Troll Scientists (Exogenic)
L.A.O.S (Jayem)
Hardstyle Mafia (Bazz Implant Recordings)
Aegonox (Goa, Entropy, Agitato Records)
Galrav (Fury)
Surreal (Fury)
Trancepunk (PUG, Alienation)
Tapp (PUG)
Psydog (PUG, Alienation)
Shishya (SunStation records)
Peter Pan (Entropy)
Ventoline (Kompressori)
Max Dee (Warp Gate)
Andy Piney
drum'n'bass, freeform, hard house, hard trance, hc, house, progressive, psy, tekno, trance, jotain
Visuals by: Weirdvibes (Innowation, Kompressori)
Decorations and designe by: Synchronometrica, Fury, Alienation
This year Halloween is bigger and better than ever before!
Everything you can wish for, you will find it!
0130 - Troll Scientists (Exogenic)
0000 - L.A.O.S (Jayem)
2200 - Hardstyle Mafia (Bazz Implant Recordings)
0200 - Galrav (Fury)
0100 - Surreal (Fury)
0000 - Aegonox (Goa, Entropy, Agitato Records)
2230 - Trancepunk (PUG, Alienation)
2100 - Tapp (PUG)
0230 - Max Dee (Warp Gate)
0100 - Psydog (PUG, Alienation)
0000 - Ventoline (Kompressori)
2300 - Shishya (SunStation records)
2100 - Andy Piney
2000 - Peter Pan (Entropy)