Radar - Robot Kingdom [Electro, Chill]

4 posts, 1 page, 1,751 views


Posts: 182

#1 • • Radarski
Muutama satamile ja silicon scally :P
chill, elektro

o1. Cylob - Edge???? [???]
o2. Cumulonimbus - Eire [Hombré]
o3. Silicon Scally - Ghost Wires [Satamile]
o4. Dirty Hospital - Softstem [Mighty Robot]
o5. Koova - Timewaster [Robodisco]
o6. Blotnik Brothers - Elapse Current Loop [Satamile]
o7. Silicon Scally - Pace [Satamile]
o8. Silicon Scally - Protocol [SCSI-AV]
o9. Heuristic Audio - Dawn over the city [Satamile]
1o. Bytecon - At The Robodock [Satamile]
11. Dark Vektor - Wires (Hydralix Remix) [Titan´s Halo]
12. Signal Type - B-14 [Cultivated Electronics]
13. Silicon Scally - Proteus (Weemix) [SCSI-AV]
14. Heauristic Audio - Fear of the future [Satamile]
15. Blotnik Brothers - Robot Kingdom [Satamile]

lisätiedot - kuuntele

Posts: 1,070

#3 • • happosepi
Kovan näkönen träklisti juu, tsekattava!