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#2 • • Ana-- Guest
It's getting closer:

The TB-202-line reminds me of Higher state of consciousness.. Really, this
is a bit boring, you should post full tracks so that people could give a serious
review. Now it's just the uplift from the middle of a basic track. There's not
much one can say about stuff like this. I get serious flashbacks, I've heard
all of the ideas stated here a thousand times before. The production sounds
proper, though. Sounds and audio quality are OK. Maybe you should try
doing something a bit more original?


Read above.
#3 • • MissJarea Guest
The first track has actually the TB303 in it and has the Access bassline, heheh :)

I cannot post full tracks as they are being reviewed by labels that are int in buying them, and therefore we cannot have the full tracks on the net when the goal is to sell them, hehe :)

But thanks for the feedback :)
#4 • • osenoko Guest
The production work is very smooth, but the musical substance escapes me. Maybe it's the genre, dunno. The synthline in "It's getting closer" -reminds me of Kernkraft .. wasn't it your producer partner who's responsible for RBA's "There's no Alternative" -> another track quite similar to the Kernkraft -track?

It feels you've played it very safe conceiving these tunes. Gotta agree with Ana, some fresh ideas and a bit of experimental touch wouldn't hurt. Not bad, though.
#5 • • Digital Beat Guest
omg, the school pc does not have any speakers, gotta listen later :sad:
#6 • • sauce Guest

The synthline in "It's getting closer" -reminds me of Kernkraft ..

It feels you've played it very safe conceiving these tunes. Gotta agree with Ana, some fresh ideas and a bit of experimental touch wouldn't hurt. Not bad, though.

yeah, sounds too much of Kernkraft imho too... This could be like mix of zombie nation that would eventually morph into original melody...

but well produced indeed.

and Adrenaline was "bit"(read; VERY MUCH) annoying becouse of the male vocals...

I dont easilly say this, but I think thas this stuph is kinda "out of date". Hard House hype is like over. Atleast in my 23'square meter flat :)
#7 • • MissJarea Guest
hahaha! That vocal is not repeaded thru the entire track thank god, heheh :)
#8 • • Digital Beat Guest
the vocals are quite scary on the adrenalina. Sounding very nineties rave track ;) I didn't like it but "It's getting closer" is much better in my opinion. Hard to say because the previews are so short... :eek: :hah: :excellent:
#9 • • CJDaft Guest
Hi Miss Jarea!
Seems as Dan &you have been @ work lately ;)

..ok, about the tracks then...

1. male vocals are a bit 90's of course, but who gives a damn - they're doing it's job - lifting the track a bit higher...although I would recommend recording them again with a bit clearer pronounciation. It disturbs me that I can't tell what the singer is saying.
2. I like the sounds -- but too much playing with vocals to my taste, I would also like to hear somekind of uplifting lead sound somewhere in the song. The clip is a bit too short to make a good opinion.

It's Getting Closer
1. sounds are very good. Altough I would change the high lead sound that starts at the beginning and goes to the middle of the break..or at least try something different.
2. something tells me that this is a good basic song but seems to rush too much forward...well, I see this as more of a "radio" edit ;)
3. i like this better than Adrenalina...

Good production anyway! Keep it up!

#10 • • MikkiHiiri Guest

Synthlines sound nice and fat, but 666-style speaks doesn't work on me.
IMO snaredrum should be changed to clap. Beat needs more sounds, now
it sounds very thin. Actually whole song needs more sounds, sounds very simple.
Overall sound quality is good and mixing is well done.

It's Getting Closer:

303-line sounds good. I don't like the main melody.. sounds childish,
like from cartoon :) Sound quality and mixing are once again very good.
Sounds like you've used ProTools? (I can hear similarities in high frequencies)
But .. I don't like this tune. It might be because I don't listen this
kind of stuff. Only my opinion.. :)

All the best
#11 • • MissJarea Guest


Synthlines sound nice and fat, but 666-style speaks doesn't work on me.
IMO snaredrum should be changed to clap. Beat needs more sounds, now
it sounds very thin. Actually whole song needs more sounds, sounds very simple.
Overall sound quality is good and mixing is well done.

It's Getting Closer:

303-line sounds good. I don't like the main melody.. sounds childish,
like from cartoon :) Sound quality and mixing are once again very good.
Sounds like you've used ProTools? (I can hear similarities in high frequencies)
But .. I don't like this tune. It might be because I don't listen this
kind of stuff. Only my opinion.. :)

All the best

Respect man , thanks :)
there is no snare in the track however, we used 2 claps and we dont work with ProTools ,)
Any stuff u hear from highfrequences are made by the mp3 convertion.
