facebook connect on www.digital-tunes.net!

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You can now login via Facebook Connect on Digital-Tunes. Simply click the Facebook Connect button on the login page:


Or you can also connect on the bottom right of the page next to the language selection:


This means you only need your Facebook account to login to Digital-Tunes, you don't need a separate account. Make sure you give us permission to email you when you connect, otherwise we won't have permission to send you your purchase receipt, which would kind of suck. If you don't want to receive other emails, like newsletters, you can configure this in your user details page at http://www.digital-tunes.net/users/details

We did have some facebook integration before, but we have now rewritten it totally to work with Facebook Connect. Because of this it will be easy to add new features that integrate with Facebook in the coming weeks and months... watch this space!

Don't forget to also check out our Facebook page as well at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Digital-Tunes/6138647345 . As a fan you will get regular updates from the store about new releases, as well as new on new features and competitions and promotions.