10 YEARS OF MADWAVE // MARCUS SCHÖSSOW ( Scandinavia #1 DJ 2008! ) // HELSINKI 29.4.2009 @ Helsinki

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// madwave //

Posts: 133

#1 • • Edited // madwave // Support your local madness dealer!
M A D W A V E // WE ARE 10!

Your local madness dealer was born in small cellar in May 1999. Since then we made dozens of different events, from 30 people illegal parties to sold out events for over than 1300 people. We had Madwave touring around the Finland and Baltic countries, and finally as far as sacred clubbing paradise - Ibiza. We brought to Finland some of the world's most reknowed DJs : Alex Gaudino, Matt Darey, Gareth Emery, The Thrillseekers, K90, Organ Donors, Filterheadz, Ronski Speed, Warp Brothers, Airbase, Mike Koglin... Many of them for the very first time in Finland. We created the MADWAVE feeling - synonim of quality clubbing. On one of the largest FM stations in Finland, we are broadcasting MADWAVE ON AIR - the award winning weekly radio show with exclusive sets from likes of Armin van Buuren and Paul van Dyk. Our resident DJs are spinning records around the world, from Ibiza to UK, from Norway to Slovakia and Czech Republic... We are 10 now, and on 30th of April MADWAVE invites You to celebrate this anniversary with a BANG!

Support your local madness dealer. Welcome to the club!


Date : 29th April 2009
Venue : KY Klubi, Pohjoinen Rautatienkatu 21, Helsinki
Entry : 8 euros
Age limit : 18 or over ( ID required )
Length : 22-04

DJs :

MARCUS SCHÖSSOW ( Tone Diary , Sweden ) Scandinavia #1 DJ 2008!

- Playing his debute set at Madwave, this fresh international hero is celebrated by likes of Tiesto, Armin, Ferry and PvD, being without any doubt the new global phenomena of dirty mixture of tech driven trance and flithy progressive. Djing around the globe for such events as Trance Energy, Full on Ferry, Godskitchen, Gallery and Gatecrasher, Marcus is also a fantastic producer, responsible for stormers like Girls Success, Chase my Rabbit, Last Pluck along with numerous remixes for all big shots in the industry. We give you 100% rock-on guarantee of this guy dj set!

ANTON SONIN ( High Contrast )

- Dutch High Contrast wonder boy Anton Sonin has made it to the star status in time close to nothing. Author of Tiesto and AvB hammered hits and a regular guest of such brands as Pacifique and Laserpoint, this Finnish dj prodigy is a familiar face on Madwave line ups too. And of course we had to have Anton for the birthday bash, hadn't we!

SERGEI SHKUROFF ( Armada, High Contrast )

- Your beloved resident rascal, Sergei Shkuroff has recently lifted his international profile with quality releases on Armin's Armada and High Contrast, having his tracks in the boxes of Tiesto, Sander van Doorn and Rank 1. With evergrowing international schedule in his diary, including Eastern Europe, UK , Ibiza and Baltics, Sergei nethertheless never forget his roots and always has some special tunes in the record box for Madwave nights!

DIMITRY ZOOM ( Madwave )

- Finnish Radio Award winner 2008, host of our Madwave on Air show and concept new resident Dimitry Zoom has already burned the dancefloor big time on our 14th February event. Now, its the time again for this amasing selector to put together some massive electro house choons - just for You! Pure Madwave!

More DJs to be revealed.... Stay cool....
// madwave //

Posts: 133

#4 • • // madwave // Support your local madness dealer!
Madwave 29.04 // Helsinki timetable

Madwave arena :

22:00 - 23:30 - Ville Lope

23:30 - 01:30 - Marcus Schössow

01:30 - 03:30 - Sergei Shkuroff b2b Anton Sonin

Stars arena :

22:00 - 00:00 - Dimitry Zoom

00:00 - 02:00 - Kosinus

02:00 - 03:30 - Stahl

NRJ arena :

22:00 - 03:30 - Roberto Rodriguez & Dosse
// madwave //

Posts: 133

#5 • • // madwave // Support your local madness dealer!
Tänään olisi sitten se kauan odotettu aikainen Vappu! :) Kaikki mestoille juhlimaan!

Posts: 2,846

#6 • • villelope Lope of Lope & Kantola
Kympiltä heti mestoille; luvassa rauhallisempaa melodista progetranceilua sekä munakkaita bassolinjoja mm. vielä toistaiseksi julkaisemattomien Subtraxx-raitojen muodossa.

Muistutuksen sanana vielä että headliner Schössow soittaa jo klo 23.30 alkaen - extremely work safe!

Posts: 457

#7 • • André Madwave, Force
Olipahan ilta *hikoil*

Marcus veti kyllä hyvän setin, niin myös kaikki muut *aplodit*
Kiitokset myös yleisölle *joo*

Lisää tekstiä kunhan saan nämä torstain bileet vielä käytyä läpi *sydän* (http://klubitus.org/tapahtuma.php?id=16507)


Posts: 96

#8 • • Insahn
Kiitos Madwave miehet, magee meno, Harmi ettei Marcuksel ollu enempää yleisöö, pyllystä =/

Posts: 59

#9 • • discotek
Loistava meno,vaikka bilettäjiä nyt ei hirveesti paikalla ollutkaan *ding* Ensimmäiset madwave bileet missä tuli käytyä,eikä kyl mitään valittamista, hauskaa oli! *aplodit*

Posts: 23

#10 • • beach82
Oli kyl ihan törkeen hyvät bileet musiikin puolesta *jiihaa* välillä vaan meni musiikki ihan ohi kun tuli nämä kuumaa kuumemmat tanssija kissat kehiin *tirsk*
millä nimellä mahtais löytyy se koko illan aivan viimeinen biisi ??? ihan mahtava heitto oli loppuun *hymy*

Posts: 457

#11 • • André Madwave, Force

beach82, 1.5.2009 12:23:
millä nimellä mahtais löytyy se koko illan aivan viimeinen biisi ???

Koko illan viimeinen biisi kuultiin Mainstagella Sergein soittamana ja kyseinen biisi oli AOO&OOA - Bad Girl

Posts: 2,846

#13 • • villelope Lope of Lope & Kantola
Olipas kiva soitella taas stadissa pitkän tauon jälkeen. Hyvin tuntu basslinet tippuvan myös ennen puolta yötä.

Suomisoundia sekä tulevaa Subtraxxin materiaalia sisältävän tracklistin löydät kokonaisuudessaan täältä: