Voi vitun vittu -ARMANDOn nauhat

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#2 • • Edited Kalle Karvanen Guest
Olitko kokkola2002? :)

Meillä oli kolmen tyypin liittouma kyttäämässä noita viime yönä, mutta joku tosiaan tuli puskista ja tarjosi 2000USD, joten peli oli meidän osalta pelattu. Tiedän kyllä että tämä missaus tulee ainakin itseäni vituttamaan vielä vuosienkin päästä :(
#3 • • Ryvon DJ Guest
En ollu Kokkola. Kukakohan se on? Anybody know?
Teittekste jollain nikillä tarjouksen noista?

Vähän epäilyttää se voittaja. Ostoista ja varsinkin ostotiheydestä päätellen se on joku liian varakas Miamin porho.
#4 • • Kalle Karvanen Guest

En ollu Kokkola. Kukakohan se on? Anybody know?
Teittekste jollain nikillä tarjouksen noista?

Meidän piti seurata tilannetta ja tehdä ihan loppumetreillä tarjous, mutta emme ehtineet niin pitkälle, koska kävi kuten kävi. Itsekin mietimme kuka tuo mystinen kokkola on. Nimi kun viittaa aika vahvasti Suomeen...

Vähän epäilyttää se voittaja. Ostoista ja varsinkin ostotiheydestä päätellen se on joku liian varakas Miamin porho.

Kuitenkin joku joka haluaa vain päteä ja hautaa ne lasivitriiniin kavereiden ihasteltaviksi :(

Ai olenko katkera? Vitun vittu :(
#5 • • espoo_rumpshaker Guest
haha, the word travels fast! the boneless one was telling me about this yesterday, didn't get around to check it out till now... better luck next time :D
#6 • • xybo Guest
Ois kyl ollu siistii vääntää niistä mp3:set ja laittaa
kansainväliseen levity6kseen ja sit polttaa nauhat
ja videoida homma ;)

Tai sit vaan suoraan polttaa...

-- xybo
#7 • • djsakke Guest

Ois kyl ollu siistii vääntää niistä mp3:set ja laittaa
kansainväliseen levity6kseen ja sit polttaa nauhat
ja videoida homma ;)

Tai sit vaan suoraan polttaa...

no toi nyt ei olis yhtaa originellia. pitas keksii jotain hienompaa; arvelen et palasiksi pilkkominen ja silpuista taideteoksen tekeminenkin on jo tehty. altern 8 nimittain joskus tuhosi (muistaakseni) polttamalla frequency -ep:n DAT:t julkisesti puistossa, ihan vaa hypen vuoksi. ep:kin oli limitoitu 10 001:n kappaleeseen, tosi hurjan limited painos :) ja The KLF:han tarinan mukaan poltti vinon pinon vinyylia laittomien abba-samplejen vuoksi jossain pain ruotsia..
#8 • • Edited 029 Guest

ja The KLF:han tarinan mukaan poltti vinon pinon vinyylia laittomien abba-samplejen vuoksi jossain pain ruotsia..

eiks klf ollu just tää joka löi vinon pinon massia roihuun? :D

vai oliks se joku muu :) Anyway, asenne jätkiä imo :)
#9 • • unknown Guest

eiks klf ollu just tää joka löi vinon pinon massia roihuun? :D

vai oliks se joku muu :) Anyway, asenne jätkiä imo :)

miljoona puntaa kuulemma :eek:

mut ne oikeita kuitenkaan ollu vaan jotain monopolirahaa :o
#10 • • Edited djsakke Guest

eiks klf ollu just tää joka löi vinon pinon massia roihuun? :D

vai oliks se joku muu :) Anyway, asenne jätkiä imo :)

juuh, se oli naita uudempia tempauksia; tuskin oli oikeata rahaa, kun sen rahan tuhoaminen on enklannissa rikos. mutta hauskaa hypea silti. tuosta on kuulemma vain 2 vhs/kotivideo -laatuista kopiota olemassa joista toinen olisi "viranomaisten" hallussa tms :)

ohho edit: toistin itseani liikaa
#11 • • da_chef Guest

eiks klf ollu just tää joka löi vinon pinon massia roihuun? :D

vai oliks se joku muu :) Anyway, asenne jätkiä imo :)

Vitun tyhmiä jätkiä, imho.

Siinä olisi ollut asennetta jos ne olis itseään käryttäneet liekeillä, se on ns. ultimate statement.

oliko se ranskassa missä viimeksi joku mielenosoittaja tuikkasi itsensä tuleen vastalauseena jollekin..
#12 • • MikkiHiiri Guest

Vitun tyhmiä jätkiä, imho.

Samaa mieltä. Tuskin kuitenkaan polttivat oikeeta rahaa.
Jos kyllä niin vitun asennevammasta elvistelyy koko homma, ois
antaneet ennemmi rahat jollekin rutiköyhälle niin seki ois nähny
valoa elämässä.. KLF oli muuten hyvä bändi, mut ne räpit oli
aivan karmeeta paskaa ;)
#13 • • Boneless one Guest

Ois kyl ollu siistii vääntää niistä mp3:set ja laittaa
kansainväliseen levity6kseen ja sit polttaa nauhat
ja videoida homma ;)

Tai sit vaan suoraan polttaa...

-- xybo

Eiks Armando maistu?
#14 • • Funkatronik Guest

Vitun tyhmiä jätkiä, imho.

Samaa mieltä. Tuskin kuitenkaan polttivat oikeeta rahaa.

No itseasiassa kyllä polttivat. Tosin, he saivat ne rahat takaisin pankilta...

Mikä oli minun mielestäni vähän tyhmää, tavallaan pilasi koko eleen.

#15 • • clib Guest

No itseasiassa kyllä polttivat. Tosin, he saivat ne rahat takaisin pankilta...

Mikä oli minun mielestäni vähän tyhmää, tavallaan pilasi koko eleen.

Eikö ollutkaan niin, että pankki lähetti laskun rahan polttamisesta. Ei kuulemma ollut laillista.

Jos muisti teki tepposet niin korjatkaa (ei olisi ensimmäinen kerta). :scared::scared:
#16 • • Turan Guest
kyllä ne ihan oikeet miljoona puntaa poltti. en kyl ihan nielis tota et ne olis saanu rahat takas. mul on joku juttu tosta jossain lehdessä. vois varmaan kaivaa sen.

mun mielestä paljon vitsikkäämpää oli samojen heppujen "vuoden paskin artisti" -palkinto, joka oli tuplasti suurempi summa rahaa kuin joku brittien "vuoden paras artisti" -palkinto.
#17 • • Turan Guest
tässä juttu Themepark -lehdestä:

a crime against humanity
interview with gimpo by lars eriksen

Notorious daydreamers may often ponder how to dispose a million pounds if bestowed with the opportunity. Undoubtedly the attainment of an instantaneous fortune would present event the most sagacious of human beings with the predicament of ho to manage this vast wealth. On the 23rd of August 1994, Gimpo watched and filmed the K Foundation burn a million pounds on the Isle of Jura. Here he tells themeparks of some of the thoughts that went through his head on that strange night off the west coast of Scotland. Thoughts about BMW's, American television, killing for money and why popstars can not be artists.

"I did not know Jimmy and Bill were going to burn the money. They said, 'come on we are gonna do something and it's gonna be good'. There was initially going to be this media event, but they could not tell anybody about it, so no one would turn up. Instead they just got pissed, and we came up here. We hired a private plane from South London. I sat in the front of the plane all the time thinking, 'Right, we've got a million pound. What are they gonna fucking do, what are they gonna do!' I wanted to throw the others and some of the money off the plane so I could say they killed each other fighting over it. All these things go through your head when you have got a million quid. Me and the journalist that Jimmy and Bill had brought along were talking about nicking it. The parked car was there with a million pounds in the trunk, but what the fuck were we gonna do? We were stuck on an island".

How deliberately planned was the filming of the burning?

"This was not planned to be a real film. It was just documentation of what was happening. They gave me a camera, and I became a filmmaker. So I got a fucking million pound film! The film only came out because Omnibus wanted to do a program about them, and this bloke saw this film and said, oh yeah it's like an art film, you should make a film about it. So we decided to put this onto 16mm. It is so good and it is so crap. It could be anything. You can't even see it half the time. Just a bunch of blokes making a fire. It is the fucking drunkest I have ever seen Jimmy in my life. Never seen him drink so much. They had known about it for months. Of course they were nervous. Everyday since they have regretted it. I mean, what the fuck did we do that for?"

Approximately a year after the burning, Gimpo and the K Foundation embarked on a national tour with the film. As they pursued a revelation as to why they had decided to burn the money, they proposed to the public whether what they had done constituted a crime against humanity.

"We went to Belgrade where we were invited by the B92 radio station. It was great. People asked some really good questions. They did not know what was going on. To them paper money did not have any value. When we went to Royal College of Art, nobody dared ask a question. They were afraid of not being smart enough. People still don't believe we did it. When we have been out on tour, it does not matter whether people believe it or not or agree with it or not. It is the fact that somebody has done it. In Los Angeles at Christmas they have a TV station that just has a fire on it. Then you can sit there and look at the fire and then what? When we show the film on tour people leave after the first ten minutes. Maybe they were expecting something else".

On November 5, 1995 Jimmy Cauty and Bill Drummond signed an agreement not to discuss the burning incident for the next 23 years. Simultaneously Gimpo and author Chris Brook began work on their book on the subject of burning a million quid, and kept touring with the film.

"Yeah, I was on Prozac at the time we went on the road with the film. I had to make public speeches and answer people's questions. It was easier on Prozac. After the first few goes, Jimmy and Bill did not want to speak of it, so it was like here is Gimpo, he knows what it was like. People wanted to know, 'why did you do it'? They just did it. Everyday Bill and Jimmy come up with a different reason, but people still want a definitive art statement. I think Iknow why tehy did it, in my heart of heart I know, but then in everybody's heart of heart they think they know why they did it".

So what is your theory?

"Because nobody else has, that is one reason. They were the first to do it, so nobody has to do it again. When they came out with their music they were the first to make really quality use of samples as well".

You reckon they should be credited for being groundbreaking musicians?

"Don't know about musicians. Musicians are playing live music, you know what I mean. Like Phil Collins. It's like when they offered the forty grand to Rachel Whiteread for being the worst artist, at the same time she won the Turner Prize for twenty grand. Twenty grand for the best artist! That is crap. Who is to tell who is the best or who is the worst.
So because Jimmy and Bill did that [with the samples], they went against the Establishment. And then they burned the million. If you are a popstar you can't become an artist. You can't, it is simply illegal. Whether it is the hierarchy or whatever, there is a rule whithin the ranks of artists that popstars should fuck off. David Bowie keeps doing it, but it is just like 'ehh. it's just a popstar's painting!' Jimmy was gonna go to the Slade School of Art years ago, but he did not go.
He could have been an artist, but he was not allowed to be one, so he turned into a popstar".

As Gimpo recalls the hour of the burning in the tiny boatman's house, a recurring apprehension exerts its influence on his thoughts and emotions: the unnerving and all too human fascination with instant richness seem for a monent to surpass any idealistic intentions he might apply to his debut as a filmmaker. It also presents me with another 'solution' to the equation, one that suggests the undeniable crime of the burning is to put our human nature and desires through the ultimate experiment.

"At one point I had fifty 'grand' behind my back. This could have paid half of a house when I had got back. But then again, where does it stop? Then I would have needed to take the money for the other half. But then you see, I would also have wanted a BMW! I would have been bugging myself for years. Greed does that to you. This is why Jimmy is still twitching when he sees the film. This is why I can't show this film to my sister's husband.
Watching that money burn does something to people. Maybe greed does this to you!"

t: lars eriksen, [email protected]