What's wrong...

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#1 • • Phats Guest
I had the pleasure to be in finland for a couple of days but as me and my friend went to a "night club" in Kuopia (smth) to see a batle of bands everything was fucked up for me after that. First of all I must say that the bands were quite good... if they would have been properly mixed and equalized (like the only things that I could hear from quitar's were the solo's). And when I told the crew what I thought what they were doing; I allmost got thrown out of this "club". What's wrong? The bouncers or the people who called the bouncers??? Why can't people take it and try to perform better the next time? (use their gadgets right). Is this the way to handle people who have constructive ideas in finland? (if so, I would't like to live there)

Posts: 947

#2 • • Esa

What's wrong?

Why not try clubbing next time.
#3 • • Elwira Guest
Hahaa! Yep! Try next time clubbing when you are coming to finland. Club people are kind people i think... :D
#4 • • Dubchild Guest
In the first place Phats, this is in the wrong topic, it should be in the general discussion section. Secondly, if you come to Finland for a couple of days and spend your time checking out a battle of the bands gig in Kuopio of all places then I think it's fair to say you don't have a decent idea about what the Finnish club scene or indeed Finns generally are like. Of course you get shitty bouncers in Kuopio like everywhere else, but there's no point in tarring everyone with the same brush is there?

Maybe the guys doing the sound were pissed off cos the equipment wasn't working, the bouncers were pissed off cos they should have had a night off, and everyone was pissed off cos they were in a shitty club with some bloke giving them a hard time about the sound. Doesn't mean diddly squat mate.