My new track...

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#2 • • sektori Guest
vois tietenki kertoa vähä mitä on odotettavissa raidalta.
jotenki aattekin että mad mike - mad dan tai jotain :)
ei meikä tajua tämmöstä
#3 • • Laite Guest
actually i kinda liked this one, nice vocals and everything else sounds really good too. the clip is too short though...
Any chances to get full lenght version somewhere?
#4 • • Mad Dan Guest

vois tietenki kertoa vähä mitä on odotettavissa raidalta.
jotenki aattekin että mad mike - mad dan tai jotain :)
ei meikä tajua tämmöstä

Would anyone like to translate this for me please?
#5 • • Laite Guest

vois tietenki kertoa vähä mitä on odotettavissa raidalta.
jotenki aattekin että mad mike - mad dan tai jotain :)
ei meikä tajua tämmöstä

Would anyone like to translate this for me please?

it means something like this:
"you could tell what to expect from this track, i somehow thought that mad mike = mad dan or something.
i can't understand this"

It's normal here on platinum forums to mention at least style of the song so people who like for example only hard house don't download progressive demo tracks etc.
#6 • • Mad Dan Guest
So whatever happened to listening without prejudice? I have no clue what style my music belongs to. I guess it's more of a mixture between various influences.
#7 • • Ana-- Guest

So whatever happened to listening without prejudice?

It died with the hippies, man :)
#8 • • Edited djsakke Guest
Reminds me of mid-to-late 90's harder eurodance stuff, sounds are quite ok, could be big in crossover crowds that are into harddance/hardhouse/hard eurodance; Something I wouldn't expect to hear in club environment, but more aimed towards big mainstream discos, if marketing department has enough money to get it on mtv. Not my kind of music.
#9 • • Ana-- Guest
Sounds like every other hard trance track I've heard. Mass production
sound. Nothing new under the sun...
#10 • • MissJarea Guest
Hardtrance indeed. This style is quite popular in Europe nowadays.
#11 • • Jokke Guest

Hardtrance indeed. This style is quite popular in Europe nowadays.

Luckily we live in Asia!

As for Dan's track, it is good in its own right. You certainly know your way around doing things and the production sounds well polished to me. However, I wouldn't mind if the track would have had more punch into it. As it is, "Dark Avenger" sounds a bit cheesy and I agree with the people who have posted above that there are quite a few tunes around at the mo that sound pretty much like this. I must say that I liked the previous demo you posted better.
#12 • • kilobitti Guest
+nice production
+the synth-"fill" in the end of every part (heard the first time at 0.16) is
what differentiates this from many other tracks. good.
+overall sound not that unique, but nicely in balance
-i hated the überpunchy kick. In my opinion this track is dying for a kick
that would have a punch going down low... :)

that's my personal opinion, I'm not a big fan of hard trance so I'm biased...
#13 • • MissJarea Guest
#14 • • Mad Dan Guest
There is a lot of sub in the production, providing the 'low' that you are looking for. However, it doesn't really come out that well in this mp3 conversion. The punchy kick comes with this style in my opinion, as I like it very much. Using a lower kickdrum would force the production more towards Techno, and that would be a bit too deep for my intention on this one. But then again, like you said, personal opinion... thanks dude!

As for my previous post, that track is doing rather well at this time. I managed to get it released through a Tsunami sublabel called Carnal and at this time it's on the playlists of Paul van Dyk and Judge Jules. Guess you were right where it comes to your earlier comments.

I must say I kinda like this forum. Much happening all the time. I just signed a deal with a talented dude named CJ Daft, who posts his stuff here too and that's where I found him. I am remixing his stuff at this very time. I'll have a new preview for you in a couple of days...
#15 • • CJDaft Guest

I must say I kinda like this forum. Much happening all the time. I just signed a deal with a talented dude named CJ Daft, who posts his stuff here too and that's where I found him. I am remixing his stuff at this very time. I'll have a new preview for you in a couple of days...

:D Thumbs up ! :D
Yes it's all looking good and this forum is for the "us creative people" out here somewhere doing something good...Although, I must say -- to get that proper feedback here is sometimes too difficult. I know I know we're all those little purists who like to stay in their own corner and listen strictly to what we like, but how about just once - listen to the work itself, not with the " this doesn't fit to the genre" attitude. People seem to get that a bit too much. If the music's good it should speak for itself! Having said that, there's nothing good there if there's nothing bad and it's good to have this forum here for us all -- I bet it serves us all good!

#16 • • scape Guest
So were you planning to add something original into the track? Sounds nice though.
#17 • • RIO BRAVO Guest
sounds so much like dallas superstars. and I agree with tha early 90's point...