Spundae/Circus L.A. ratsattu ja (melkein) kii

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#1 • • Edited :t:c: : : Guest
Jos joku haaveili käyvänsä Losissa ja Spundaessa, kannattaa suunnitella uusiks. Voi meinaan mennä luukku kii seuraavaks Henkilökunta vähän kaupitteli päihteitä yms. kivaa joten DEA veti paikan alas... Operaatio "X-Out" taitaa vetää vähän hiljaseks atlantin takana, ravepolisenia odotellessa :)


Yks highlight vetää kyl hymyn taas suupieleen ->

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Investigators for the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), assisted by officers of the Los Angeles Police Department, raided the "Circus" nightclub last night (Saturday) arresting five people on drug charges.

The raid was the result of a seven-month undercover investigation involving ABC and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). ABC investigators made 26 purchases of various narcotics from 25 subjects. The sales included such drugs as ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana and ketamine. Six of the drug transactions were committed or facilitated by employees of Circus. DEA and ABC investigated several patrons of Circus who sold large quantities of ecstasy to undercover investigators. In all, more than 10,000 pills were seized with a street value of over $200,000.

During the course of the undercover investigation, ABC contacted Trinka D. Porrata, one of the nation's leading experts on ecstasy and rave events, who visited the Circus. Porrata identified the club as a "rave" event due to the lack of drug or weapon searches at the front door, extensive security, numerous patrons under the influence of designer drugs, the type of music, laser lighting, glow sticks, sales of water bottles and so-called power drinks with a high concentration of caffeine such as Red Bull, an outside cooling off area, and other factors. Porrata also talked to a confidential informant about rave events in the area. The informant referred to "Circus" as one of the best clubs to purchase and use ecstasy.

During the undercover investigation, ABC investigators observed the open and conspicuous use of drugs usually connected to "Rave" events. The drug of choice at these events is usually MDMA, or ecstasy, a stimulant that creates an increased sensitivity to sound and light.

The Circus also sells high caffeine power drinks to their patrons. The combination of the caffeine and ecstasy creates a super high which gives a hallucinogenic effect. The club catered to their drug using patrons by offering loud music, laser lights, and glow sticks which enhanced the psychedelic effect. Bottled water was sold to patrons to counter dehydration caused by ecstasy and other designer drugs.

For those patrons who overdosed on ecstasy, the nightclub provided a cool-down area with emergency medical technicians (EMTs) to prevent the need for emergency response units and possible inquiries from police. The club is currently being sued by the family of a young man who died from an overdose of drugs after attending the nightclub.

In September of 2001, 27-year-old Marcello "Nino" Maurizio allegedly obtained the drug ecstasy while at the club, collapsed on the dance floor and began having convulsions. The family is claiming that club personnel examined Maurizio for some time, and then told his friends to take him home as he was having a bad trip. Maurizio later died at San Gabriel Valley Medical Center. I n addition to the criminal charges to be filed against those who sold or facilitated the sale of drugs, ABC will file an accusation against the club's liquor license for allowing the conspicuous and blatant use of drugs at the location. The accusation could result in a suspension of the license. ABC investigators have been checking other nightclubs in Southern California and elsewhere in the State.

The DEA has been focusing on ecstasy trafficking and recently launched a nationwide operation called "Operation X-Out."
#2 • • jUSSi Guest
musiikkityylihän ja klubin sisustus kertoo sen, että ihmiset siellä käyttävät huumeita. Tuttua jenkki-kauraa ja aivan lapsellista päättelyä. Sinänsä ei mitään uutta auringon alla, mutta mielipide jenkeistä vain pahenee. Jonkun pitäisi ihan oikeasti herättää ne ihmiset siitä konservatismin lämpimästä kehdosta..
#3 • • unik Guest
Mitä tuohon nyt sanoisi... shit happens.
Elämä on parasta huumetta, eikä elämästä selviä hengissä.
#4 • • :t:c: : : Guest
Ja sit yhden klubin työntekijän visioo aiheesta :) huomatkaa propagandakoneiston tehokkuus ekassa meilissä..

...i'm just the messenger... :)


Thanks for all the calls and emails about last Saturday. It's nice to know I have so many caring friends.

This is an unofficial statement from Eric, not to be confused as a statement by Spundae in any way.

From all of the information that I have been able to get, regarding the "raid":

After 7 months of undercover work, and countless taxpayers dollars. After flying in agents from other cities and shutting down streets for blocks around the club. After bringing in "experts" on @#%$ and rave culture. out of about 1,200 happy non-violent club goers:

5 people were arrested, 2 for the sale of @#%$.

Of the 2 people arrested for @#%$ one had 40 pills, the other had 5 pills. (total from the news said 45 pills, so that makes sense)

I have not been able to find out the 'exact' charges on the employee. From what I have gleaned so far, the employee was not actually selling @#%$ (maybe a 3d party transaction deal)

Nobody from the law enforcement has explained where the 10,000 pills or $200k of money thing came from. Nobody can tell us why if 25 people were selling @#%$ over the investigation, only 2 were arrested. Or why the video (supplied by law enforcement to the media), was footage from a bust NOT made at Circus.

They have not explained why, after 27 years of running a good business. With NO violations and a good standing in the community. They did not ASK Circus Disco to aid them in catching @#%$ offenders. Or even mention there was a problem.

So, what was the motivation for this act? It makes me wonder.

These are the changes to Circus that I am aware of:

(intentionally left blank)

Circus is a great club, it treats it's customers with respect and dignity. Law enforcement has seen all of this first hand. They came, they saw, they found little to nothing to warrant their hard work. I wish we could make them realize this is not worth their time. A raid on a baseball game would be more worth their efforts.

Can't WAIT to see you all this Saturday! I could use a few of your fabulous hugs.

Love yall,

#5 • • jUSSi Guest
hehee icon14.gif

Propagandakoneisto jyllää! Amerikassa vallitsee sellainen kiva konsensus hallituksen/poliisin/muun virkavallan toimista ja niiden oikeellisuudesta, että kukaan ei kyseenalaista oikeastaan yhtään mitään...
#6 • • Edited lexicon Guest
The Land of the Free? I think not!

Niinku jo sanottu, todella ottaa pannuun kuinka kyseinen maa markkinoi itseaan vapauden ja suvaitsevaisuuden tyyssijana mutta "the type of music, laser lighting, glow sticks, sales of water bottles and so-called power drinks with a high concentration of caffeine such as Red Bull, an outside cooling off area" ovat yhta kuin the goddamn DEVIL.

Onneksi jokaisella saa sentaan olla kasiase, jotta demokratia ja vapaus voivat vallita!
:014: :014: :014:
#7 • • Ezzy Guest
aina niin virkistävää luettavaa nämä jenkkiravejutut... :rolleyes:
#8 • • Damien Guest
No 50-luvulla Rock'n Roll oli neekereiden musiikkia ja eikä sopinut valkoiselle miehelle. Tässäkäänn yhteydessä ei silloin säästelty sanoja ja saatanoita. Nykypäivänä se on tekno musiikki jota jahdataan ja vihataan.
Mitäköhän tulevaisuus tuo tullessaan? Et saa ajatella turmeltuneisuutta tai sut passitetaan opistoon....

#9 • • dope white Guest

Elämä on parasta huumetta, eikä elämästä selviä hengissä.

:D :D :D

Vähänkö mahtava elämänfilosofia! :)
#10 • • Tomi m. Guest

aina niin virkistävää luettavaa nämä jenkkiravejutut... :rolleyes:

Nojaa, naapurimaassa tapahtuu ihan samanlaista.

Hopihopi äänestämään ettei Suomessa pääse samanlainen populismi valloilleen.
#11 • • :t:c: : : Guest
Niinjoo... Nykissäkin vedettiin taas kaks klubia kiinni... vastapainoks tuli viestiä et Twilo avaa taas ovensa, mut uudella nimellä.
#12 • • genki Guest
ne on terroristien tekosia noi glubit. rätit päässä jengi siellä tanssii ja kalashnikovit paukkuu.. klaipparit käynnissä oven edessä niin pääsee nopeesti pakoon.
#13 • • dab Guest
Thank God I'm European!
#14 • • X-pertti Guest
No joo... Kyllähän noi klubit on aika huumeongelmaisia tuolla jenkeissä. mm. New Yorkin Exitissä tehtiin kolmen vuoden aikana 170 huumepidätystä, joka on mun mielestä aika paljon . http://www.clubplanet.com/content/features/features98.asp

Eikä se Twilonkaan henkilökunnan toiminta kovin fiksua aikoinaan ollut. Suomen meininki tuntuu aika skarpilta, mitä nyt Tigerin poke vähän veti "blossii tödee":002: