Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,504 views

#382 • • Tres Guest

tres: okei..then im sorry about that..no hard feelings? :)

I'm feeling hard all over - but not for you, lad!!!
#383 • • Motuman Guest
good good ;) i feel the same ;)
#384 • • Kosmokula Guest
I am DJ Cosmic Boobs - I will rock the floor with my Nu Country !! :D *Hehe*
#385 • • Tres Guest

I am DJ Cosmic Boobs - I will rock the floor with my Nu Country !! :D *Hehe*

All the bookings for DJ Cosmic boobs done exclusively
by me!!! The Next Big Thing is here!!!
#386 • • Motuman Guest
the 2 next big things...hihi
#387 • • Tres Guest

the 2 next big things...hihi

As her promoter I will have none of those sexist remarks!!!
DJ Cosmic boobs has her reputation built ONLY on her talent as a
ground breaking and innovative DJ playing only the freshest
Nu Country anthems!!!! She's not using her gender as a
tool!!! :mad:
#388 • • Kosmokula Guest

the 2 next big things...hihi

You watch it - I will punch them in your face, and you will forget ALL about what I am playing ;) *Hihi*
#389 • • pHaze Guest
Oh dear God! Weren't we supposed to be attacking them and not the other way around?? Tres, what have you done??!! (Though maybe I wouldn't mind being squashed by norwegian boob squad)
#390 • • Kosmokula Guest
We evol Norwegians are taking you with your pants down (The way I like it) *Evol laugh* Muahaha.... :D
#391 • • onnela Guest

Oh dear God! Weren't we supposed to be attacking them and not the other way around?? Tres, what have you done??!! (Though maybe I wouldn't mind being squashed by norwegian boob squad)

Yes, suddenly the situation looks pretty bad. Although it might be that Tres has some kind of a secret plan we don't even know about. Please, NBS (norwegian boob squad), punish me! :D
#392 • • Tres Guest

Please, NBS (norwegian boob squad), punish me! :D

The BEAUTY of my cunning plan is clearly staring to reveal itself
to you too ;)
#393 • • Kosmokula Guest
I will punish all of the finnish people with my Cosmic Boobs, my NU Country will make your ears bleed... ;)
#394 • • Jokke Guest

My latest booking from Norway; DJ Magic Boobs will appear
SOON at parties in Finland!!! Playing only the HARDEST &
FASTEST Nu Country tunes!


I have always been backing up the idea of bringing over DJs from abroad. This is because they introduce new ideas and sounds to this country and Tres' latest signing is a living proof of that. But has anyone thought what will happen to a Finnish DJ as obviously DJ Magic Boobs will be followed by a horde of equally talented Norwegian DJs? I can already see how the likes of Orkidea and Proteus are calling up promoters begging for warm up slots and midnight-slots at the "Restroom Arena".
#395 • • genki Guest

The BEAUTY of my cunning plan is clearly staring to reveal itself
to you too ;)

*makes note*

mr general sir, this is faaar better than i ever dared to dream of... :004:
#397 • • Tres Guest

I have always been backing up the idea of bringing over DJs from abroad. This is because they introduce new ideas and sounds to this country and Tres' latest signing is a living proof of that. But has anyone thought what will happen to a Finnish DJ as obviously DJ Magic Boobs will be followed by a horde of equally talented Norwegian DJs? I can already see how the likes of Orkidea and Proteus are calling up promoters begging for warm up slots and midnight-slots at the "Restroom Arena".

Yes! That is true! Some of our own DJs must be moved
to Norway to preserve the balance between our countries!!
In fact I have found proper substitutes for the following DJs
already, have a look!!





etc. You get the idea!!
#398 • • hexasonik Guest
sir, attention, sir!

new promoting plans to make and new grounds to conquer!

sir, me off, sir!
#400 • • Tres Guest

And after a while i took off and made it on the stage


Yes!! Great!! That means we can also start off your singing
career!!! The singing DJ will be HUGE!!! Having mc's is lame!!!

Be aware - I WILL get the crowds with my pounding NU Country....

Mind you, I think we need a new slogan for you, that one is
starting wear off. :rolleyes: