Ibadan & Apotek Records presents: JEROME SYDENHAM & special guest ADAM BEYER 11.9.2009 @ Playground,

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Ibadan Records

Posts: 55

#1 • • Edited Ibadan Records

Syyskuussa 2009 Ibadan Records (NYC) & Apotek Record (GER) aloittavat kuukausittaisen Suomen klubi-iltansa Playgroundissa, Helsingissä.

Nämä illat on omistettu todellisille teknon rakastajille. Resident dj, Ibadanin ja Apotekin perustaja Jerome Sydenham soittaa itse jokaisessa tapahtumassa. Hän vieraili toukokuussa Playgroundissa ja rakastui klubiin niin tulisesti, että halusi aloittaa oman klubi-iltansa siellä. Klubin vieraaksi saapuu joka kuukausi residentin lisäksi myös ulkomainen vieras suoraan teknon huipulta.

Avausillan vieraana nähdään todellinen teknon pioneeri Ruotsista, eräs maailman tunnetuimmista ja kiireisimmistä teknodj:stä, Drumcode -levymerkin perustaja Adam Beyer, jota ei ole Helsingissä kuultu vuoden 2002 jälkeen. Jerome ja Adam ovat molemmat tuottaneet valtavan määrän oman genrensä hittejä ja remixejä, joita ovat soittaneet huippudj:t ympäri maailman


In September 2009 Ibadan Records (NYC) & Apotek Records (GER) will start their monthly night in Finland in the underground club Playground at Helsinki

These nights are dedicated to true techno lovers in Finland. Resident dj, Ibadan & Apotek Record label founder Jerome Sydenham, will be playing in every event. Jerome visited Playground first time in May and loved the club so much that he wanted to start his own label night there. Ibadan night will be set up in Playground once a month and every time alongside with the resident dj Jerome Sydenham you can see top of the top techno dj:s.

The guest for the opening night will be a true techno pioneer from Sweden, Drumcode Record label founder Adam Beyer who hasn't played in Helsinki since 2002. Adam Beyer is one of the most known and busiest techno djs in the world. Both Jerome & Adam have produced huge amounts of the top techno tunes and remixes which are played around the globe by top techno djs.



JEROME SYDENHAM (Ibadan & Apotek Records, NYC/Berlin)

& special guest

ADAM BEYER (Drumcode, SWE)

Warm up:

Eliot Ness (Helsinki Techno City)

Lights: marX (Clinic)

Small room:


Jaago (Visions)

Nip One (Visions)

Sebas (Visions)


Friday 11.9.2009 // 21:00-04:00 // Age 20


Iso Roobertinkatu 10
00100 Helsinki


Advance from Tiketti (www.tiketti.fi): only first 100 tickets will be sold 12 € + booking fee 1,2 € + service fee, the rest are 15 € + booking fee 1,2 € + service fee
Door: 15 €



ADAM BEYER (Drumcode, SWE)

JEROME SYDENHAM (Ibadan & Apotek Records, NYC/Berlin)

+ local heroes


Lights: marX (Clinic)


Saturday 12.9.2009 // 05:00- // Age 18


Iso Roobertinkatu 10
00100 Helsinki


Door: 9 €




Ibadan & Apotek Records Finland Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=109849681597
Playground Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=58971814702


Jerome Sydenham bio

DJ, Producer and founder of the record labels Ibadan Records, Apotek Records, Avocado Records, and UK Promotions. He started out in A&R with Atlantic Records and later with East West Records.

Jerome Sydenham is one of the hottest tickets in the world of house and techno music right now. Born in Nigeria to Jamaican and English parents, raised and schooled in England and then educated further by the streets and clubs of New York, his first major forays into dance music came when he worked in the A&R division of Atlantic Records in the late ‘80s, working with the likes of En Vogue, Das EFX, and breaking vocal house group Ten City. Soon after he met emerging producer Kerri Chandler – one of his closest friends and a former collaborator, and his name as a producer and DJ gradually built over the ‘90s, with his superb label Ibadan Records launched in 1995.

He is best known for beautiful, emotive, sunkissed deep house tracks like "Swimming Places", and his timeless collaboration with Dennis Ferrer, "Sandcastles", both on leading house imprint Defected. However he also shares Ferrer’s love for hypnotic, soulful, sexy techno – bringing an undeniable warmth to an often emotionally cold genre of music. His collaborations with Get Physical’s Swedish talent Tiger Stripes - like the hugely acclaimed "Elevation" and their joyous remix of Faze Action’s classic "In The Trees" - should likewise be added to the cannon of great house music history.

Sydenham’s desire to push the creative envelope with took him into the world of Techno with the hit “Asama”, with which he launched the German based label Apotek Records. The year 2007 also saw the initiation of a new label collaboration, Avocado Records, established in Denmark with heavy weight producer Rune RK with the monster "Elephant".

In 2009 remixes by Sydenham include:
"Angel" by Carl Craig (Planet-e)
"Forming Dies" by Adam Beyer & Joel Mull (Drumcode)
"Way of the Lonely Ones Pt2" by Nihad Tule (Spectrum)
"This Used to be Our Playground" by Concolor (Perplex)
"Materia" by Nic Fanciulli (Global Underground)


Adam Beyer bio

Alongside Stockholms Cari Lekebusch, Joel Mull and Jesper Dahlback, Adam Beyer has become synonymous with the techno sound of Sweden, which has quite literally shaken the world since the mid-nineties. From the driving percussive force of his Drumcode label to the more open electronic miasma on his current Truesoul and Mad Eye imprints, Beyer remains one of the biggest and most influential producer/DJs on the planet. Ever keen to continually evolve and develop, his three studio albums Decoded (Planet Rhythm, 1996), Protection (Drumcode, 1999) and Ignition Key (Truesoul, 2002) aptly show the Swedes studio development from raw diamond to the polished article. Hes come a long way from sneaking underage into Stockholms blossoming acid house scene but would also be the first to admit that hes still got just as long and interesting journey ahead of him.




Posts: 51

#2 • • Miquél
ohhoh jos on kuukausittainen klubi, jolla Sydenhamin lisäksi muita ulkomaalaisia tekno vieraita. Missasin toukokuun keikan, kun samaan aikaan oli Marcell Dettmann Redrumissa. Oliko tuolla silloin paljon jengiä tai millainen meno? Playgroundissa on välillä kivasti porukkaa ja oikein hyvä meno ja on silloin Helsingin viihtyisin (fiiliksen puolesta) klubi kutosen lisäksi, mutta välillä on taas ihan ok ulkomaanvieraiden aikaan vaan kymmenkunta tyyppiä paikalla.

Mutta tällaiset kuukausittaiset ulkomaanvierasteknoilut (e2e4 lisäksi) Playgroundissa vaikuttaa oikein hyvältä.
#3 • • astaroth Guest

Adam Beyer


Posts: 98

#6 • • Edited Dj_Albert
Bayer kyllä rokkaa!

...ja Beyerkin *jiihaa*

Posts: 82

#7 • • ratas

Posts: 1,264

#8 • • samlainio
Adam kyllä kiinnostaa! Pitää varmaan lähtee tarkistaan

Posts: 5,381

#9 • • Timce
Jos nämä on vuonna 1998-2003, niin tulen kyllä mestoille. :)

...Ai eivät ole. No sitte en tuu. :(

-Cook the man some fucking eggs-

-Jake the Muss


Posts: 10,942

#11 • • Individual HYPNO!
No tuskin sieltä mitään sambateknoa tulee, mutta mitä noita träkkejä kuuntelee mitä jätkät on nyt tehneet, niin ei kyllä mitään nitkunatkuakaan. (soittaaks sitä enää oikeestaan kukaan *hih*) Eiköhän täällä teknoa tule.
Cosmic City Survivor

Posts: 590

#12 • • Cosmic City Survivor
I Call it House. Eli Jeromen tuotantoa, vaikka todella teknohkoa soundia mm Avocado recordsit onkin, mut kivempi kutsua houseksi :)

Adam nyt tietty on teknoa

Posts: 105

#13 • • Dirt Chiken hunting
Vattheefak?! aivan mahtavaa. sydenham osuu ja uppoo omaan makuuni kovasti. eikä toi ruottalainen mitenkään pahasta oo. täällä siis.

Posts: 1,363

#14 • • -Casper- FADE / React^ resident DJ

Posts: 3,594

#16 • • Edited tomii kallion herttua
W T F ?!?!!? NIIN TÄÄLLÄ!!!(TM)

edit: piletti varattu, huomen poistamaan *joo*

reivaan kunnes kuolen