choon! - new world | Activa (Conspiracy, UK) | 02.05.2009 | Klubi, Turku

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Posts: 270

#1 • • Edited choon!
2.5.2009 - klubi, humalistonkatu 8, turku

Activa - Conspiracy, UK |
Activa, eli Rob Stevenson on yksi tämän hetken kiireisimpiä trancetuottajia. Hänen omat julkaisunsa Resistance, Flashpoint ja End of Summer ovatkin pyörineet kaikkien tunnetuimpien dj:den seteissä jo pitkään ja remixpyyntöjä satelee liukuhihnalta. Kovaa ja nopeaa trancesoundia soittava Activa levyttää tällä hetkellä kaikille suurimmille trancelabeleille, mm. Vandit, Black Hole, Discover ja High Contrast. Tuottajana Rob on toiminut muun muassa Jon O'Birille, sekä julkaissut musiikkiaan myös aliaksilla Solar Movement, Mekk, Substate, Force One, Aira Force, CMR ja Eluna. Choon on erittäin ylpeä saadessaan tämän nousevan kyvyn soittamaan ensimmäisen keikkansa Suomeen!

Fester - Beautiful Things, SVK
Slovakian ehdottomasti tunnetuin dj - Fester - tunnetaan kotimaassaan miehenä, joka toi trancen Slovakiaan. Hän on resident dj:nä Beautiful Things -klubilla, joka tunnetaan yhtenä Itä-Euroopan parhaista klubeista, ja jossa vakiovieraina nähdään mm. Tiesto, Above & Beyond ja Ferry Corsten. Choonissa Fester soittaa hieman progressiivisempaan soundiin kallellaan olevan setin, ja virittää illan alusta lähtien oikeaan tunnelmaan! Ikävä kyllä Festerin aisapari Pico ei pääse paikalle chooniin.

Jussi Soro - choon! |
Choonin resident dj:ltä odotettavissa tällä kertaa taas tuttuun tapaan hetken kuumimmat trancesoundit ja musiikillinen silta Festerin ja Activan välille.

22.00 - 24.00 Fester (Beautiful Things, SVK)
24.00 - 01.30 Jussi Soro (Resident)
01.30 - 03.30 Activa (Conspiracy, UK)

lights: Lj Tricolor (choon!)
visuals: Vj JayFish (choon!)

date - 2.5.2009 / 22.00 - 04.00
venue - klubi, turku
age limit - with presale ticket 18 | from door 20
tickets - presale & members 10e | from door 12e
dresscode - new rave

advance ticket outlets:
Tiketti (
Kasiraita (Eerikinkatu 8, Turku)
Levykauppa ÄX (Eerikinkatu 2, Turku)

in association with:
Tundra Illustration

#1 club in Turku


Posts: 4,429

#3 • • Bio The Bullies / Pinky
Actival löytyy kyl muutama hyvä piisi, esim. Liquefaction ja Restless :)

Posts: 176

#4 • • inch
VIHDOINKIN KIITOS*kuolaa**kuolaa**kuolaa**kuolaa**kuolaa**kuolaa**kuolaa**kuolaa**kuolaa**kuolaa**kuolaa*

Posts: 173

#5 • • atsu
Paikalla paikalla paikalla niiiiiin paikalla :) *nauru* *aplodit*

Posts: 270

#6 • • choon!
[iso]Klubin muuttunut ikäraja[/iso]

Helmikuun alusta lähtien Klubin ikäraja on viikonloppuisin ollut 20 vuotta. 18-vuotiailla on edelleen mahdollisuus päästä tapahtumaan, ostamalla ennakkolippu. Jos lipun oston jättää ovelle, on ikärajana 20 vuotta.

Ennakkolippuja myyvät seuraavat lipunmyyntipisteet:
Tiketti (
Levykauppa Äx

#1 club in Turku


Posts: 1,916

#7 • • nenna • dbxx / Camari / rubiX / choon! / Club Fantasy •
Flabat ulkona! ..maistiaiset eilen LCS:ssa *joo*
..bongaa omasi esim. Tkun Keskustan liikkeistä tästä päivästä eteenpäin..

Posts: 5,560

#8 • • m1kk3 no-life

Bio, 17.3.2009 21:02:
Actival löytyy kyl muutama hyvä piisi, esim. Liquefaction ja Restless :)

ja Get On With It :) kova buukkaus kyl <3

Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 270

#9 • • choon!
[iso]Pico peruuttaa tulonsa![/iso]

Vapulle ajoittuvan onnellisen perhetapahtuman vuoksi Pico joutuu peruuttamaan tulonsa Chooniin, joten tarjolla on vain Festerin soolosetti!

Choon onnittelee Picoa perheenlisäyksen johdosta!

#1 club in Turku


Posts: 377

#10 • • Seb
Samana iltana Klubin Ilta-puolella vakava kaksinkamppailu dj-kopissa.

Seb vs Sebulba Padawan [after bands (circa 24.00-03.30)].

Posts: 1,916

#11 • • nenna • dbxx / Camari / rubiX / choon! / Club Fantasy •

Seb, 1.4.2009 14:29:
Samana iltana Klubin Ilta-puolella vakava kaksinkamppailu dj-kopissa.

Seb vs Sebulba Padawan [after bands (circa 24.00-03.30)].

..feat. Mc Seppi *joo*

Posts: 270

#15 • • choon!

[iso]Activa[/iso] (Conspiracy, UK) |

In a relatively short time since his first release on Somatic Sense, Rob Stevenson, better known as Activa, has been one of the most hard working producers in the Trance genre. He has created many new alias’ such as Solar Movement, Mekk, Substate, Force One, Aira Force, CMR and Eluna to showcase the range of his production skills, while continuously developing the sound of his main Activa alias.

Rob has appeared on the likes of Spinnin (Liquid), Discover, High Contrast, Black Hole, Enhanced, Somatic Sense and finally Paul van Dyk’s mighty Vandit Records which has enabled him to push his way into the record boxes of the biggest names in the industry and receive their continuous support. As an engineer Rob has worked closely with Jon O’Bir to create Jon’s first artist album, From Within and has engineered and produced, singles and remixes for Jon, Aled Mann (Discover), Owen Clark (Club Elite), Freesoup (Five AM), Chris & Matt Kidd (Joyride) and David Newsum (Discover), clearly showing the range and diversity of Rob’s production skills.

Although he is primarily known as a producer, Rob has been DJing since his first experience with a pair of turntables while at school. He has gone on to play at the biggest nights in the UK including Gatecrasher and Passion and regularly travels the UK and often abroad to perform.
He is a bi-monthly resident at easily the best and fastest growing night in the UK, Digital Society, where his late sets have become a popular part of the night showcasing the harder side of his style.

If that wasn’t enough, Rob also owns and runs Conspiracy Recordings along with Jon O’Bir and Kev Ribbens. The label, which has grown rapidly in the first few years, has had massive support from the biggest names in the industry including regular appearances on Armin’s ASOT, Above & Beyond’s TATW, VONYC Sessions, Sound garden as well as Radio 1 and various other FM radio support. The label has developed a reputation of showcasing brand new music from new artists, has helped kick start the careers of Tom Colontonio, Anguilla Project and Peter Martijn Wijnea, as well as releasing tracks from more well known artists like Ian Betts, Dan Stone and Peter Dafnous.


"Rob's productions as Activa and Mekk are just incredible. Certainly in a league of their own, they stand out a mile from a sea of tunes that all sound the same. Is it a surprise labels like Discover, Spinnin and Vandit are gagging to sign as much of his stuff as possible? No, it’s no surprise at all.”
- John Askew

“I have known Rob for a while now and in that time he has sent me no end of tracks he has produced and remixed, all of it being top quality stuff that's getting better and better with each tune he creates. He has also helped in getting my own production career started and it’s a pleasure to work alongside him with our label, Conspiracy Recordings. He sent me a mix a few months back and it's still getting many plays on my iPod. With the productions and mixes he is coming up with, the future is looking bright for Activa!”
- Jon O’Bir

“I have seen his production develop over the last year or so. I really love the way he works and the way he develops the melodic elements to his music. As a DJ, he doesn’t just go for the floor fillers; he seems to have an eye for the hidden beauties....which I have stolen off him a couple of times. Also, he is a true gent and deserves all that will come to him in the next year or so.”
- Matt Hardwick

“Activa - proves once again he’s at the forefront of being one of the best new producers the UK has to offer.”
- Simon Patterson

#1 club in Turku


Posts: 2

#17 • • ^D^
meitsi aikoo juhlia synttäreitä chooneis, vaikka ne onki vasta 7 päivä :)
toivottavasti o hyvä meininki =) kauheasti odotellen..!!

Posts: 278

#18 • • tattistus Xperience Nights

lank, 8.4.2009 13:25:
Tos activas on jotaan samaa näköö kun john majorissa äkkiä katsottuna ;)

Niin muuten onki, jos tosiaan nopeeta vilkasee.. heh. veljekset :)

Posts: 270

#20 • • choon!
[iso]Soittoajat 2.5.2009[/iso]

22.00 - 24.00 Fester (Beautiful Things, SVK)
24.00 - 01.30 Jussi Soro (Resident)
01.30 - 03.30 Activa (Conspiracy, UK)

#1 club in Turku