Kantsii sit muuten kattoo et mihin paperiin nimensä lykkää, ettei joudu ite maksupuolelle :)
Your location is: Home > Finnish DJ Booking Agency
Book a Finnish DJ
Kirjanpidollinen Finnish TISKIJUKKA
// Erno
Pretty dodgy, guys :) Maybe you should try to make the website a "bit"
more attractive and state your business plan clearry to attract any deejays.
You mention nothing that this site can give for me.
Please, at leaste resize the stolen flag .gif's to the same size..
markan saitti todellakin.
I agree on Ana. Layout is just horrible and the image you give to people isn't attractive. Maybe you should reconsider some issues there that Ana suggested. But I can see you have Yves de Ruyter there so I guess you are pretty serious devoloping your service and DJ supply..
Heh, ei kyllä hirveän vakuuttavaa. Kun kyselin asiaa, ilmoitettiin että jäsenyys maksaa 150 e vuodessa, joten se siitä.