DANCETERIA @ DTM 5.2.2010 @ Helsinki

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#8 • • ValaX
the bileet*tanssittel*
#9 • • Sunshine^82 Guest
West! *sydän* Tänne on pakko tulla! *hymy*

Posts: 2,098

#11 • • mr.a

David West Interview:

1. Best memories from 2009?

Moving in to the new studio must have been the best thing that happened in 2009 and of
course, becoming uncle again was another highlight!

2. How would you describe your label Tolerant and what can we expect from the it in 2010?

Tolerant recordings is a label I started with my dear friends of Inkfish in 2008. It's
pretty basic really, it's not rocket science. When it comes to signing new tracks we
simply rely on our gut feeling. It might sound as an easy job but trust me, finding good
music is not that easy. I mean, 15 years ago it was a lot easier, or maybe I'm just being
nostalgic but I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's way easier to produce music
today as you no longer need big expensive studios with tons of gear. All you need today
is a reliable computer and off you go, ready to spread your sound across the world
through the internet without even having to go through any kind of quality control. You
do not even need a record deal to spread your music today. Naturally, this is for the
most part a good thing as it has provided us with a more free and open music climate, but
as I said earlier, it also makes it really hard to see the trees through the forest sort
of speak. I think 2010 is going to be a fantastic year for us, we have great releases lined up from
guys like Tomas Andersson, Ramon Tapia, Johan Ilves, myself and Inkfish and Glänta to
name a few.

3. Your top 5 tracks?
Always a tough one to answer but I'l do my best!

(In no particular order)
1. Time Green - Lone Time
2. Alex Niggemann & Superlounge - Play House!
3. Duoteque - Gotcha
4. Cari Lekebusch - Spindizzy
5. Egbert - Dezelfde Weg

4. Can you describe Stockholm´s nightlife at the moment, and what
are the biggest differences in comparison to Helsinki?

I think the scene in Stockholm is pretty much the same it was a year ago. Not much seems
to be happening when it comes to evolving at the moment. I'd say it's pretty solid, there
are good parties but in my opinion the thing we need the most is a club that is solid. I
really do miss a proper venue that you count on. I'm not really sure what's going on in
Helsinki but I always got the impression of Helsinki as a pretty open minded city which
is a big plus.

5. Vinyl, cd or traktor/serato? Your opinions about the digital world?

I have just gotten used to spinning CD, it took me many years for some reason to get
really comfortable with that. I really think tracktor/serato is the way to go as you can
do so much more with a st-up like that but honestly, I have been to lazy to crossing over
to laptop DJing. There is always discussions regarding the pros and cons witt CD/vinyl
versus software. I don't really care about that as long as you are doing a good job. You
can't stop the evolution, if you try to do so you will only be left behind. I think it's
important to embrace new technology and make the best out of it.

6. Biggest clichés in clubbing and how to avoid them?

There is one thing I hear all the time. "It's so much better to be wasted or on drugs
when you spin as it's easier to connect to the crowd if you are in the same party mood."
or "man, you just get the best ideas in the studio when you are high"
Honestly, I have never made any music in that state of mind that has been anything but
crap. To me that's an excuse most people use to party. I'm not saying you can't party
while spinning records but don't over do it! Don't try to convince me that a totally
wasted DJ does a better job than a sober one.
#12 • • Lilly Guest
Jeejee, nää on jo ihan kohta*jiihaa* viimeks ollu Davidin keikalla 2006 Dance Republicissa ja oli huippua, perjantaina tulee varmaan olee vähintäänki yhtä hyvät soundit*hihu*

Posts: 5,618

#13 • • thomas
hyvä haastis davidilta.. harmi ku ei pääse paikalle :(

Posts: 2,098

#14 • • Edited mr.a
No Moi!

Perjantaina täräytetään Danceterian 5 kausi käyntiin todella tanakasti kun DTM:n saapuu Ruotsin klubiteknon ykkösnimi David West. Monissa projekteissa mukana ollut David on tätä nykyä kunnostautunut mm. Tolerant labelinsä luotsaamiseen yhdessä Norjalaisen Inkfishin kanssa, (tsekkaa viimeisin julkaisu, Kev Obrien - On Up Beatportissa: sekä Ida Engbergin kanssa yhteiselon lisäksi yhteistuotantona syntyneet julkaisut mm.Pickadoll labelille. Davidin soundia mä luonnehtisin orgaaniseksi, deepiksi, rullaavaksi techhouseksi progevivahteilla.

Mukana myös monessa sopassa lusikkaansa keittänyt Paul Easy, jonka debyytti Danceteriassa on erittäin tervetullut. Illan päättää allekirjoittanut.

Monesti on tullut sanottua, mutta sanon vielä kerran...:) Tuleva kevät tulee olemaan yksi mielenkiintoisimmista ja kovimmista housekeväistä Danceterian 5v matkan aikana. Nic Fanciulli, Arno Cost, Paolo Mojo...kesäkuussa juhlitaankin 5v synttäreitä ERIKOIS linupin voimin.
Siitä lisää myöhemmin.

Pidemmittä puheitta, let´s kickoff the SEASON 5 with a BANG!

xxxAna+Danceteria posse.

Posts: 3,891

#16 • • ValaX
hmmm... huomasin juuri että, helsingistähän tulee aika hyvin busseja lahteen sitten aamuyöstäkin... *tanssittel*
Onko DTM muuten kaukana kampin linja-autoasemalta?

Posts: 3,137

#19 • • Edited serotonot Paul Easy
Paul Easy First Chart for 2010

Jolea - Kennst du Musik (Paul Easy Remix)
Uner - Labaneria - (Affkt Funktool Remix)
Amir - Bibi Baba
Daniel Van Kleef - We Saw (Paul Easy Didn't Remix)
Double Dash - Montedogilo
Rainer Weichhold - Infernal (Juan Sanchez Remix)
Reset Robot - Tu Cheekah
Catz 'n Dogz - Me feat. Pol_On
Tiefschwarz - Trust feat. Seth Troxler (Tim Green Remix)
Plasmic Honey - Jungle (Martinez Peak Time Remix)

Posts: 2,098

#20 • • mr.a

22-00 Paul Easy
00-02 David West
02-end Mr.A

See ya on the Danceteriafloor!
