Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

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#21 • • D157R1C7-4770RN3Y Guest
A good dj plays good music, in case you haven't noticed.

It's not just the way you move your hands, you kno.
#22 • • MissJarea Guest
I dom't give a shit if a girl plays good, if she is discovered by screwing the promoters... once a tramp, always a tramp... no matter dj skills...

Anyway, playing good somethign even a monkey can do! It's teh show u put on when u play that makes the difference ;)

This buisness is shitty, I have experienced it the hard way... but hell will freez before I ever sink so low as to sleeping with someone for a gig! YUK!:mad:
#23 • • Delete Guest
Intresting that you also play dnb...

I'd love to hear your current dnb top 10.
#24 • • MissJarea Guest
Dnb Top Ten next week, too much to do home and at school now... ;)
#25 • • Delete Guest
Next week it is then. Allthough I dont really see why would it take that much time:rolleyes: ;)
#26 • • MissJarea Guest
Cause I have most of my dnb record pacages not open yet...like 50 records I have had no time to listen to..that's why ;)
#27 • • MikkiHiiri Guest

The Oficial Website Of Miss Jarea

Nice start page :003:
#28 • • OSC8 Guest
I really havent heard her play or seen her live, but anyways, this chick is H.O.T.T! :006:

#29 • • D157R1C7-4770RN3Y Guest
" I dom't give a shit if a girl plays good, if she is discovered by screwing the promoters... once a tramp, always a tramp... no matter dj skills... "

So you do agree that tramps can be good djs.

You were speaking about putting on a good show. Well, a part of being a good dj is to put on a good show. Thus, tramps can put on a great show.

Don't you respect a good show ?

What is it that is sooo frightening in doing the big thing with someone in order to get something ? If you're good, then you will make your way to the top faster. But if you're a shitty dj, then you won't be notified and you'll fall down hard.

Wake up from your christian nightmare and open your eyes to the world. ;)
#30 • • jUSSi Guest
I do not care so much about the skills of a dj if the music is something I like (e.g Gilles Peterson, he surely can't dj but why is he soooo respected?)

I personally, as a dj, don't care if I don't get gigs (don't get me wrong, I want gigs!), but I will still collect music and play music at home whether I have gigs or not. Basicly what I'm saying is that I'm doing this for the love of the music and I hope that everybody else would do also. Then it wouldn't matter who is playing, how he/she is playing or how he/she got there to play in the first play.

(I'm stopping this subject here, since I could go on and on about the ethical and philosphical sides of deejaying...)

I also want to advise everybody to remember that there are some rotten apples in the basket, so do not expect everybody to behave nicely and thoghtfully (some people are just rude and selfcentered bastards and will use any means necessary to get where they want - world isn't a just place). And bearing grudges won't get you anywhere (but to the misery island).

Just do what you love and you've got at least my respect :)
#31 • • MissJarea Guest

" I dom't give a shit if a girl plays good, if she is discovered by screwing the promoters... once a tramp, always a tramp... no matter dj skills... "

So you do agree that tramps can be good djs.

yes, but you are missing the point, how stupid are you anyway? Stop throwing shit and making a bit fuss, just so you can keep this discussion on forever, get a life will ya?

You were speaking about putting on a good show. Well, a part of being a good dj is to put on a good show. Thus, tramps can put on a great show.

Don't you respect a good show ?


What is it that is sooo frightening in doing the big thing with someone in order to get something ? If you're good, then you will make your way to the top faster. But if you're a shitty dj, then you won't be notified and you'll fall down hard.

Cause like I told you, no respect for a girl dj that is screwing her way to the top, if she was a good dj, she would not have to screw her way to the top, get it? :mad:

Wake up from your christian nightmare and open your eyes to the world. ;)

I think you are not mature enough to take part in this discussion and I think you are the one who should wake up!
#32 • • MissJarea Guest
Just do what you love and you've got at least my respect :) [/B][/QUOTE]

:D Thank you!

I know what you mean (the rest of your post), I play cause love the music, it makes me so high I can't get any higher (except for one exception ;) ).

:002: :003: :002:
#33 • • hexasonik Guest
any dj in any genre/sex/nationality/whatever gets my respect if she/he sincerely plays for the love of music. all djaying should be that way, not for fame, big money, getting laid, because djaying nowadays is fashionable et cetera. my opinion on djaying. plain and simple.
#34 • • D157R1C7-4770RN3Y Guest
I seem to be breaking balls ! ...just becos joo hate my guts :D .

You told me to get a life. Well, right now you are a part of it and you're reading it all the time. :002: That's not all there's to it tho, cos I must admit that I get paid fairly well for surfing this forum. LoL !

A good dj may never end up getting to the top, but if (s)he uses his/her other "skills" and plays his/her cards wisely (s)he could make it to the top + a lot easier than by only sitting home and basically "loving the music". If you only love the music, then you obviously are not a good dj, cos if yer a good dj, you gotta love the audience too. The audience makes the decision of whether you are or are not a good dj.

And who loves the audience better than a tramp who's willing and able to do anything to please ??

(..okay in case you didn't notice the kvestion was a bit of a joke. Anyone told that you got a mean temper, girl?)

Come correct or don't come at all.

Got beef ?
#35 • • jUSSi Guest

any dj in any genre/sex/nationality/whatever gets my respect if she/he sincerely plays for the love of music. all djaying should be that way, not for fame, big money, getting laid, because djaying nowadays is fashionable et cetera. my opinion on djaying. plain and simple.

that was nicely and cleanly said :)

#36 • • Sampson Guest
I didn't want to participate in this thread at all but I am now and I just have to say that it's so fun to read this stuff ;) I've been laughing my ass off! Sorry, but I don't have anything constructive to say.
#37 • • Edited jUSSi Guest

A good dj may never end up getting to the top, but if (s)he uses his/her other "skills" and plays his/her cards wisely (s)he could make it to the top + a lot easier than by only sitting home and basically "loving the music". If you only love the music, then you obviously are not a good dj, cos if yer a good dj, you gotta love the audience too. The audience makes the decision of whether you are or are not a good dj.

And who loves the audience better than a tramp who's willing and able to do anything to please ??

I think this same discussion has been talked through in finnish a long time a go in another topic that can be found from Music-section.

I could try to compress my opinions in a couple of sentences:

1. dj has to love the music he plays.
2. dj's shouldn't try to please the crowd by making exceptions to the rule number 1.
3. People don't come to see the dj, they come to hear the music and to dance (Right?)
4. dj's should try to get to play in parties that are musically oriented into the same direction as dj's own musical taste (then the crowd will more likely like your music and you don't have to break the rule number 1)

more opinions are available on request (or by a posting a stupid reply ;)
#38 • • MissJarea Guest
Well said! :D

If I had not enjoyed the attention by being on a stage, I would never become a dj, despite my love for music...the thing is I get a kick when I'm up there, hearing people screamin for faster, harder and more more more!!! :)

#39 • • Elwira Guest
I just wan't to say to you that you are very selfish and thinking little too much of your self. Sorry just wan't to say what i'm thinking about you. But i'm hoping still to you just good. :rolleyes:
#40 • • Edited jUSSi Guest

If I had not enjoyed the attention by being on a stage, I would never become a dj, despite my love for music...the thing is I get a kick when I'm up there, hearing people screamin for faster, harder and more more more!!!

It's funny that in the 80's the dj was some little freak in the corner with records and now dj is a bigger star than the artist who's music he/she is playing

I think that the dj shouldn't be the star of the night. It is always the crowd. This places the dj on very thin line whether to play for entertainment or for the love of music. I divide dj's into two categories:

1. music enthusiast
2. crowd pleaser

I respect the enthusiast more but I understand that there is a need for both kind. Let's take a simple example: no. 1. could be an independent radio station like Radio Helsinki and the other one could be NRJ. Both are needed but by different people. People come to hear a dj due to different reasons: enthusiast are expected to play only the stuff they like in which case the people want to here what this certain person has to offer them. On the other hand a crwod pleaser is expected to play tunes that the crowd wants to hear.

clear enough now? ;)

edit: some clarification to my thoughts...