ROMANCE w/ Orkidea, Flight & Jukster 6.2.2010 @ Tampere

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Posts: 105

#1 • • Edited Romance

Romance 6.2.2010 @ Laterna & Valo, Tampere

Saturday 6.2.2010 | 22oo-04oo | K18 | 8€
Laterna & Valo, Puutarhakatu 11, Tampere

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"Love, Unity & Jackin' House Music"



'House Perfromance'

"It's been amazing eighteen years since me and my friends started organizing illegal raves in the squat houses of Helsinki in early 90s. Most bizarre experience must have been DJing for Jean-Paul Gaultier and Helena Christensen at a Berlin fetish club Kit Kat after their first ever Berlin show. Most flashy ones have been entertaining the rich & famous of Hong Kong or Russia while warming up Chemical Brothers, Paul van Dyk or Underworld was something I'll never forget. From the venues I've DJed Tresor in Berlin, Pacha in Ibiza, Panama in Amsterdam and CODE in Tokyo were special places to play..."

FLIGHT Resident


The Heart of Romance sound

A true party animal who has been in love with music since his early childhood. Slamming, rolling or pumping; If it sounds gorgeous you'll be sure to hear it from the decks when Flight is behind them. He has always little flirt going on with the crowd and twinkle in his eyes. Therefore we promise that this Romeo will definitely keep you warm and turn on your Romance.

martini.pngJUKSTER Plauge

Martini lounge serves soulful music from chill to relaxing beats. Perfect atmosphere to date Your loved ones and savor some sparkling wine.

Commence Your Romance.

Posts: 860

#2 • • milo Plaugenaut
Ajoissa paikalle ja aamulla pois kuulostanee ihan hyvältä suunnitelmalta tätä iltaa varten.

We are, ultimately, all alone, and I am incapable of expressing emotion in any way, shape or form apart from through the medium of mix tapes. -Adam First


Posts: 1,361

#3 • • Beliar
Nätti flaba! *joo*

Mikä **tun desibeliraja?!?!


Posts: 105

#5 • • Edited Romance

Orkidea - House Perfromance

- Jack / LOVE / Helsinki Techno City / Pacifique -residentti/promoottori.
- Lämmitellyt mm. Eric Prydzin, Sven Väthin ja Underworldin.
- Tuonut Suomeen House-DJ:tä kuten Pete Tong, Jose Padilla ja Andry Nalin.
- Soittanut Pachassa, Ministryssä, Tresorissa...
- Pete Morillo vs. Erick Tong:

Orkidea - JACK - Volume 1

Orkidea In The Studio

Orkidea työskentelee tällä hetkellä Andy Moorin sekä Solarstonen kanssa ja tuotokset julkaistaan molempien uusien albumien yhteydessä. Paul Van Dykin Vandit labelilla julkaistaan keväällä Orkidean Alex MORPH Remix. 'Unity 2009 Remix' Paul Oakenfoldin eksklusiivisessa ja ahkerassa soitossa.

Orkidea 23h:

Romance 6.2 Facebook Event:

Posts: 105

#6 • • Romance

Posts: 917

#8 • • anniini a-double n-double i-n-a
Romantiikka - mikä ihana asia. *sydän*

Take the forward path
Have a big slice of the city
Get the upper hand
While you re still pretty

mikko a

Posts: 253

#10 • • mikko a further
justkohta *sydän*

Posts: 172

#11 • • Bilehippi V S P
Ensimmäiset Romancet takana... Kiitos järjestäjille paikka oli koristeltu mahtavasti. Ruusut ja kynttilät toivat mukavasti tunnelmaa bileisiin.
Orkidea soitti loistavan setin jälleen kerran, ja todella puhdasta soundia.

Kiitos Tampere...

Posts: 2,449

#14 • • Tarsu
olipas kivat hipat :)
neitsyys meni, mutta ei kaduta!

Remember those posters that said -Today is the first day of the rest of your life-? Well, thats true of every day but one -the day you die- !

-Lester Burnham