Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,508 views

#61 • • Ezzy Guest

i asked my norwegian friend abt this fact said that theres quite a few other 'female hardhouse djs' in norway as well....?

whats up with that? :D

I was just about to comment on that. How can it be possible that there's only one HH DJ in Norway or don't the "bedroom DJ's" count or what? or is it a word game, that she's the only one that plays _only_ UK HH...?? How can you know for sure that no1 plays HH _anywhere_?

I don't wanna throw gasoline in to the fire, but someone has to i quess :D Sooor-ryyy :p
#62 • • Delete Guest
Haha, seems like somebodys really bored @ office ;)

Vertigo:If you dont like what you read, youre allways welcome to fuck off, please:004:

This thread is the most entertaining thing after playing flash version of battleships online. Perfect "read while youre sick@home and under the influence of several blunts":D

Jarea:Hows that dnb top.10 doing btw?

Peace, love and hopelesness
#63 • • Elwira Guest
"Norways ONLY Female UK HardHouse Dj"

OK! Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahah!
What i was saying little too much thinking yourself. I think that there is also much another female djs in norway. :p
#64 • • MissJarea Guest
Yes this thread is getting funnier for every day, doesn't it :001:

1. Bedroom dj's doesn't count, too many wannabe's :rolleyes:

2. Only the ones that play out in the clubs ;)

3. We have two famous hiphop & dnb female dj's :cool:

4. There are some gilrs playing proghouse and progtrance :rolleyes:

5. Only I play UK Hardhouse and NU Nrg. (as the marked for my music style almost doesn't exist) :D

6. Loads of blokes play same music as I do, but like I said, I'm the only girl who plays this music out in the clubs.

#65 • • LTD Guest
So what if ur the "only female hh dj in Norway"...who gives a fuck?? Is that sum kind of a triumph?? So I'm cool if I'm "the only LTD in Platinum"???? Being the only one doesn't make u a good one, it jus means there's no competition->no matter how good/bad u r, u'll get gigs...not so good innit?

Then u DO give shit bout others,like bout that gal....well yes, u tell us she screwed her way to the top but how do we know the truth? why u even told that? no one gives a fuck if she did....or maybe u jus needed to prove again how ur the only "real" female hh dj in norway? bit insecure aye?

U are selfish by tellin bout urself all the fukn time, if ur good the reputation will spread...ppl will know bout u without u having to have to go on about it...if ur good enuff I mean...

I dont get the point of going on about urself cos it'll only make u look like the only thing matters to u is being cool/known...
if u would never ever get a set would u still play? do u play cos U like it or cos u like to play to a crowd?

I'm sorry but I dont like ur attitude, u seem selfish and like a person who just wants to be famous etc...well sorry to break ya bubble little one but how many superstar dj's there is? not many compared how many bedroom dj's there is (40 000 alone in UK)...so if the thing that got u into it was to be "norways only female hh dj" then u got it wrong babe...

oh n I've met the promoters to who u've sent info bout u saying that "ur Norways only blahblah" bout a year ago n they werent impressed...said ur pretty but thats prolly why u get many gig....if u want names I'll give 'em to ya on private mssg (I will not include those ppl on a public board without their permission)
I jus dont get it why u have to make up sum "only female hh dj"..why not jus send a mix and tell bit who u r...??? btw, isn't it weird how guys usually have to fukn good b4 they get a gig but gal who can mix at least sum how get one right away..?

Oh n I'm interested bout that dnb mix too...cheers..:D
#66 • • MikkiHiiri Guest


Lopettakaa nyt vittu sentää tämä tyhjänpäiväinen jauhaminen!!!!!

He asked all to stop this stupid bullshiting or something :D
#67 • • MissJarea Guest
LTD: everybody has their own way of promoting themselves ;)

And I don't see the problem in my way. The reson this post is getting worse and worse, is due to me trying to defend the shit that gets thrown my way by people like you.

I have plenty of competition outside Norway and I like that, as I neither wanna play or live in Norway, then it doesn't matter anyway. I think it's a good thing to promote oneself, and saying I'm the only girl in Norway who plays that kind of music out loud, has nothing to do with being selfish. I recommend you lock the word 'selfish' up in a dictionary along with Elwira.

U might get suprised!

#68 • • kilobitti Guest

Originally posted by MissJarea
LTD: everybody has their own way of promoting themselves ;)

As for LTD, I think he had a point there...on basis of your
webpages I would propably think twice before coming to see
your show, as it seems as the artist/looks/sex is much more
important than music. IMO, that kind of ruins the meaning of the
term DJ.

You have the right promote yourself in any way you please, but
you shouldn't get upset when people get annoyed...

But then again, I really don't care:)


#69 • • LTD Guest

LTD: everybody has their own way of promoting themselves ;)

And I don't see the problem in my way. The reson this post is getting worse and worse, is due to me trying to defend the shit that gets thrown my way by people like you.

I have plenty of competition outside Norway and I like that, as I neither wanna play or live in Norway, then it doesn't matter anyway. I think it's a good thing to promote oneself, and saying I'm the only girl in Norway who plays that kind of music out loud, has nothing to do with being selfish. I recommend you lock the word 'selfish' up in a dictionary along with Elwira.

U might get suprised!


K then I admit, selfish is a wrong word indeed...how bout selfcentered? Oh and it's "look" not lock :) (lock->lock the door etc, look->to look sumthing)

I still dont understand whats so cool bout being the only one....cos it does mean that u dont have any competition in Norway (and the fact u dont wanna live or play in Norway has nuthin to do with that...)and u have played in Norway anyway..thats where u got started, do u think u would have done that in e.g. UK where like I said is 40 000 bedroom dj's.

And bout ppl giving u shit...well UR the one who posted this thread, UR the one who keeps braggin how ur the only female hh dj in Norway and UR the one who posted the link. So dont blame us for using our freedom of speech in a PUBLIC board :)

Oh and whats so cool being the only FEMALE who plays it? Even ur name Miss Jarea works like a sing: "look! it's a female dj! wow, she must be hot!". I dont think dj'ing or doin anything else has nuthin to do with sex, it's bout skills...but still go on about how ur female and look! a dj!

p.s. still waiting for that d&b mix...:)
#70 • • MissJarea Guest
Now you can listen to my sets live from my home!
Firs set is tonight 01 finnish time at http://www.puredj.com
Nice vocal DnB


I will also be livestreaming from home on my own server 2-3 times a week. Probably tuesday, thursday and friday evenings/nights. Join my mailinglist under contacts and I'll keep you posted :)
#71 • • Physics Guest
Dnb 2nite??..tuned in.:eek:
#72 • • Elwira Guest
Just wan't say that you are not better than me in english Miss Jarea. It's Look not Lock. I speak 4 language and that's why i don't write well but i speak english better than write. Because i use english every day in my job. I'm study english in highschool now and maybe write better some day. I understand everything very good what you writing here. SO DON'T START WITH ME! :)
#73 • • mosaik Guest
I'm the ONLY deep trance dj, who lives in Pihlajanmäki and
have twinbrother named Juha...

Happy happy, joy joy...:002:

#74 • • Edited MissJarea Guest

Just wan't say that you are not better than me in english Miss Jarea. It's Look not Lock. I speak 4 language and that's why i don't write well but i speak english better than write. Because i use english every day in my job. I'm study english in highschool now and maybe write better some day. I understand everything very good what you writing here. SO DON'T START WITH ME! :)

stop it you b****! There is a difference between 'misspelling' and beeing good in english! :mad:

so buzz off will ya!
#75 • • MissJarea Guest

I'm the ONLY deep trance dj, who lives in Pihlajanmäki and
have twinbrother named Juha...

Happy happy, joy joy...:002:


"happy happy joy joy" :D I love that fraze! :D
#76 • • Edited yana Guest

You have a point or two... ;) The main thing is that she did sleep her way up, I know that , as she slept with my friend, hoping he would make her a dj, then she made a dj in my town dump his girl for her, after what he taught her how to play, then she ended up with the guy she is with now, becoming a start over the night dj'ing 30min as the first runner up on all his HUGE patys in Oslo... so maybe now you understand why I don't have any respect for her... Over the time she has become a good dj I have heard, she's playing in my town on my x's party on 31st, and she's no longer a competitor either, as she's into progressive trance. So I will be ther to listen to her set and hope that she's good, as her demo is one of my favorite progressive demos :)

wow. this is better than tv. please tell us more.

i definetly should have read this earlier!

stop it you b****!

uuuh.. catfight! catfight!

i lllllllove this sooo much :)
#77 • • Edited yana Guest

I dom't give a shit if a girl plays good, if she is discovered by screwing the promoters... once a tramp, always a tramp... no matter dj skills...

i thought it's only the music that counts?

oh well :rolleyes:

some nice babe could sleep with me too. i promise i'll make her a rrrrreaaally good dj. wanna try?
#78 • • yana Guest

Lopettakaa nyt vittu sentää tämä tyhjänpäiväinen jauhaminen!!!!!

pitäähän tässä olla jotain viihdettä sillon ku salkkarit ja kauniit&rohkeet ei tuu
#79 • • master bator Guest

stop it you b****! There is a difference between 'miss spelling' and beeing good in english! :mad:

That wasn't very nice now was it? And you misspelled the word misspell. IT'S MISSPELL NOT MISS SPELL! So don't judge other people's language skills when your own english really SUCKS ASS!
#80 • • MissJarea Guest
GAH! I had no time to look it up!

I'm fed up!:mad: