DANCETERIA @ DTM 7.5.2010 @

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Posts: 2,098

#1 • • Edited mr.a

DANCETERIA 07.05.2010 @ DTM


DATE: FRIDAY 07.05.2010
TIME: 22-04
AGE: 21


Paolo Mojo is now established as an acknowledged leading light on the underground house music scene. Already a highly respected DJ, his relentless production schedule throughout 2008 has sky rocketed him into the production premier league.

Its easy to see why, his stylish, turbo charged tech house sound has been one of the success stories of 2008… singles such as Brooksong, The Dancer, Interstellar, Home, Sirena, Nightlaw and Ron Hardy Said (in collaboration with Jim Rivers) have led people to start talking about the Paolo Mojo ‘sound’.

The next monstrous single Deux Ex Machina / Que Loucura De Som looks set to continue that into 2009 while simultaneously pushing the boundaries of what people expect from his sound.

His remixing skills are now in high demand; his take on Moonface U Get So Give was the highest selling remix in the recent high profile Bedrock 10 release, a triple album containing classic reworks from the likes of Steve Lawler, Tom Middleton and Guy Gerber. Other remixes for Factomania, Little Mountain, Curfew More recent remix work is about to drop for Nervous, Postiva, Ego Records and Spin Out.

Despite the frantic pace in the studio he's constantly touring the globe. A true ‘international’, there are not many countries that haven’t had a touch of the Mojo magic these days. He's earned himself a formidable global fan base thanks to his hectic schedule... from London to LA, Sao Paulo to Sydney, Toronto to Tokyo... Paolo has graced the decks of the worlds finest clubs.

This is no overnight success story either. Go back into the last few years and productions such as 2007's JMJ (Pete Tong's 'tune of the summer at Pure Pacha'), the legendary 1983 - remixed by his close friend Eric Prydz into one of the anthems of 2006 - or his highly sought after remixes for the likes for Pryda, NRK, and Factomania have all done the damage.

Described by IDJ as a master of the mix cd, you need look no further than his award winning Balance 009 for EQ Recordings, or his Renaissance Digital 001 for evidence of the man’s ability to build a set.

With an astonishing work ethic in the studio and his endless special re-edits, he's an innovative DJ whose innovative programming combines with enviable technical ability to make him one of the most popular fixtures on the underground touring scene.

Posts: 2,102

#3 • • Homegrove Further
Very hot.

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 11,768

#4 • • sapeli jokukukamikä?
Mojo *sydän*

Elämä ei ole pelkkää lasten leikkiä.


Posts: 2,102

#8 • • Homegrove Further

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 1,982

#10 • • josbe suomalainen juhlakinkku
Ehkäpä tullaan jatkamaan synttärijuhlia! Ei olla herran aikoihin käytykään. :)

Posts: 2,098

#11 • • mr.a
Hello party peeeooopppllleee!

It´s fuckin raining dogs and cats but the beats are here to save your ass! Tonight, we are extremely proud to present, at second to last DANCETERIA @ dtm this spring with the one and only, Mr.PAOLO MOJO!

With an impeccable career in the global dance music scene, Paolo has already visited Helsinki on few occasions. In 2004, he rocked the dancefloor at Voodoo Club in Kerma, and then later in 2007, at Pussy Club in Studio 51.

..and for you lot concerned about the ETNOJKODSFLKOEJLFLLL volcanic ashes that have been causing delays and cancellations in the past few weeks, we just received the news that Paolo has boarded and is on his way to Helsinki.

SO, without further due, get your butts to Iso-Roobertinkatu tonight at 10pm. We are ready to kiki!

Timetable for tonite:

22-23 Mr.A
23-00 Heikki L
00-02.30 approx. PAOLO MOJO (
02.30-end Mr.A & Heikki L

See ya on the Danceteriafloor!

- Ana, Hessu + Danceteria Posse.


Posts: 2,098

#13 • • mr.a
Hyvät kemut.


ekan kerran tuli todistettua et Traktorilla alkaa biisit hyppimää Pro meininkiä Paolon puolelta ettei antanut homman valahtaa käsiin vaan nopeen reeboottauksen jälkeen meno lähtikin ihan lapasesta. Oli pakko antaa lopusta puolituntia enemmän soittoaikaa,äijä pääsi todella kovaan grooveen loppusetissään.

Kiitti kaikille!

Posts: 2,102

#14 • • Homegrove Further
Kiitos ja anteeks. Olin ihan liian tolkuttomassa humalassa. Liian väsyneenä kannattais pysyä vaikka kahvissa vissiin.

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 3,999

#15 • • OlliS Further
Paras setti mitä tullut kuultua tänä vuonna. Tosin se olikin odotettavissa :) edes Traktorin skippailu ei haitannut. Huikea flow, mieletöntä biisinpalasten yhdistelyä ja jäätävä groove <3
Jengiä oli just sopivasti, mahtui kerrankin fiilistelemään lattialla koko setin ajan eikä tullut kyynärpäätä mistään suunnasta :D

Illan tunet:
Paolo Mojo - Interstellar
Nalin & Kane - Beachball (Joris Voorn Remix)
Lusine - Two Dots (Nic Fanciulli Remix)
john m

Posts: 439

#16 • • john m
Tilaa oli lattial just sopivasti tosiaan,mukavan ilmavaa nostaa polvea.

Odotukset oli ehkä hieman liian korkealla, vaikka oli kyllä paikka paikoin tiukka meininki.

Hieman alkoi häiritsemään se musan "pykiminen" ,tätä se sitten pahimmillaan voi olla:(

Mukavasti vanhoja tuttuja liikenteessä, mukava oli muistella menneitä.

Eipä Danceteria kyl tälläkään kerralla pettänyt.

P.S. et sä Hannu nyt NIIN ohenteessa ollut:)

Posts: 6

#17 • • mozio
Onko kellään hajua mistä voi löytää kyseisen danceterian kuvia?
Olen nähnyt kun siellä oli kuvaaja, hoikka pitkä vaalea tukkainen.

Ystävällisin terveisin

Posts: 532

#18 • • SESSIONS2 [ fotogeeninen sielukommuuni ]

It's been a long time coming...

I've had just a bit too much work related stuff going on lately and on top of that my computer died, which was a major pain in the ass. Thus, these two Danceteria sets have been shamefully neglected and I sincerely apologise for this massive delay!

Obviously, too much time has passed for me to truthfully write about the events in much detail, but both nights rocked DTM; just as Danceteria usually does!

Congrats on the 5th anniversary btw!

- Fredi
