RAVE-laki ei muistaakseni mennyt läpi. Sitä en tosin tiedä ajettiinko vastaavanlaiset pykälät läpi jonkun muun lain mukana.
Se ei menny ekalla kerralla läpi, mutta muuttivat nimeä ja onnistuivat.. Lueskelin sitä tossa ja omasta mielestäni se on vallan loistava. :scared: Muutamia herkkupaloja kongressin perusteluista:
- The trafficking and use of 'club drugs', including 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy or MDMA), Ketamine hydrochloride (Ketamine), Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), and Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), is deeply embedded in the rave culture
- Many rave promoters go to great lengths to try to portray their events as alcohol-free parties that are safe places for young adults to go to dance with friends, and some even go so far as to hire off-duty, uniformed police officers to patrol outside of the venue to give parents the impression that the event is safe.
- Because rave promoters know that Ecstasy causes the body temperature in a user to rise and as a result causes the user to become very thirsty, many rave promoters facilitate and profit from flagrant drug use at rave parties or events by selling over-priced bottles of water and charging entrance fees to 'chill-rooms' where users can cool down.
(Tästä vois monet suomalaisetkin promoottorit ottaa oppia, niin ei varmasti tulis tappiota :D )
- To enhance the effects of the drugs that patrons have ingested, rave promoters sell--
(A) neon glow sticks;
(B) massage oils;
(C) menthol nasal inhalers; and
(D) pacifiers that are used to combat the involuntary teeth clenching associated with Ecstasy.
Ja jos yksikin ihminen on kemuissa vaikutuksenalaisena tai hallussaan jotain laitonta, antaa se poliiseille oikeuden pistää putiikin kiinni ja tutkia kaikki paikalla olijat... :eek:
Koko homma löytyy täältä:
Läpimenneestä löytyy tällänen kohta:
- Whoever profits monetarily from a rave or similar electronic dance event,
knowing or having reason to know that the unlawful use or distribution of a controlled substance occurs at the rave or similar event, shall be fined not more than $500,000 or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the defendant is an organization, the fine imposable for the offense is not more than $2,000,000.
Henk.koht mielestäni todella fiksua rankaista järjestäjää muiden käyttämisestä.. Only in Ameerika..
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