badtaste 3 motherfuckers!

26 posts, 2 pages, 4,108 views

#21 • • Hallaaa Guest
pyhä jysäys, mis mun partaterät on :excellent:

Posts: 118

#22 • • des
wow, where and why did you buy these records.

Pimpeli Pom and Chiko's Song, damn these are so bad I laugh with tears in my eyes :). And you made hotel california sound so lousy :angry: :D.

btw, is badtaste1 still online somewhere?
#23 • • tumpsi Guest
Steve, you're breaking my balls.
It was awful. ;)
#24 • • espoo_rumpshaker Guest
for those asking...

badtaste1 is currently offline, I'll get it back up asap, just gotta get my servers fixed.

badtaste2 is online (timmo asked that in this thread, totally forgot to answer!)

oh and I didn't necessarily buy everything featured in this mix, it just so happens that a friend of mine dropped off two crates of vinyl that had been sitting in on kallio bar's basement for ~10 years at my place some time ago... :excellent: