but beautiful idm and breakbeats for us.
#7 • • djsoma Guest

Tämä on hyvä laittaa soimaan kuulokkeista ja vaipua samalla uneen :)

Saattaapi olla että BT ravistelee sut hereille... 6.gif
#8 • • peepe Guest
<3 mieli lepää
#9 • • okiru Guest

Tämä on hyvä laittaa soimaan kuulokkeista ja vaipua samalla uneen :)

Saattaapi olla että BT ravistelee sut hereille... 6.gif

Erittäin mahdollista :D
#10 • • lad Guest
ah mahtavaa...

Tämä on ollut _niin_ useana iltana soitossa, ja on kyllä toiminut aivan mielettömän hienosti. Muita mukavia fiiliksiä on ollut yövuorojen jälkeen kun on ahtautunut märkään lähijunaan ja on matkalla kotiin.. Sielu lepää. :hearts:

BT herättää - joo kyllä. Nukkumatin kanssa kun ollaan kuunneltu niin uni on kyllä vetänyt erävoiton joka kerta ennen loppua.

Mutta tuo alku.. Pehmeämpää kuin pehmeinkin pehmeä. Ja sitten kun Prem Joshua tipahtaa sisään niin voi jottas.. Todella mahtavaa! :D