First Bite EP mp3-julkaisu ulkona! (Uusi label Space2pace aloittaa, 140-150bpm jungle/dnb:tä)

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Posts: 53

#1 • • gremino
Uusi label 'Space2pace' aloittaa!! Label on tarkoitettu 140-150bpm jungle/drum'n'bassille.

Ensimmäinen julkaisu 'First Bite EP' ladattavissa 320kbps mp3:na: (Suora linkki julkaisuun)

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"First Bite" EP S2P001.

Space 2 Pace passionately believes that for all the
relentless drive towards a false "future" over the past two decades of
UK Breakbeat music it is the ever increasing tempo of modern records
that has effectively handcuffed musicians and is stifling rhythmic
creativity - faster tempos mean less space to really take a drumbreak
somewhere it hasn't been taken in a while; complexity and subtlety
that works at 160 is lost at 180, badass breaks that got caned back in
the day are completely unusable if you're making a track at 180 - and
many people are! We want Space 2 Pace to be a platform for people to
revisit the - in our opinion no less than peerless - flow and groove
that can be achieved by slowing things down a notch and and playing
with the extra room that comes with the new territory. We're not about
pushing some bullshit agenda, nor are we necessarily about pushing
some fake-ass pseudo-old school sounds for geriatric bores who think
it was all better back in the day. We're all about pulling it back to 140
and seeing what happens next.

"First Bite EP" proudly presents you with two pieces - one each
from Gremino and Ricky Force - that both roll out somewhere in the
mid 150's in terms of their bpm but otherwise could not be more different.
Ricky Force's "Crave" is as rugged a piece of street level thuggery as
anyone has bothered to make in the last 15 years since tunes at this
tempo were the order of the day; a propulsive hardcore inflected Junglist
belter armed to the teeth with whistles, sirens, hip hop and ragga vocals,
shredded breaks, stabs, samples, four four breakdowns and a big (double)
barrel of attitude. Proving that the speed = energy correlation is no more
than a bare-faced lie this tune here has consistently been observed in
conditions to make rooms full of drunken people go absolutely fucking nuts.

Gremino's "Gallops" is a more rolling piece based on a driving four
four kick pattern; sparse percussion and tense strings are framed by a
cerebral, skeletal groove. Organs, reverb and foghorn bass complete
the picture, opening up into a mercilessly minimal percussive battery
that owes as much to dark dub inflected Drum and Bass as it does to
techno and hardcore, and that will definitely find fans in the
ever-growing fraternity of J-Tek heads. Some driving, rattling, hoods
up and heads down shit for certain, play this out loud where they can
hear it and you're telling people it's time to get serious...

Posts: 2,994

#2 • • laite MastahWankah
Briste ja Rickyforce rokkaa! Muut virbin puolelta löytyvät pätkät meni kyllä vähän blaaah kategorian puolelle. Pitääpä seurata millaisia noi tulevat julkaisut on :)

Posts: 1,100

#3 • • xybo meeple!
Hehee. Tosiaankin biitti on noussut. Nyt osa noista kompeista kuulostaa rankalla miinuksella soitetulta junkalta. Olisiko aika luoda kokonaan uusia biittejä tai sitten pysyä old/new schoolin jutuissa?

Toki näitäkin biisejä voi sitten timestretchaa ylöspäin kuulostamaan normaalilta. Mutta jatketaan seuraamista miten idea kehkeytyy.

Ricky Forcen biisi kuulosti ihan kelpo old schoolimmalta breakbiitiltä.

-- xybo

Posts: 53

#4 • • gremino

xybo, 1.3.2009 22:14:
Olisiko aika luoda kokonaan uusia biittejä

Siihen pyrin tossa Gallopsissa :) Ite oon sitä mieltä että jungle/dnb termit vois jopa unohtaa, ja tehdä vain bassokkaita 140-150bpm biittejä (breakbeatteja, 4x4, 2 step, soca...) Mut tätä nyt mainostetaan junkalla, niin sillä mennään :)